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Go-based Social Network Web Server

Table of Contents


This repository contains the source code for a Go-based Social Network Web Server. It focuses on providing a scalable, and secure platform for social networking applications, emphasizing users, posts, comments, likes, and user relationships.

Data Models

Core Entities:

  • User: ID, hashed_password, salt, first_name, last_name, email, and user_name.
  • Post: ID, fk_user_id, content_text, content_image_path, created_at, and visibility.
  • Comment: ID, fk_post_id, fk_user_id, content, and created_at.
  • Like: Represents user endorsements of posts, indicating a many-to-many relationship between users and posts.
  • USER_USER: Facilitates user relationships, follower_id and following_id.

RESTful API Design

  • Login: POST v1/sessions {user_name, password} {msg}
  • Sign up: POST v1/users {user_name, email, first_name, last_name, birthday, password} {msg}
  • Edit profile: PUT v1/users {first_name, last_name, birthday, password} {msg}
  • See follow list: GET v1/friends/user_id {} {users}
  • Follow: POST v1/friends/user_id {msg}
  • Unfollow: DELETE v1/friends/user_id {msg}
  • See user posts: GET v1/friends/user_id/posts {posts}
  • See post: GET v1/posts/post_id {text, image, comments, likes}
  • Create post: POST v1/posts {text, image} {msg}
  • Edit post: PUT v1/posts/post_id {text, image} {msg}
  • Delete post: DELETE v1/posts/post_id {} {msg}
  • Comment post: POST v1/posts/post_id/comments {text} {msg}
  • Like post: POST v1/posts/post_id/likes {} {msg}
  • Newsfeed: GET v1/newsfeeds {posts}

Implement Consider

The system's high-level design outlines interactions between users, web servers, application servers, caches, databases, and a newsfeed generation service.

  • Web Server (Gin): Serves as the entry point for all user actions. It authenticates requests, routes them to the appropriate service, and returns responses to the client.

  • Application Servers: Handle the business logic of your application, such as managing posts, users, and feeds. These servers will interact with various caches and the database to fulfill requests.

  • Cache (Redis): Used for session management, metadata caching, posts, and media caching, enhancing the performance of frequently accessed data.

  • Database (PostgreSQL): Stores user data, posts, comments, likes, and relationships. You might use separate databases for metadata and posts for scalability.

  • Newsfeed Generation Service: A specialized service that compiles and organizes newsfeed content based on user actions. This service will utilize caches and the database to generate feeds efficiently.

  • Media Storage (AWS S3/Minio): Stores large media files like images and videos. The database stores references (URLs) to these files.

Message Queue (RabbitMQ): Facilitates asynchronous tasks like newsfeed updates. When a user creates a post, a message is sent to a queue, which is processed by a service to update followers' feeds.

Handle Methods

Methods include session management, caching strategies for authentication and authorization, and password hashing techniques using bcrypt, salt, and pepper for security.

Implementation Considerations

  • Uses Gin for the web server to handle requests and responses efficiently.
  • Redis for session caching, username for sign up, list of followers/following users.
  • Separates logic into models, repositories, and services for maintainability.
  • Utilizes Docker for easy deployment and scaling.

Project Structure

/social-network/ ├── cmd/server/main.go ├── internal/ │ ├── app/ │ ├── model/ │ ├── repo/ │ └── service/ ├── pkg/ │ ├── cache/ │ ├── config/ │ └── database/ ├── scripts/ ├── deployments/ ├── .env ├── go.mod ├── go.sum └──


Go-based Social Network Web Server







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