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An example of how some automated testing tools will fail to discover a very precise exploit in a contract. Namely, fuzzing, formal verification (Certora) and symbolic execution (Halmos).

This is not a realistic exploit. Here, it relies on the fact that the calculation of the storage slot for the owner is publicly available, and incidentally involves the same storage value as the one used for the delegation... which can be changed with entirely arbitrary values.


The issue is quite simple, yet very unique.

Basically, it occurs in a two-step process:

  1. A user calls delegate with any address (different than the current address at the OWNER_SLOT);
  2. The user calls transferDelegation with a unique address, that when hashed will produce a storage slot that collides with the OWNER_SLOT. => which will write the address passed in the first step on the OWNER_SLOT, effectively changing the owner of the contract.

Running the exploit

See ExampleUnit.t.sol for the exploit code. You will need to have Foundry installed.

forge test --mt test_ownerAlwaysTheSame

Why is this not caught?


With stateless fuzzing, it's just impossible to catch this. The exploit requires a prior call to delegate; otherwise, the call to transferDelegation, even with the precise exploit address, will just override the OWNER_SLOT with the address 0 (current delegates). Which is precisely what the owner is already.

With stateful fuzzing, it becomes a possibility. Well, whenever an address calling transferDelegation has already called delegate, with any address, in the same run. However, it would need to pass the exact unique address that would collide with the OWNER_SLOT. Not impossible, but very unlikely.

Formal Verification (Certora)

Basically, the reason why Certora won't catch the collision it that it assumes that a hash never collides with a constant. So there is a probalbilistic assumption about hash collisions not happening, and memory integrity being preserved, which can seem counter-intuitive with formal verification.

Interestingly, the possible collision is actually caught when the OWNER_SLOT is not a constant. It can be explained by the fact that the OWNER_SLOT will be initialized with a symbolic value, hence it understands that it can collide with any other storage slot value.

Some documentation about hashings in Certora:

The Certora Prover does not operate with an actual implementation of the Keccak hash function, since this would make most verification intractable and provide no practical benefits. Instead, the Certora Prover models the properties of the Keccak hash function that are crucial for the function of the smart contracts under verification while abstracting away from implementation details of the actual hash function.

Furthermore, the initial storage slots are reserved, i.e., we make sure that no hash value ends up colliding with slots 0 to 10000.

From explanations by AlexNutz from the Certora team, possibly biased by my own understanding.

Formal Verification (Halmos)

There are a few reasons why Halmos won't catch this:

  1. The probability of a hash collision is extremely low, so much that Halmos assumes that it won't happen at all. It is possible, eventually, but it's so unlikely that it would just provide countless counterexamples that are not really relevant.

  2. When updating the storage, Halmos treats the location of this update as a separate location, so it doesn't even realize that it conflicts with the OWNER_SLOT. In the precise test, it does know where the storage is updated—at the same location as the OWNER_SLOT—but it isn't designed to care about the possible—here realized—collision.

From explanations by karmacoma and Daejun Park from the Halmos team, possibly biased by my own understanding.

How to not do this

There are a few things not to do when using arbitrary storage slots:

  • don't use arbitrary storage slots if you don't really need it, or are not comfortable with hash collisions and storage integrity/slot calculation;
  • be careful when using a user-provided input as a key for a mapping, as it will be used for the slot calculation, so the user might be able to force a preimage—or just don't do it at all;
  • obviously, if the slot calculation was not exposed here, it should not be deducible from the contract—although this is not an excuse for not ensuring this can't happen.

You can't break cryptography with symbolic execution...

Yeah, formal verification won't actually compute all possible hashes for a given parameter. Otherwise, it would not be really different that brute-forcing the hash. Take this example with Halmos, trying to break the permit function from OpenZeppelin's ERC20Permit:

function check_generateSignature() external view {
    // Target values
    address target = address(1);
    address spender = address(2);
    uint256 value = 1 ether;
    uint256 deadline = 365 days;

    // Symbolic values
    uint8 v = uint8(svm.createUint(8, "v"));
    bytes32 r = svm.createBytes32("r");
    bytes32 s = svm.createBytes32("s");

    // Generate hash
    bytes32 hash =
        _hashTypedDataV4(keccak256(abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, target, spender, value, nonce(target), deadline)));

    // Recover signer
    address signer = ECDSA.recover(hash, v, r, s);

    // Get counterexample where signer == target
    assert(signer != target);

    // Profit?

This seems like a good idea: generate symbolic values for v, r and s, take a given address to modify their approval for a specific sender, generate the hash, and recover the signer. At some point, for unique values of v, r and s, the signer will be the target address. Halmos will provide you with the values for the counterexample, and you can use them to craft a transaction that impersonates any address!

Well, no. As we said, formal verification methods won't actually perform all this computation, one value after the other. Instead, they will "just" examine the possible combinations of values for v, r and s, and try to find a counterexample. Basically, it can tell that the assertion might indeed be violated if such a combination of values exists. But it won't actually find it, nor will it even try to find it.

Why should I use formal verification or fuzzing then?

Again, this is not a realistic exploit. It relies on multiple precise conditions, meticulously crafted for this challenge.

Fuzzing and formal verification are incredibly powerful methods. Especially in catching edge-cases, very specific-and-hard-to-notice-with-the-naked-eye bugs, e.g. precision-loss over multiple operations, or even just simple bugs. All that very efficiently.

You can't test, or visualize, all paths of a function, let alone a contract. Formal verification, especially with symbolic execution, can do that.

You can't keep track of all the invariants of a contract, when auditing it by eye or basic tests. It sometimes rely on a 0.0000000001% difference in the state, that enables a terrible exploit. Stateful (invariant) fuzzing can catch that.

Developers should write tests during the development process. Including fuzzing tests, and formal verification. Just a few small reasons (letting aside the necessity of testing in general):

  1. It's a great way to catch edge-cases and unexpected behaviors early on, before replicating them on multiple components.

  2. It provides a great overview of how the protocol should work, what it should hold true, and what it shouldn't do. It's a great way to document the protocol, and to keep track of the invariants. Both for the developers, and for the auditors.

  3. It allows for a more efficient audit, again by providing a great overview of the protocol, but also by:

    • catching the most obvious bugs early on;
    • providing a great overview of the protocol (yes, again);
    • offering a starting framework for the auditors to build upon;
    • freeing up time for the auditors to focus on the most important parts of the protocol, and more convoluted bugs... including the one we've been discussing here.

Please, write these tests. For the sake of your users, and for this whole industry as well.

Formal verification good. Fuzzing good. Comprehensive and thorough testing good.

Saving time and money at the expense of your users, risking their funds and geopardizing the whole stability of your protocol, when you claim that you're providing a safe and secure, let alone useful, protocol, although you could put in the effort to test it properly and prevent such dramatic exploits from happening, bad.


An example of how some automated testing tools will behave with a very precise storage collision exploit.



