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1self.js Documentation

###Include 1self.js

We need to include the 1self.js library on the page. The library occupies a global variable of Lib1selfClient.

<script src="1self.js"></script>

###Creating a library instance

First, we need to provide the initial configuration the 1self needs, and specify an endpoint. All fields are compulsory.


var config = {
    "appName": 'Hello, 1self',
    "appVersion": '1.0.0',
    "appId": "[As provided]",
    "appSecret": "[As provided]"
var endpoint = 'sandbox'


var endpoint = 'production'
var oneself = new Lib1selfClient(config, endpoint);

Fetching a stream

Streams are a logical collection of events on the 1self API. They provide a place to read and write events for applications and integrations. They control event access and coordinate integration synchronization.

Method: fetchStream(callback)
Params: callback(error, response): function
Return: self
var stream;
oneself.fetchStream(function(error, response){
	if (!error) {
          stream = response;
        } else {
	        //Handle error

The response stream object needs to be saved as they are needed for API calls. A null is returned in case of an error.


Setting properties

Events are transported as a JSON object. Data to be recorded is sent as properties of an event.

var event = {
	properties: {
		property1: value,
		property2: value,

####Setting Object tags Object tags are specified using a string array of tags. They may set individually for each event, or specified using the objectTags method.

Method: objectTags(tags)
Params: tags: array of strings
Return: self


oneself.objectTags(['self', 'sound'])


var event = {
	objectTags: [...],
	properties: {

####Setting Action tags Action tags are specified using a string array of tags. They may set individually for each event, or specified using the actionTags method.

Method: actionTags(tags)
Params: tags: array of strings
Return: self


oneself.actionTags(['measure', 'sample'])


var event = {
	actionTags: [...],
	properties: {

####Setting event dateTime The timestamp has to be specified as an ISO 8601 standard string. If not explicitly set as a property of the event JSON object, it will be implicitly set as the time the event was sent.


var event = {
	dateTime: "2015-01-19T08:56:51.559Z",
	objectTags: [...],
	actionTags: [...],
	properties: {

####Sending the event The sendEvent or sendEvents methods may be used to send an event object to the 1self platform. If a connection can't be established, the event is queued to be sent when connection is restored. Event handlers (if specified) are triggered on success or failure.

Method: sendEvent(event, stream)
Params: event: JSON object
		stream: Stream object obtained from 'fetchStream'
Return: self or throws Error
Method: sendEvents(events, stream)
Params: events: array of event JSON object
		stream: Stream object obtained from 'fetchStream'
Return: self or throws Error

Event Handlers

Event handlers may be registered using the on method.

Method: on(event, eventHandler)
Params: event: Either 'senderror' or 'sendsuccess'
		eventHandler: function()
Return: none


oneself.on('sendsuccess', function() {
	console.log("Events sent!");

oneself.on('senderror', function() {
	console.log("Events not sent :-( ");

oneself.sendEvent(event, stream);

####Pending Events 1self.js will attempt to resend all failed attempts when a connection is restored. The pendingEventsCount method may be used to get a count of events queued up for the next send attempt.

Method: pendingEventsCount()
Params: none
Return: Count of unsent events: Integer


oneself.onsenderror = function() {
	var unsent = oneself.pendingEventsCount();
	console.log("Unsent count: " + unsent);

###Visualizing the data

####Setting object and action tags Refer to the Events section.

####Selecting and operation Use one of the following methods: sum, meanand count

Set the visualization URL for a sum operation:

Method: sum(property)
Params: property: string
Return: self


Set the visualization URL for a mean(average) operation:

Method: mean(property)
Params: property: string
Return: self


Set the visualization URL for a count operation:

Method: count()
Params: none
Return: self

####Selecting the URL type Use one of the following: barChart or json

To display a bar chart of the events:

Method: barChart()
Params: none
Return: self


To display JSON data of the events:

Method: json()
Params: none
Return: self

####Setting the background color for the visualisation Use the backgroundColor method to set the backgroundColor of visualization.

Method: backgroundColor(color)
Params: color: String (HEX code for the color without initial #)
Return: self

####Generating the URL Use the url method to get the URL for the visualization

Method: url(stream)
Params: stream: stream object obtained from 'fetchStream'
Return: URL: String

###Using chaining to generate a URL The above methods may be chained together for a convenient way to build a URL


var vizUrl = oneself


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