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auth-user-component is a reusable component for authentication and authorization that can be used across all the apps developed by 101 Digital.


  • Provide login function and keep the current session
  • Auto-refresh token once the token is expired
  • Include manage organization token
  • Support login with OAuth2


To add this component to React Native app, run this command:

yarn add git+ssh://

Make sure you have permission to access this repository

Because auth-user-component depends on some libraries, so make sure you installed all dependencies into your project.

Quick Start

Before using this component, you must configure environment variables. That should be configure early in top of your app.ts

import { AuthComponent } from 'auth-user-component';

    clientId: string;
    clientSecret: string;
    ternantDomain: string;
    tokenBaseUrl: string;
    membershipBaseUrl: string;
    appGrantType?: string; // using for get app token
    appScope?: string; // using for get app token
    authGrantType?: string; // using for login
    authScope?: string; // using for login,
    redirectUrl?: string; // required for oauth2
    authorizationBaseUrl?: string; // required for oauth2
    revocationBaseUrl?: string; // required for oauth2
    endSessionBaseUrl?: string; // required for oauth2
    notificationBaseUrl?: string // required for push notification
  .then(() => {
    // init other component, such as Banking Component
    // Ex:
    // BankingService.getInstance().initClients({
    //   walletClient: createAuthorizedApiClient(wallet),
    //   openBankAispClient: createAuthorizedApiClient(openBankingAisp),
    //   openBankAuthClient: createAuthorizedApiClient(openBankingAuth),

const App = () => {
  return (
      <AuthProvider>/* YOUR COMPONENTS */</AuthProvider>
export default App;

auth-user-component also provides AuthContext using Context API to maintain authentication state. If you want to use AuthContext you HAVE TO wrap your components with AuthProvider. This is required if you use LoginComponent.

API reference


Create client to excute API request that only required basic token.

  • baseURL: base url of services
import { createAppTokenApiClient } from 'auth-user-component';

const identityApiClient = createAppTokenApiClient(env.api.baseUrl.identity);


Create client to excute API requests that required Authentication

  • baseURL: base url of services
  • withOrgToken: this is OPTIONAL for request need org-token for Authentication
import { createAuthorizedApiClient } from 'auth-user-component';

const authApiClient = createAuthorizedApiClient(env.api.baseUrl.identity);


Maintain authentication state using Context API. To retrieve Context data and function, you can use useContext inside a React Component.

import React, { useContext } from 'react';
import { AuthContext } from 'auth-user-component';

const ReactComponentExample = () => {
  const { login, profile } = useContext(AuthContext);

  • Functions and state
export interface AuthContextData {
  profile?: Profile; // Current user profile. Return `undefined` if not authenticated
  profilePicture?: string; // Get current profile picture
  isSignedIn: boolean; // Authentication state. Return `true` if authenticated, or else return `false`
  isSigning: boolean; // Return `true` if excuting login action
  errorSignIn?: Error; // Return error value if any failures while excuting login
  login: (username: string, password: string) => Promise<Profile | undefined>; // Execute login action
  loginOAuth2: () => Promise<Profile | undefined>; // Execute login OAuth2
  logout: () => void; // Excute logout action
  clearSignInError: () => void; // Clear current failed login state
  updateProfile: (
    userId: string,
    firstName: string,
    lastName: string,
    profilePicture?: string
  ) => Promise<boolean>; // Update current profile information
  isUpdatingProfile?: boolean; // Updating profile state
  errorUpdateProfile?: Error; // Error while update profile
  clearUpdateProfileError: () => void;
  registerDevice: (
    token: string,
    platform: 'IOS' | 'Android',
    userId: string,
    appId: string,
    entityId: string
  ) => boolean; // registering device with fcm token for notification


Provide functions to make authentication

  • Functions
Name Type Description
login Function (username, password) Promise function using username/password or email/password to generate token. If successfully, access_token and refresh_token will be stored to local storage. Then it will return response data.
loginOAuth2 Function Promise function using OAuth2. The application will be redirect to Authorization Code Flow . If successfully, accessToken and refreshToken will be stored to local storage. Then it will return response data.
refreshToken Function (refresh_token) Promise function to re-new token from old refresh_token. If successfully, access_token and refresh_token will be stored to local storage. Then it will return response data.
fetchOrgToken Function Promise function to get token from organization which linked to accounts. If successfully, org_token will be stored to local storage.
logout Function Promise function to clear current session
fetchAppAccessToken Function Promise function return app access token base on basic token
changeUserPassword Function (currentPassword, newPassword,confirmNewPassword) Promise function using currentPassword, newPassword and confirmNewPassword to change account password.
registerDevice Function (fcmToken, platform, userId, appId, entityId) Function to register user deivce to get notification
validateUserForgotPassword Function (email, nric) Promise function using email, nric to validate and start forgot password flow.
import { AuthServices } from 'auth-user-component';

