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This project was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator version 3.7.6.

Getting Started


// install these first use node 14 and python 2.7.18,what%20Node%20versions%20are%20available%20to%20install.%20

  1. Run npm install to install server dependencies.

  2. Run bower install to install front-end dependencies.

  3. Run grunt serve to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.

Build & development

Run grunt build for building and grunt serve for preview.

Run Docker Build

Run Prod Build docker build -t chronopin -f Docker/Dockerfile .


Run Dev Build docker build -t chronopin-dev -f Docker/Dev.Dockerfile .

Run Docker Container

Run Prod docker run --rm -p 9000:9000 --name chronopin --env-file Docker/ chronopin


Only mounts client and server folders for development Run Dev docker run --rm -p 9000:9000 --name chronopin-dev --env-file Docker/ -v $(pwd)/server:/code/server -v $(pwd)/client:/code/client chronopin-dev

Upload Docker Image

Run docker login


Run docker login -u 123wowow123 -p <my secret password>

Run docker tag chronopin 123wowow123/chronopin:latest

Run docker push 123wowow123/chronopin:latest

Download Docker Image

Run docker image pull

Run Docker Service

Run docker-compose up to build and serve site on localhost:9000

Run docker-compose down to shut it down

Deploy to cloud

Open shell that's logged in to the manager node

Run docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml chronopin

To remove run docker stack rm chronopin

Docker Utility Commands

Run docker container rm -f $(docker container ls -a -q) to stop and remove all docker containers

Run docker rmi $(docker images -q) to remove all docker images

Run docker container exec -i -t chronopin /bin/sh to open shell inside of running container

Run exit after exec -i -t to exit TTY

Run docker rmi <IMAGE ID> to remove image from local system

Run docker container attach quotes to attach our Terminal's standard input, output, and error

To quit the container without stopping or killing it, we can press the key combination Ctrl+P Ctrl+Q. This detaches us from the container while leaving it running in the background. On the other hand, if we want to detach and stop the container at the same time, we can just press Ctrl+C.

Run docker system df to see docker disk space usage

Run docker image prune --force --all to remove all images that are not currently in use on our system

Kubernetes Docker Hub Password Set Up

Run kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server= --docker-username=123wowow123 --docker-password=<password> to create a regcred as a Kubernetes cluster uses the Secret of docker-registry type to authenticate with a container registry to pull a private image.

Run kubectl get secret regcred --output=yaml to inspect the Secret regcred

Run kubectl get secret regcred --output="jsonpath={.data.\.dockerconfigjson}" | base64 -D to convert .dockerconfigjson field to a readable format and view credetials



Run minikube start


Run -kubectl create configmap env-config --from-file=kube/-

Run kubectl create configmap env-file --from-env-file=Docker/

Run kubectl get configmaps env-file -o yaml

Run kubectl delete configmap env-config

Run kubectl delete configmap env-file


Run kubectl create -f pod.yaml to create a pod

Run kubectl logs -f chronopin-pod to see logs

Run kubectl get pods to check if pods have been created

Run kubectl delete po/chronopin-pod to delete created pod

Pod Utility

Run kubectl exec -it chronopin-pod -c chronopin /bin/sh

Run kubectl exec -it chronopin-pod -- /bin/bash

Run wget -qO - localhost:9000

Run node process.env to get env variables

Run kubectl get pods kubectl exec -it chronopin-pod<guid> -- /bin/sh nslookup chronopin-pod<guid>

Deploy All

Run kubectl create -f kube/deployment.yaml to deploy all

Run kubectl describe deployment

Run kubectl delete deployment chronopin-dep

Deploy/Clean All

First time run chmod +x ./kube/ & chmod +x ./kube/ to set execute permission

Run ./kube/ to deploy deployment and services

Run ./kube/ to clean deployment and services

Rolling Update

Run to start rolling update

kubectl set image deployment/chronopin-dep \

Run to check rollout status kubectl rollout status deploy/chronopin-dep

Run rollout undo to undo rollout


Run kubectl create -f web-service.yaml

Run minikube service chronopin-lb --url to check url

Run minikube service chronopin-lb to open in browser

Run kubectl get services Run IP=$(minikube ip) Run curl -4 $IP:<port>/ port is equal to NodePort value

Run kubectl delete svc/chronopin-web


Run kubectl proxy


export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods -o go-template --template '{{range .items}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}')
echo Name of the Pod: $POD_NAME


curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/default/pods/$POD_NAME/proxy/


Run rm -rf ~/.minikube minikube start to reinstall minikube

Run minikube dashboard to open the Kubernetes dashboard in a browser

Remote SSH to VM

Run ssh -p 50000 wowow@

Run ssh -p 50000 -i -v wowow@

DB Management

Run npm run create:db for create tables and stored procedures

Run npm run create:data for adding data

Run npm run backup:data for backing up data

Run npm run remediate:data for remediation of data

Debug Node

Run node --inspect-brk server/index.js for debugging Node

Run node --inspect-brk scripts/db/index.js for debugging Node :: create:db

Run node --inspect-brk scripts/data/index.js --save for debugging Node :: backup:data

Run node --inspect-brk scripts/data/index.js --seed for debugging Node :: create:data

Run node --inspect-brk scripts/search/index.js --delete --index=pins for debugging Node :: delete:search:pins

Update Node

Clear NPM's cache

sudo npm cache clean -f

Install a little helper called 'n'

sudo npm install -g n

Install latest stable Node.js version

sudo n stable

Check Node.js version

node --version

Run this from the command line:

node -p "process.arch"


It will return 'arm', 'ia32', or 'x64'.

