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Aragon Network deployment scripts Travis branch

See the output folder for information on deployed contracts on live networks

Rinkeby Deployment

To deploy HNY and DAI make sure everything is set in order to use truffle-hdwallet-provider and run:

npm run deploy:hny -- -n rinkeby
npm run deploy:dai -- -n rinkeby

Deploy the token faucet:

npm run deploy:faucet -- -n rinkeby

Mint tokens for sender address:

npm run mint -- --to <sender address> --token HNYT
npm run mint -- --to <sender address> --token DAI 
  • Now open the tokens in etherscan and approve() each to allow the faucet to transfer them.
  • Then execute deposit() on the faucet contract to give it funds.
  • Then any addresses can claim from the faucet using withdraw()

Deploy the court:

npm run deploy:court -- -n rinkeby

Local deployment

To deploy a new Aragon Court instance locally simply run a ganache instance and run the following deployment script:

npx ganache-cli -i 15 --gasLimit 8000000 --port 8545
npm run deploy:court:rpc


Aragon Network deployment scripts and outputs








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