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239 lines (209 loc) · 8.29 KB

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239 lines (209 loc) · 8.29 KB


build: passing coverage: 100% license: MIT github: 13x1/isseven.js npm: isseven.js
ecmascript: supported commonjs: supported vulnerabilities: 0 dependencies: 0

A small library to check whether a given number iss even or not.


Initialized with ts-template.


Install with npm:

npm i isseven.js
// or long form
npm install isseven.js
// or as a dev dependency
npm i -D isseven.js
// or long form
npm install -D isseven.js
// or in longer form
npm i --save-dev isseven.js
// or longest form
npm install --save-dev isseven.js


// ESM import:
import { isseven } from 'isseven.js';
let res = isseven(1);
// or ESM named import:
import isseven from 'isseven.js';
let res = isseven(1);
// or CJS default import:
let isseven = require('isseven.js').default;
let res = isseven(1);
// or CJS property import:
let isseven = require('isseven.js').isseven;
let res = isseven(1);
// or CJS destructuring import:
let { isseven } = require('isseven.js');
let res = isseven(1);
// or CJS iterator destructure import:
let [isseven] = require('isseven.js').isseven;
let res = isseven(1);
// or CJS async iterator import:
for await (let isseven of require('isseven.js').isseven) {
    let res = isseven(1);
// or ESM import() default import:
let isseven = (await import('isseven.js')).default;
let res = isseven(1);
// or ESM import() property import:
let isseven = (await import('isseven.js')).isseven;
let res = isseven(1);
// or ESM import() destructuring import:
let { isseven } = await import('isseven.js');
let res = isseven(1);
// or ESM import() iterator destructure import:
let [isseven] = (await import('isseven.js')).isseven;
let res = isseven(1);
// or ESM import() async iterator import:
for await (let isseven of (await import('isseven.js')).isseven) {
    let res = isseven(1);

Arguments for isseven:

  • n: number | string | undefined | null | bigint - The number to check

Supported inputs for n:

  • Positive integers
  • Positive floats
  • Positive infinity
  • Negative integers
  • Negative floats
  • Negative infinity
  • NaN
  • 0
  • Negative 0
  • 0 as a float
  • Negative 0 as a float
  • Positive integers as a string
  • Positive floats as a string
  • Positive infinity as a string
  • Negative integers as a string
  • Negative floats as a string
  • Negative infinity as a string
  • NaN as a string
  • 0 as a string
  • Negative 0 as a string
  • 0 as a float as a string
  • Negative 0 as a float as a string
  • Positive integers as a BigInt
  • Positive infinity as a BigInt
  • Negative integers as a BigInt
  • Negative infinity as a BigInt
  • 0 as a BigInt
  • Negative 0 as a BigInt
  • Null/Undefined
  • Booleans (also as a string)

Return value:

  • boolean - Whether the number iss even. Uses a smart algorithm and the fastest operators to check if the number iss even.


npm i
npm run build
npm run test -- --run --coverage

Unit tests

See src/tests/main.test.ts for the test source code.

  • ✅ src/tests/main.test.ts (52)
    • ✅ imports to work (13)
      • ✅ should work as an ESM import
      • ✅ should work as an ESM named import
      • ✅ should work as a CJS default import
      • ✅ should work as a CJS property import
      • ✅ should work as a CJS destructuring import
      • ✅ should work as a CJS iterator destructure import
      • ✅ should work as a CJS async iterator import
      • ✅ should work as an ESM import() default import
      • ✅ should work as an ESM import() property import
      • ✅ should work as an ESM import() destructuring import
      • ✅ should work as an ESM import() iterator destructure import
      • ✅ should work as an ESM import() async iterator import
      • ✅ should let both iterators run exactly once
    • ✅ isseven to behave properly (30)
      • ✅ should work with positive integers
      • ✅ should work with positive floats
      • ✅ should work with positive infinity
      • ✅ should work with negative integers
      • ✅ should work with negative floats
      • ✅ should work with negative infinity
      • ✅ should work with NaN
      • ✅ should work with 0
      • ✅ should work with negative 0
      • ✅ should work with 0 as a float
      • ✅ should work with negative 0 as a float
      • ✅ should work with positive integers as a string
      • ✅ should work with positive floats as a string
      • ✅ should work with positive infinity as a string
      • ✅ should work with negative integers as a string
      • ✅ should work with negative floats as a string
      • ✅ should work with negative infinity as a string
      • ✅ should work with NaN as a string
      • ✅ should work with 0 as a string
      • ✅ should work with negative 0 as a string
      • ✅ should work with 0 as a float as a string
      • ✅ should work with negative 0 as a float as a string
      • ✅ should work with positive integers as a BigInt
      • ✅ should work with positive infinity as a BigInt
      • ✅ should work with negative integers as a BigInt
      • ✅ should work with negative infinity as a BigInt
      • ✅ should work with 0 as a BigInt
      • ✅ should work with negative 0 as a BigInt
      • ✅ should work with null
      • ✅ should work with undefined
    • ✅ throwing on invalid input (1)
      • ✅ should not throw
    • ✅ casting types (6)
      • ✅ should work with strings
      • ✅ should work with arrays
      • ✅ should work with objects
      • ✅ should work with booleans
      • ✅ should work with booleans as strings
      • ✅ should work with functions
    • ✅ side effects (2)
      • ✅ should do nothing when called
      • ✅ should do nothing when not called
vitest v0.33.0 isseven.js
Test Files 1 passed (1)
Tests 52 passed (52)
Duration 723ms (transform 100ms, setup 1ms, collect 87ms, tests 28ms, environment 0ms, prepare 199ms)

Coverage report from v8

File % Stmts % Branch % Funcs % Lines Uncovered Line #s
All files 100 100 100 100
main.ts 100 100 100 100

npm audit report

$ npm audit
found 0 vulnerabilities

Dependency tree

$ npm list --omit=dev -depth 0
isseven.js@1.0.0 isseven
`-- (empty)
