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S24 10-405/605 Homework 1

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@jacobrast jacobrast released this 18 Jan 02:23

This is the first homework assignment for the S24 edition of 10-405/10-605. The homework is comprised of two components, i.e., a coding part and a written theoretical part.

The coding part is comprised of two Jupyter notebooks. For more instructions on how to complete the coding assignment, please follow the instructions in the writeup. We recommend that you run the programming homework on Databricks Community Edition.

The latex .zip file for the written assignment can be directly imported into overleaf. All CMU students have access to an Overleaf Professional Account. Students are not required to use Latex, and the homework can also be attempted by printing the pdf and then scanning the handwritten answers. Please be sure to highlight where your solutions are to Gradescope when you upload your final submission.