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Running discord under nearly any electron version

But what electron version is discord currently running under ?

Currently discord stable is running electron version 22.3.2


Using this technique I managed to make discord run natively on wayland, altho it is pretty unstable (screensharing doesn't):

  • Make sure you have openasar installed
  • Locate your discord's asar directory (ex: /opt/discord/ressources/app.asar/)
  • Inside id run electron25 . --ozone-platform-hint=auto --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform (I only tested electron25 but it may work with other versions as well)

Using custom electron versions

Arch Linux

  1. Install your prefered electron version (19, 20, 21 ,22)
  2. Copy the PKGBUILD from discord_arch_electron_wayland
  3. Edit this PKGBUILD and replace every electron13 by you prefered version (ie. electron22), using sed: sed -i 's/electron13/electron22/g' PKGBUILD
  4. Go to openasar and download the app.asar
  5. Copy this file to /usr/lib/discord/app.asar (overwrite the current file)
  6. You can run discord

Any other linux distro

  1. Install your prefered electron version (19, 20, 21 ,22)
  2. Download the latest discord version (use the tar.gz)
  3. Unpack it
  4. Go to openasar and download the app.asar
  5. Replace the Discord/resources/app.asar with the one download on step 4
  6. While you can now run discord using your prefered electron version I recomend moving this whole folder to a system dir (requires su permissions) like /usr/bin
  7. Create a basic script like this in a folder wich is in your PATH (like /bin or /usr/bin)
cd /usr/bin/discord/resources/
electron22 app.asar
  1. give it executable permissions chmod +x /usr/bin/
  2. Create a desktop entry file in your /usr/share/applications directory (needs su permission)
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=All-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone.
GenericName=Internet Messenger
  1. Should now be available in your app menu (may need to login again)


  1. Download electron from it's release page over on github, the zip file to download should be name like so
  2. Unzip the file to your desired directory
  3. Download and execute the openasar installer from it's website
  4. Open a terminal (CMD or powershell) back in the electron directory unziped in step 2 and run .\electron.exe C:\Users\YOUR-USERNAME-HERE\AppData\Local\Discord\app-1.0.9007\resources\app.asar, alternatively you can just replace this long path with %localappdata%\Discord\app-1.0.9007\resources\app.asar if you are using CMD
  5. I recommend creating a script and then creating a shortcut on your desktop with a custom icon
  6. You can now run discord using the downloaded electron version


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