// your logic
const resp = await AuthServices.instance().login('username', 'password');


Provide functions to store and retrieve stored data in local storage

  • Functions
Name Type Description
storeAccessToken Function (access_token) Store latest access token to local storage
getAccessToken Function Retrieve latest access token from local storage
storeRefreshToken Function (refresh_token) Store latest refresh token to local storage
getRefreshToken Function Retrieve latest refresh token from local storage
storeOrgToken Function (org_token) Store latest org token to local storage
getOrgToken Function Retrieve latest org token from local storage
storeProfile Function (profile) Store current profile data to local storage
getProfile Function Retrieve current profile data from local storage
clearAuths Function Clear current access_token, refresh_token, org_token, profile data
import { authComponentStore } from 'auth-user-component';

Listen session expired

If refresh token is failed (token full exipred), a callback function will be fired. You can listen that in your screen

import { AuthComponent } from 'auth-user-component';

useEffect(() => {
  return () => {
}, []);

const handleSessionExpired = () => {
  // Call your logout function


Provide a simple login form (that is optional, you can use your login form), support type email and phonenumber. You can listen login succeed or failed response then handle your business logic.

Important: If you use LoginComponent, you HAVE TO wrap your App with AuthProvider

import { LoginComponent, LoginComponentRef } from 'auth-user-component';

const LoginScreen = () => {
  const loginRefs = useRef<LoginComponentRef>(); // use to update country code

  const setCountryCode = (code: string) => {

  return (
            props: {
              onLoginSuccess: (userData) => {
                // handle login success with profile data
              onLoginFailed: (error) => {
                // handle login failed with error
              onPressForgotPassword: () => {
                // handle click to forgot password
              onPressRegister: () => {
                // handle click to register
              formatError: getErrorMessage, // format in-line error message, ex translate error to language


  • props
Name Type Description
onLoginSuccess Function (Required) Return user profile data if login successfully
onLoginFailed Function (Required) Return login error
onPressForgotPassword Function (Required) Handle actions when forgot password button clicked
onPressRegister Function (Required) Handle actions when sign up now button clicked
formatError Function (Optional) Format in-line error message, example translate error message
formTitle string (Optional) Label of login form (default is Sign In)
loginButtonLabel string (Optional) Label of login button (default is Login)
notAccountLabel string (Optional) Label of no account message (default is Not a user yet?)
signUpLabel string (Optional) Label of register button (default is Sign up here)
forgotPasswordLabel string (Optional) Label of forgot password button (default is Forgot password)
  • style

Type of LoginComponentStyles

Name Type Description
containerStyle ViewStyle Wrapper styles of component
formTitleStyle TextStyle Style of login form title
forgotPasswordContainerStyle ViewStyle Style of forgot password button
forgotPasswordLabelStyle TextStyle Style of forgot password label
noneAccountLabelStyle TextStyle Style of no account label
signUpLabelStyle TextStyle Style of register label
signUpContainerStyle ViewStyle Style of register button
  • components
Name Type Description
header ReactNode (Optional) Header of component
footer ReactNode (Optional) Footer of component
renderForgotPasswordButton Function return React Element Override default forgot password button
renderRegisterButton Function return React Element Override default register button


  • props
Name Type Description
initialSignInData SignInData (Optional) Initial sign in data, default is empty username and password
type email or phonenumber (Optional) Type of login form, default is phonenumber
validationSchema Yup scheme (Optional) Validation for username and password, base on your business logic
usernameHint string (Optional) Username placeholder text
passwordHint string (Optional) Password placeholder text
onPressDialCode Function (Optional) Handle actions when click dial code label
  • style

Type of InputFormStyles

Name Type Description
userNameInputFieldStyle InputPhoneNumberStyles (Optional) Styles of username input field
passwordInputFieldStyle InputFieldStyles (Optional) Styles of password input field

More about styles of each, you can reference here:

  • component
Name Type Description
passwordIcon ReactNode (Optional) Prefix icon of password field
usernameIcon ReactNode (Optional) Prefix icon of username field

Add component to the config.json file manually

  1. Make sure you synced latest local data in auth-component.json into auth-component.json. They should be synced once you update

  2. Add the auth-component to components tags and replate [data] with your values. The auth-component have componentId is "72520fc5-6be5-4ee5-b986-0e688ab4adff" and it can't be changed.

 "components": [
      "componentId": "72520fc5-6be5-4ee5-b986-0e688ab4adff",
      "name": "AuthComponent",
      "isRequired": true,
      "config": {
        "clientId": "[data]",
        "clientSecret": "[data]",
        "ternantDomain": "[data]",
        "tokenBaseUrl": "[data]",
        "membershipBaseUrl": "[data]"
  1. Check required dependencies of auth-component inside tag dependencies in config.json. Make sure tag dependencies must have enough below data
 "dependencies": [
    { "name": "" },

If have any item is not existing in dependencies of config.json file, please find missing one from src/component.json and put it to dependencies.

