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Mutable Website on IPFS

Publish a website to IPFS that can be updated without breaking all the URLs. In more technical terms: create a mutable IPFS website with a stable IPNS hash. Using this method, a website built with relative URLs will function the same on IPFS as on the classic web.

Quick Start

git clone new-website
cd new-website
# change IPFS_API in if IPFS not on localhost
make key build publish

You now have a website with a URL like$HASH

Make some changes to, then update the website:

make build publish

Even though the content has changed, the URL remains stable.

How this Works

One unique feature of IPFS is that it is immutable. When content is changed on IPFS, this produces a new URL to reference the new content. For content like a website, it's desirable to have a URL that stays the same - and the trouble with IPFS occurs when the website needs to be updated.

IPNS provides a Name System that can solve the problem of ever-changing IPFS URLs. When IPFS content is updated, IPNS can be updated to point to the new content. This IPNS hash never changes; it is stable over time. On its own, IPNS is a complete solution for single-page websites.

What if you needed to publish many files at once, like a regular website? MFS is a Mutable File System that provides a familiar path, subdirectory, and file metaphor on top of IPFS. With MFS, it's possible to publish and update a whole hierarchy of files and folders, just like a regular website. MFS provides a natural bridge between HTTP, HTML, and IPFS so that URLs can contain a file path - like normal.

This method for publishing via IPFS+IPNS+MFS+HTTP enables a classic website built for IPv4+HTTP (with relative URLs) to be published without modification on IPFS.


Rendering markdown to html requires pandoc. Try the following to install:

  • macos: brew install pandoc
  • ubuntu/debian: apt install pandoc
  • redhat: rpm install pandoc


Create a new website

Clone into the new-website path and remove the existing git repo.

git clone new-website
cd new-website
rm -rf .git


Copy to

The following variables can be changed:

  • IPFS_API: the IP v4 address and TCP port of your IPFS node. Default is /ip4/
  • IPFS_KEY: name of IPFS key; also used as MFS path. Default is website-1
  • STYLE: a pandoc style used when is rendered to index.html

Generate key for stable IPNS hash

Edit to specify a key name, then generate that key:

make key

which expands into:

ipfs --api=/ip4/ key gen website-1

It's easier to just make key.

Publish website

Modify, then render/deploy using the Makefile

make all

Now the website is available from a stable URL based on website-1 key.$HASH

How to manually render and publish

make all is equivalent to:

make build publish

which expands into the following:

./bin/ default
./bin/ -k website-1 -f _site/index.html

These commands can be invoked manually.

Publish any other files

Add any file to IPFS, then publish to the IPNS hash from the website-1 key.

echo "Hello IPFS" > hello.txt
./bin/ -k website-1 -f hello.txt

This file is now available from a stable URL:$HASH/hello.txt

The file can be updated by re-running and the URL will remain stable, even though the file content has changed.

Link any file from

A file can be referenced from using a relative path. In the hello.txt example, specify URL in markdown as [a link to the text file](hello.txt)


A file can be placed in an MFS subdirectory. In the following example, hello.txt is placed into the documents subdirectory:

echo "Hello IPFS" > hello.txt
./bin/ -k website-1 -d documents -f hello.txt

The file is now available inside the documents subdirectory:$HASH/documents/hello.txt

Currently just 1-level of subdirectory nesting is supported. For more complex trees, consider the IPFS Web UI.


The IPFS web UI is an easy way to manage files for a website. Using the Files interface, navigate to /public/$YOUR_KEY to see the website files.

Force IPNS Refresh

Any time files are changed, including when the IPFS Web UI changes files, IPNS must be updated. Sometimes IPNS must be manually refreshed.

The following will refresh IPNS for the configured key:

make refresh-ipns

which expands into:

./bin/ -k website-1 -p

The -p option for causes IPNS to be published (updated).


Pandoc is used to render into index.html.


Create a template, then modify as you like:

pandoc -D html > styles/template.html


  • select a style from ./styles
  • set STYLE in
  • invoke make build

Install new pandoc CSS styles by placing them into ./styles.

Render dark mode

The default style can be replaced with a dark theme called water, by Kognise.

./bin/ water

To make this style permanent, set STYLE=water in

Vanity IPNS hash

Discover vanity IPNS hashes with brute-force:

go install
peer-id-generator yourvanitystring
ipfs key import vanity-1 $HASH

Now you have a key called vanity-1 that produces a /ipns/$HASH that you like.

To view your IPNS hash again:

ipfs key list -l --ipns-base b58mh

0xidm fork of peer-id-generator

The 0xidm fork modifies the original code by meehow to reserve 1 CPU for system usability. If you want to brute-force even faster, or if you have only 1 CPU, install their code: go install

Version control for website

Create a new local git repo for the site.

git init --initial-branch=main
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Create a remote git repo (e.g. on github) and update your git remote to reference the new repo.

git remote add origin
git push -u origin main