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Hello and welcome to the mbed SDK test suite, codename Greentea. The test suite is a collection of tools that enable automated testing on mbed platforms.

In its current configuration, the mbed test suite can automatically detect most of the popular mbed-enabled platforms connected to the host via the USB interface. The test suite uses the mbed-ls module to check for connected devices. A separate module called mbed-host-tests is used to flash and supervise each platform's test. This decoupling allows us to make better software and maintain each of the functionalities as a separate domain.

Supported operating systems

  • Windows
  • Linux (experimental)
  • OS X 10.10 (experimental)

Getting Started

To use the mbed test suite you must:

  • Install the dependencies.
  • Download and install the mbed test suite.
  • Build the mbed SDK sources.


Please install the following:

  • Python. If you do not have Python installed already, we recommend version 2.7.9. You'll need to add the following modules:

    • Pip. Pip comes bundled with some Python versions; run $ pip --version to see if you already have it.

    • setuptools to install dependencies.

    • cryptography (install using pip).

    • hgapi (install using pip).

    • colorama (install using pip).

    • PyGithub (install using pip).

    • semantic_version==2.4.1 (install using pip) - note that it requires Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0.

    • project-generator==0.5.7 (install using pip).

    • pyOCD (install using pip).

  • The cp shell command must be available to flash certain boards. It is sometimes available by default, for example on Linux, or you can install the Git command line tools.

  • Grep.

  • yotta: used to build tests from the mbed SDK. Please note that yotta has its own set of dependencies, listed in the installation instructions.

  • If your OS is Windows, please follow the installation instructions for the serial port driver.

  • The mbed SDK sources. These are provided in the release sources under the libraries/mbed-sdk directory.

  • mbed-ls: installation instructions can be found in the repository.

  • mbed-host-tests: installation instructions can be found in the respository.

To check whether the mbed dependencies exist on your machine:

pip freeze | grep mbed

Installing Greentea

To install the mbed test suite, first clone the greentea repository:

$ git clone <link-to-greentea-repo>

Change the directory to the greentea directory:

$ cd greentea

Now you are ready to install greentea:

$ python install

On Linux, if you have a problem with permissions, use sudo:

$ sudo python install

To check whether the installation was successful try running the mbedgt --help command and check that it returns information (you may need to restart your terminal first):

$ mbedgt --help
Usage: [options]

This automated test script is used to test mbed SDK 3.0 on mbed-enabled
deviecs with support from yotta build tool

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Environment Pre-Check

At this point you should have all the dependencies and be ready to build the mbed SDK and perform automated testing.

Make sure you have installed all of the tools. For example you can list all mbed devices connected to your host computer. Tun $ mbedls and you'll get:

|platform_name        |mount_point        |serial_port        |target_id                       |
|K64F                 |E:                 |COM61              |02400203D94B0E7724B7F3CF        |

Building the SDK for the Target

You need to build the SDK for the target you're testing. We'll use the Freescale FRDM-K64F as an example.

Change directories to the mbed sources included in your release files:

$ cd mbed-drivers

Set your target, for example:

yotta target frdm-k64f-gcc

Then build the SDK:

yotta build


Start by examining the current configuration using mbedgt (which itself uses mbed-ls). In this example, a K64F board is connected to the host system:

$ mbedgt --config

You'll see:

mbed-ls: detecting connected mbed-enabled devices...
mbed-ls: detected K64F, console at: COM61, mounted at: E:
        got yotta target 'frdm-k64f-gcc'
        got yotta target 'frdm-k64f-armcc'

mbedgt proposed a few supported yotta targets:

  • frdm-k64f-gcc - Freescale K64F platform compiled with the GCC cross-compiler.
  • frdm-k64f-armcc - Freescale K64F platform compiled with the Keil armcc cross-compiler.

For simplicity, only the GCC targets are described below.

You can invoke yotta from the test suite to build the targets. In this example:

  • --target is used to specify the targets that the test suite will interact with.
  • The option -O is used to tell the test suite to build sources and tests, but not to run the tests.
$ mbedgt --target=frdm-k64f-gcc -O

You'll get:

mbed-ls: detecting connected mbed-enabled devices...
mbed-ls: detected K64F, console at: COM61, mounted at: E:
        got yotta target 'frdm-k64f-gcc'
mbed-ls: calling yotta to build your sources and tests
warning: uvisor-lib has invalid module.json:
info: generate for target: frdm-k64f-gcc 0.0.10 at c:\temp\xxx\mbed-sdk-private\yotta_targets\frdm-k64f-gcc
mbedOS.cmake included
GCC-C.cmake included
mbedOS-GNU-C.cmake included
GCC-GXX.cmake included
mbedOS-GNU-CXX.cmake included
GCC version is: 4.8.4
GNU-ASM.cmake included
GNU-ASM.cmake included
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/temp/xxx/mbed-sdk-private/build/frdm-k64f-gcc
ninja: no work to do.