  1. Place LoginComponent with one template to the Screen
TemplateID Template name
7c795b14-8ae4-47e0-9a94-162ff71bdf77 Login with email template
f7244753-8d95-4f91-a1fa-88df174dc064 Login with phone number template
  • Example, if you want to place LoginComponent with email template to LoginScreen, then if user trigger onPressForgotPassword button, and you wanna navigate to ForgotPasswordScreen

Note that: templateId is one of template defined in src/component.json. ForgotPasswordScreen is existing with route name is forgot-password-screen

  "screens": [
      "screenName": "LoginScreen",
      "route": "login-screen",
      "stack": "auth-navigator",
      "screenParams": [],
      "components": [
          "templateId": "7c795b14-8ae4-47e0-9a94-162ff71bdf77",
          "componentName": "LoginComponent",
          "functions": [
              "id": "c23dc9e4-5a70-41e7-bc30-83e9fdad3cac",
              "name": "onPressForgotPassword",
              "action": {
                "type": "openScreen",
                "route": "forgot-password-screen"
              "id": "01c73fba-7060-49ec-acd2-2afbf3e7fda2",
              "name": "onPressRegister",
              "action": {
                "type": "openScreen",
                "route": "register-screen"


Provide a simple function to handle the change password .

Important: If you use ChangePasswordComponent, you HAVE TO wrap your App with AuthProvider

import { ChangePassword, ChangePasswordRef,PasswordMask } from 'auth-user-component';

const ChangePasswordScreen = () => {
  const passwordRefs = useRef<ChangePasswordRef>();

  return (
            props: {
              onPressBack: () => {
                // handle header back icon
              onPress: () => {
                handle success response
              title: i18n?.t('change_password.lbl_change_password'),
              subTitle: i18n?.t('change_password.lbl_sub_title'),
            components: {
              header: <View />,
            component: {
              passwordIcon: <View />,
              usernameIcon: <View />,
              suffixIcon: (
                  onPress={() => setVisiblePassword(!isVisiblePassword)}
              newSuffixIcon: (
                  onPress={() => setNewVisiblePassword(!isNewVisiblePassword)}
              confirmSuffixIcon: (
                  onPress={() => setConfirmVisiblePassword(!isConfirmVisiblePassword)}
            style: {
              passwordInputFieldStyle: {
                contentContainerStyle: {
                  backgroundColor: '#fff',
              checkBoxInputFieldStyle: {
                selectedBoxStyle: {
                  width: 20,
                  height: 20,
                  borderRadius: 4,
                  backgroundColor: '#14BDEB',
                  alignItems: 'center',
                  justifyContent: 'center',
                unSelectedBoxStyle: {
                  width: 20,
                  height: 20,
                  borderRadius: 4,
                  borderWidth: 1,
                  borderColor: '#14BDEB',
                  alignItems: 'center',
                  justifyContent: 'center',
                titleStyle: {
                  flex: 1,
                  fontSize: 12,
                  color: '#000000',
                  marginLeft: 12,
                  lineHeight: 21,
                containerStyle: {
                  flexDirection: 'row',
                  alignItems: 'center',
                  width: '85%',
            props: {
              onPressDialCode: () => {},
              withDialCode: false,
              withLabel: true,
              isVisiblePassword: isVisiblePassword,
              isNewVisiblePassword: isNewVisiblePassword,
              isConfirmVisiblePassword: isConfirmVisiblePassword,


The component provides a form to input old, new password and confirm new password to verify user old password for change password.

import {
} from 'auth-user-component';

const RecoveryPasswordScreen = () => {
  const inputPhoneNumberRefs = useRef<InputPhoneNumberComponentRef>();
  return (
              props: {
                onVerifyPhoneNumberSuccess:(recoveryData) => {
                  // handle verify phone number success with recovery data
                onVerifyPhoneNumberFailed:(error) => {
                  // handle verify phone number failed with error data
                onPressBack:() => {
                  // handle press back arrow button
              props: {
                validationSchema: $MobilePhoneSchema,


The component provides a OTP input field, new password and confirm new password to verify user old password for change password.

import { colors, OtpVerification, OtpVerificationComponentRef } from 'auth-user-component';

export type ResetPasswordOtpVerificationParams = {};

const ResetPasswordOtpVerificationScreen = () => {
  const otpVerificationRefs = useRef<OtpVerificationComponentRef>();

  return (
        props: {
          onConfirmPasswordError: () => {
            // handle error confirm password action
          onPressBack: () => {
            // handle press back arrow button
          onVerifyOTPSuccess: () => {
            // handle success verify otp action
          onVerifyOTPFailed: () => {
            // handle failed verify otp action