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GH_Build_Frontend IconLicense Icon

Kotlin Gradle React Vite TailwindCSS TypeScript HTML

An Android app made with Kotlin which integrates a native WebView over the front-end (check the front-end file for more info).

Setting up

The build is a two-step process:

  1. First build the front-end
  2. Build the Android app.

Building the front-end

npm and yarn instructions.

With npm

cd front-end
npm install
npm run build # You can watch a preview with: `npm run serve`

With yarn

cd front-end
yarn build # You can watch a preview with: `yarn serve`

Building the android app

Use the gradlew.bat script on Windows or the gradlew script on Linux.

On Linux

./gradlew assembleRelease # Or you can use `assembleDebug`.

On Windows

gradlew.bat assembleRelease & :: Or you can use `assembleDebug`.