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Personas User Stories Journeys

Bonnie Wolfe edited this page Dec 14, 2020 · 3 revisions

Personas, User Stories, and Journeys

Here is our progress so far:

Where to store them

We created a GitHub project board called Personas, User Stories and Journeys on our repository

We added all the personas we had developed

A column for each persona Screen Shot 2020-12-14 at 3 28 33 PM

Writing User Stories

We added all the user stories we could think of, then validated them with users and amended or added stories as appropriate.


As a [insert persona type], I want to do [insert desire] for [insert outcome]


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Writing User Journeys

We have started creating user Journeys for how those user personas will navigate and use the site. We still are working through this, writing the journey, checking it against the work flows on the site designs and make design changes to make sure we can address our user journeys. These user journeys and work flow will inform the flows that we will need to write for Google Analytics to validate how actual users navigate the site. There may be other uses as we continue. We will document those uses here.

Example of one that is progress:

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Example of one that had been written:

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