Now that the tests are built, the test suite can be called again to run the tests. From the same directory, invoke mbedgt again as shown below (this is the same command, but without the -O option):

$ mbedgt --target=frdm-k64f-gcc

You'll see

mbed-ls: detecting connected mbed-enabled devices...
mbed-ls: detected K64F, console at: COM61, mounted at: E:
        got yotta target 'frdm-k64f-gcc'
mbed-ls: calling yotta to build your sources and tests
info: generate for target: frdm-k64f-gcc 0.0.10 at c:\temp\xxx\mbed-sdk-private\yotta_targets\frdm-k64f-gcc
mbedOS.cmake included
GCC-C.cmake included
mbedOS-GNU-C.cmake included
GCC-GXX.cmake included
mbedOS-GNU-CXX.cmake included
GCC version is: 4.8.4
GNU-ASM.cmake included
GNU-ASM.cmake included
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: C:/temp/xxx/mbed-sdk-private/build/frdm-k64f-gcc
ninja: no work to do.
mbedgt: running tests...
        test 'mbed-test-dev_null' .................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-cpp' ......................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-time_us' ..................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-ticker' ...................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-div' ......................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-detect' ...................................................... SKIPPED
        test 'mbed-test-call_before_main' ............................................ OK
        test 'mbed-test-basic' ....................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-stdio' ....................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-ticker_3' .................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-ticker_2' .................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-timeout' ..................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-rtc' ......................................................... OK
        test 'mbed-test-echo' ........................................................ OK
        test 'mbed-test-hello' ....................................................... OK

Digesting Test Output

We've added a feature for digesting input, which is activated with the --digest command line switch. Now you can pipe your proprietary test runner’s console output to the test suite or just cat a file with the test runner’s console output. You can also specify a file name that will be digested as the test runner's console input.

This option allows you to write your own automation where you execute the test runner or just feed the test suite with the test runner’s console output. The test suite parses the console output to determine whether it indicates success or failure, then returns that status to the test environment.


  • --digest=stdin will force stdin to be the default test suite input.

  • --digest=filename.txt will force filename.txt file content to be the default test suite input.

The examples below demonstrate the use of the --digest option. Assume that you have written a test runner in bash shell scripting, or just collected a bunch of test results in a database and the test console output is available.

To get the mbed test suite's predefined test results, you must scan the console output from the tests.

Note: test suite results and tags are encoded between double curly braces. For example, a typical success code looks like this: {{success}}{{end}}.

Example 1 - digest the default mbed host test runner

You can run mbed host tests with the mbed-host-tests module, using mbedhtrun to evaluate the existing test cases' test results (test results are returned to the environment as mbedgt return codes; the success code is 0).


Note: You may need to change "E" to the correct mount point and "COM61" to the correct serial port mapping for your system. Run the mbedls command to see the correct values.

$ mbedhtrun -d E: -f ".\build\frdm-k64f-gcc\test\mbed-test-hello.bin" -p COM61 -C 4 -c default -m K64F | mbedgt --digest=stdin -V

And you'll get:

MBED: Instrumentation: "COM61" and disk: "E:"
HOST: Copy image onto target...
HOST: Initialize serial port...
HOST: Reset target...
HOST: Property 'timeout' = '5'
HOST: Property 'host_test_name' = 'hello_auto'
HOST: Property 'description' = 'Hello World'
HOST: Property 'test_id' = 'MBED_10'
HOST: Start test...
Read 13 bytes:
Hello World

$ echo error level is %ERRORLEVEL%
error level is 0

Note: the test suite detected strings {{success}} and {{end}} and concluded that the test result was a success.

Example 2 - digest directly from file

File test.txt content:. Run:

$ cat test.txt

And you'll get:

MBED: Instrumentation: "COM61" and disk: "E:"
HOST: Copy image onto target...
HOST: Initialize serial port...
HOST: Reset target...
HOST: Property 'timeout' = '5'
HOST: Property 'host_test_name' = 'hello_auto'
HOST: Property 'description' = 'Hello World'
HOST: Property 'test_id' = 'MBED_10'
HOST: Start test...
Read 13 bytes:
Hello World


And scan for error codes inside the file:

$ mbedgt --digest=./test.txt
$ echo error level is %ERRORLEVEL%
error level is 5

Note: error level 5 stands for TEST_RESULT_IOERR_DISK.

Example 3 - pipe test.txt file content (as in example 2)

$ cat test.txt | mbedgt --digest=stdin
$ echo error level is %ERRORLEVEL%
error level is 5

Common Issues

  • Issue: In this release there are known issues related to Virtual Machine support.
    • Note: We are not planning to support VMs soon. If you are using our testing tools on VM and experiencing e.g. IOERR_SERIAL errors you should probably switch to native OS.
  • Issue: In this release there are known issues related to Linux serial port handling during test.
    • Solution: Please use latest interface chip firmware for your mbed-enabled boards.
    • Example for Freescale's FRDM-K64F platform: Please use firmware ver. 0226_k20dx128_k64f_0x5000.bin or greater.
  • Issue: Some boards show up as 'unknown'.
    • Solution: We will add them in coming releases.
  • Issue: Not all mbed platforms have targets mapped to them.
    • Solution: More mbed platforms will be added in coming releases.

Uninstalling Greentea

You can uninstall the test suite package using pip. List installed packages and filter for the test suite's package name:

$ pip freeze | grep mbed-greentea

Uninstall the test suite package:

$ pip uninstall mbed-greentea
Uninstalling mbed-greentea:
Proceed (y/n)? Y
  Successfully uninstalled mbed-greentea