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Opinionated forge template with json configurations, hardhat tooling, multichain deployments, forge-deploy

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0xCalibur Forge Template


  • Foundry
  • Rust/Cargo
  • Yarn
  • Linux / MacOS / WSL 2

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readme/docs 📝
new feature
refactor/cleanup ♻️
nit 🥢
security fix 🔒
optimization ⚡️
configuration 👷‍♂️
events 🔊
bug fix 🐞
tooling 🔧

Getting Started



Make a copy of .env.defaults to .env and set the desired parameters. This file is git ignored.

Build and Test.

yarn build
yarn test

Test a specific file

yarn test --match-path test/MyTest.t.sol

Test a specific test

yarn test --match-path test/MyTest.t.sol --match-test testFoobar

Deploy & Verify

This will run each deploy the script MyScript.s.sol inside script/ folder.

yarn deploy --network <network-name> --script <my-script-name>


use package.json libs field to specify the git dependency lib with the commit hash. run yarn again to update them.

Updating remappings

edit foundry.toml remappings section and then run yarn remappings

Updating Foundry

This will update to the latest Foundry release


Using code generators

yarn gen <template_name>

Templates are located in templates/ folder. They are using handlebars templating system. They can be added or updated using the tasks/core/generate.js task file.

Note that DeployerFunctions.g.sol.hbs is not meant to be used for CLI code generating but instead used by forge-deploy to generate the deployer contract.


Update .github/workflows/test.yml rpc urls to run fork tests on desired chains


Playground is a place to make quick tests. Everything that could be inside a normal test can be used there. Use case can be to test out some gas optimisation, decoding some data, play around with solidity, etc.

yarn playground

Verify contract example

Using forge verify-contract

Use deployments/MyContract.json to get the information needed for the verification

forge verify-contract --chain-id 1 --num-of-optimizations 200 --watch --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address,address[])" "<address>" "[<address>,address]") --compiler-version v0.8.16+commit.07a7930e <contract-address> src/MyContract.sol:MyContract -e <etherscan-api-key>

Using Deployment File

yarn task verify --deployment My_DeploymentName  --network avalanche  --artifact src/MyContract.sol:MyContract

Where My_DeploymentName is the deployment json file inside deployments/ and src/MyContract.sol:MyContract the <contract-path>:<contract-name> artifact.


Deploy a script on all chains

yarn task forge-deploy-multichain --script Create3Factory --broadcast --verify all

Deploy a script on some chains, without confirmations

yarn task forge-deploy-multichain --script Create3Factory --broadcast --no-confirm --verify mainnet polygon avalanche

Testing and deploying using shanghai EVM

Simply rename a test from .t.sol to .t.shanghai.sol. Use test:shanghai to run shanghai tests

For scripts rename from .s.sol to .s.shanghai.sol and deploy using yarn deploy --script MyScript without the extension, as usual.

Deploy Create3Factory

  • Use create3Factories task to deploy a new version on all chain.
  • If you want to add an existing one to another chain:
    • need to be deployed from the same msg.sender
    • copy hexdata from the create3factory of the one you want to deploy at the same address to another chain
    • send hexdata to 0x4e59b44847b379578588920cA78FbF26c0B4956C (create2 factory) using metamask hexdata field, for example.
    • copy paste existing deployment from deployments/. Like Arbitrum_Create3Factory.json to the new chain deployment
    • change the deployment file name + txHash at the bottom of the file
    • verify the contract, for example: yarn task verify --network base --deployment Base_Create3Factory --artifact src/mixins/Create3Factory.sol:Create3Factory

Example on how to deploy manually

forge create --rpc-url <rpc> \
    --constructor-args 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 "arg1" "arg2"  \
    --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
    --verify --etherscan-api-key <key> \
    --legacy \

Then create a deployement file with at least the contract address in it.

And to interact:

cast send --rpc-url <rpc> \
    --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY \
    --legacy \
    0xB31f66AA3C1e785363F0875A1B74E27b85FD66c7 \
    "myFunction(address)" \


Opinionated forge template with json configurations, hardhat tooling, multichain deployments, forge-deploy






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