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67 lines (59 loc) · 3.53 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (59 loc) · 3.53 KB

Migrating Checklistomania

Exporting from the E/W environment

  • Grab the MongoDB address and credentials:
    • Run cf services
    • In the output, look for the mongodb26-swarm hash, and from the credentials sub-hash, grab dbname, hostname, port, username and password
  • SSH into the existing instance: cf-ssh -f manifests/MANIFEST_FOR_THIS_APP.yml
    • Download Mongo to the instance:

      • mkdir tmp; cd tmp
      • curl -O
      • tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.2.tgz
      • export PATH=`pwd`/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.2/bin:$PATH
    • Still in tmp, do the export: mongodump -h HOST:PORT -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d DBNAME -o . --gzip

      This should create a folder in tmp named for the DBNAME, containing seven .gz files.

    • Tar it all up into one file: tar -cvf clom-export.tar DBNAME

    • Don't quit the SSH session!

  • Back on your local machine:
    • mkdir tmp; cd tmp (inside the project folder)
    • Grab the name of the app created by cf-ssh - do cf apps and look for the app name that ends in -ssh
    • cf files APPNAME app/tmp/clom-export.tar | tail -n +4 > clom-export.tar
    • ls -l clom-export.tar - make sure the file size is more than zero, otherwise something's gone wrong! (If this happens, use cf files APPNAME to explore the filesystem, as you may have the wrong path)
  • OK, now you can quit the SSH session.

Importing into the GovCloud environment

This process assumes that you already have a new shiny GovCloud environment space with the app deployed and the Mongo service bound.

  • On your local machine:
    • Do the cf login/cf target dance to get to the new shiny space
    • export IMPORT_APP_GUID=``cf app APPNAME --guid``
    • Grab the MongoDB address and credentials:
      • Run cf env APPNAME
      • In the output, look for the mongodb32 hash, and from the credentials sub-hash, grab dbname, hostname, port, username and password
    • Get a one-time authorization code: cf ssh-code
    • SFTP to the app instance: sftp -P 2222 "cf:$IMPORT_APP_GUID/"
      • When asked for the password, enter the one-time authorization code you were given two steps above
      • cd tmp
      • put clom-export.tar
      • quit
    • SSH in: cf ssh APPNAME
      • Download Mongo to the instance:
        • cd tmp
        • curl -O
        • tar -zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.2.tgz
        • export PATH=`pwd`/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.4.2/bin:$PATH
      • Untar the export: tar -xvf clom-export.tar
      • Now you have a folder named for the old database (OLDDBNAME). Don't confuse this with the NEWDBNAME we took from the mongo32 service above
      • If this database isn't empty, then you'll need to clear it first, as mongorestore won't update existing records.
        • Start the Mongo shell: mongo HOST:PORT/NEWDBNAME -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD
        • In the shell: db.checklists.drop(); db.items.drop(); db.users.drop(); (should return true)
        • db.getCollectionNames() should now return empty: [ ]
      • Restore the export: mongorestore -h HOST:PORT -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -d NEWDBNAME --gzip OLDDBNAME
      • This should result in several reading and restoring messages, finally ending with done.
  • And that's all!