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Releases: 0xilis/openpwnage

Beta 9.5

13 Mar 23:29
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Edit: To clarify, this update adds no additional support for more iOS versions, rather this update was pushed out as an emergency fix for iOS 9, and should fix a big issue regarding stash not working. This update is based off of a scrapped iOS 10 build of openpwnage, though I'm not really sure if I should finish it for iOS 10 seeing as every iOS 10 jailbreak (ex kok3shiX, mineekJB, socket) would pretty much be better, making iOS 10 openpwnage DOA - the iOS 10 code has been commented out. The UI also looks a bit different, as I didn't comment the UI out that was intended to be shown in the full version of build 10. I am thinking of a complete rewrite of openpwnage in the future to clean up some stuff (i have learned a lot since originally making this and can improve A LOT of stuff), though this is not that, but still based off of the current openpwnage source.

Beta 9-Bootstrap-Fix

10 Sep 12:43
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Bugfix for openpwnage beta 9 bootstrap since beta 10 is taking too long