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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


Public Backend:
Public Frontend:


  • Frontend and backend should communicate through REST APIs.
  • API specifications were mentioned in design documents and those were to be followed.
  • Any tech stack is allowed. (Only use local databases)

My Submission

Tech Stack:

Frontend- React JS Backend- Django and Django Rest Framework Database- SQLite


  • The frontend is broken into React Component style architecture to support modularity. Following components are Sidebar, MemeUploadForm, Meme, Memelist.
  • Functional react components are used and the app makes use of latest features like React Hooks.
  • API Calls are handled using axios library and valid image url is being checked in frontend using a npm package is-image-url.
  • For styling I have used Material UI based React Components.
  • The website supports responsiveness.


  • Backend folder contains 3 directories and file with sqlite database.
  • I have made a 2 separate set of endpoints for backend. One follows Crio design docs strictly while other supports additional routes and different return response.
  • The 'crio' folder contains design as per Crio and for testing.
  • Each django app contains many files out of which primary ones are:,,, RESTful response).
    • contains routing information for the app and to match the view with given route
    • contains the actual logic of processing data to be sent back by the server
    • contains model information which is how the data is going to be stored in database
    • contains information the serializer whose purpose is to return the data in JSON format.

Additional Features Implemented:

  • Likes and Dislikes support on memes
  • Patch API(Also supports like and dislike)
  • Cleanup API(deletes all the memes having dislikes-likes>input. Default value of input is 5)
  • Starboard API (gets the memes that have max likes-dislikes number. Default returns top 5 memes but can be changed)
  • Responsiveness
  • HTTPS support on both frontend and backend public URLs.
  • Swagger UI