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Frank Orefice edited this page Mar 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Blast-Off wiki! This is my first time uploading a project to Github that I know that will be used by others, so I'll make this brief. This program was made solely to help me and those in my CRSP (CUNY Research Scholars Program) group to automate the process of our research. Our research requires us to manually annotate staph genes from the Excel files given to use. Since this required us to sort said files, input information onto various websites, and use the information to give the staph gene a name, automating the process seemed the best way to get the job done faster. As I said, this is my first time uploading a project that will be used by others (namely those in my group), so for those who are not in my group and have somehow stumbled across this repository, I would like to say "HELLO"! I've never had to use git or github to this extent before so I'm still a beginner. I doubt that my code would be much use to you, but feel free to download it and use it in whatever way you like!

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