Update Node packages

Install npm install -g npm-check-updates

Run npm-check-updates to list what packages are out of date (basically the same thing as running npm outdated)

Run npm-check-updates -u to update all the versions in your package.json (this is the magic sauce)

Run npm update as usual to install the new versions of your packages based on the updated package.json

Update Bower packages

Install npm install -g npm-check-updates

Run ncu -m bower to list what packages are out of date

Run ncu -m bower -u to update all the versions in your bower.json (this is the magic sauce)

Run bower update as usual to install the new versions of your packages based on the updated bower.json

Run Sharp Hack in Azure until they support 64 bit node

npm install sharp@0.11.4 --save-dev --arch=ia32




Running npm test will run the unit tests with karma.

External API

Public holidays eg: Rise & set times for the Sun and the Moon, twilight start & end, day length, moon phases, and more. eg:

ICO Images

Calendar Clock Icon Clock-icon Blue clock Icon

Cool Things

Loaders Animations

Good Design Use of top banner news feed:

Practical Design

Email Templates

API Endpoints used

Equinoxes, Solstices, Perihelion, and Aphelion:

DB data needed

To Do

High Priority



  • Plot pins on map relative to a specified date time and draw drill map time arrow indicating possible itinerary
  • Save and share itinerary (
    • Serve ads for hotels to flights to cruise
    • See who else is going in your network
    • If flight information is entered or flight booked through site then delays and be tracked and shared

Time Series

  • Read book for more ideas

Machine Learning

Web Scraper

  • Amazon Price Scrape
  • eBay Price Scrape
  • Address Scrape
  • Weather of location for that date
  • Weather of your location for that date
  • Movie Rotten Tomato scrape
  • As you type in a url a bottom horizontal scrollable pin list will show up for closely matched existing pins. There you can immediately track or upvote
  • Editing image will delete image so make sure it's marked deleted in join table ++
  • Add price on contract icon
  • Add Free Cost Text rather then $0
  • Extract scaper code to new project


  • Follow other people and get notified when they post
  • GeoHash grid aggregation of close events during breakdown of 1/3/5/10 days
  • Extract scrape core selector in config file
  • Pin feed needs to include if user have clicked on watch/like per min exclude deleted
  • Change Medium.type to NVarChar
  • General Sentiment Graph for a Company or Product
  • Search (Amazon) to buy product to support our website
This is a promotional article about one of the company partners with Interesting Engineering. By shopping with us, you not only get the materials you need, but you’re also supporting our website.
  • Add pin group and can see iteniary map view and invite people for each location (support open invitation where anyone can join and buy tickets).

Partially Completed:

  • Activated Google Analytics / Facebook upgrade to non development mode

  • Flat design

  • Check out upcoming side calendar

  • provides horoscope info for sun signs such as Lucky Number, Lucky Color, Mood, Color, Compatibility with other sun signs, description of a sign for that day etc.

  • add flyout for different types of like (on time). Watch should show modal to add or select grouping pin will live in

  • Add unique constraint on like and favorite so one user can like / favorite a pin once

  • promise return null to suppress warnings

  • Unit / Integration test on User and Pin model

  • Change readFileSync to Async in scrape code to load scrape file or cache it

  • Prevent user from posting the same pin of same url more then once

  • Pin save should be wrapped in transaction

  • format money with comma's on pin form

  • Socket io updates - like will replace pin causing flicker ++

  • cancel scraping button ++

  • add edit ability to scraping modal ++

  • Create watch view ++

  • inherit main and watch view ++

  • extract timeline into directive ++

  • pin page media query

  • facebook / tweet like button and counter need to show / move watch to top right of image

  • scrape alt text for image and save

  • get title in header bound correctly per page

  • linking on watch/link and being redirected to login should fulfill request after logged in

  • Extract GA code in auth.service.js into it's own module

  • GA: Outbound link / non-interaction events / Social Interactions tracking / User Timings / set clientId on tracker creation

  • searching on anything other then main page should bring you to main page

  • multiline description support

  • Accessory feature listing below main pin

  • Side panel for favorite events:

  • convert to use jQuery.scrollTo

  • Chinese Lunar Calendar (Nong Li)

  • display error banner on create page when failed scrape

  • add holiday and perforated placeholder block for holiday and special events

  • search with infinit scroll

  • check scrolling to the end as link header is not responsed

  • Extract scrapping js to own repo and used typescript

  • side info panel with summation of 'tagged' categories of items and mode/median/mean

  • Add tags and allow upvoting of existing tags to gain meta data for search engine to process +

  • search feature bug / show tag button when searched to jump to different section like pinterest +++

  • show pixel dimention / size via tooltip?? of scraped image

  • Add FB privacy policy page




  • facebook comment jumps @ pin page



  • When in specific pin view and clicking logout will show blank screen
  • Date tag mobile view broken
  • Fix loading jumpiness

Before Usable

  • Youtube!!
  • Create page image redesign with image selection in right drawer
  • Comment fix
  • Login fix
  • Script to refresh pins in semantic search
  • Single Pin page similarity needs to be in timeline
  • Favorite needs to be grouped in folders and make public/private
  • Pinner should be able to add tags/groups to organize their pin
  • Notification when other people comment on your post for comment reply

update client for youtube and twitter