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Solidity Truffle Docker

This Dockerfile provides a Docker image for Solidity development using Truffle and Ganache. It sets up a development environment with Zsh, Oh My Zsh, and various plugins for an enhanced shell experience.


  • Debian Slim-based Docker image
  • Zsh as the default shell with Oh My Zsh framework
  • Configurable Zsh theme (set to "jonathan" by default)
  • Node.js and npm for Solidity development
  • Solidity development tools: Truffle and Ganache CLI
  • Unzip utility for extracting ZIP files
  • Minimal image size for faster build and reduced resource consumption

Installed Packages

The following packages are installed in the Docker image:

Package Description
curl Command-line tool for URL transfers
gpg GNU Privacy Guard for secure communication
git Version control system
build-essential Basic development tools
zsh Zsh shell
vim Text editor
nano Text editor
neovim Improved text editor
fonts-powerline Powerline fonts for a better shell look
unzip Utility for extracting ZIP files
nodejs JavaScript runtime environment
npm Package manager for JavaScript

Exposed Ports

The Docker image exposes the following ports for Ganache:

Port Description
8545 HTTP port
8546 HTTPS port
7545 WebSocket port
7546 WebSocket secure


To use this Docker image, follow these steps:

  1. Build the Docker image:
   docker build -t solidity-truffle .
  1. Run a container from the image:
    docker run -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 -p 7545:7545 -p 7546:7546 -it --name solidity-truffle-dev solidity-container


    docker run -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 -p 7545:7545 -p 7546:7546 -it --name solidity-truffle-dev -v $(pwd):/workspace/host solidity-container

to mount the current directory to the container at /workspace/host.

This will start a container with the necessary ports exposed for Ganache.

  1. Once inside the container, you can start using Solidity development tools
    truffle init
  1. You can also open a new terminal window and attach it to the running container
    docker exec -it solidity-truffle-dev zsh
  1. Open running container in visual studio code

Use the Dev Containers extention to open the running container in Visual Studio Code.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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