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Bank Tech



  • You should be able to interact with your code via a REPL like IRB or the JavaScript console. (You don't need to implement a command line interface that takes input from STDIN.)
  • Deposits, withdrawal.
  • Account statement (date, amount, balance) printing.
  • Data can be kept in memory (it doesn't need to be stored to a database or anything).

Acceptance criteria

  • Given a client makes a deposit of 1000 on 10-01-2023
  • And a deposit of 2000 on 13-01-2023
  • And a withdrawal of 500 on 14-01-2023
  • When she prints her bank statement

Then she would see

date || credit || debit || balance
14/01/2023 || || 500.00 || 2500.00
13/01/2023 || 2000.00 || || 3000.00
10/01/2023 || 1000.00 || || 1000.00

User stories

As a user,
So that I have a place to keep my money safe,
I'd like to open an account. 

As a user, 
I'd like to put deposit in my account.

As a user, 
so i can use my money,
I'd like to withdraw money.

edge  cases:
As a user, 
so that I do not take out more than I have, 
I'd like to be notified when I try to take out more than my balance. 

As a user, 
so I am inputting correct data, 
I'd like to make sure that I can only insert Integers and floats only. 

As a user, 
I want to not be able to input negative amounts of money.

As a user,
So I can see the use of my account,
I'd like to be able to see a print out of statement - date, amount, balance.

Domain Model

Noun Owner or property
Account Owner
Statement Owner
Action Owned by ?
Open Account
Deposit Account
Withdraw Account
Print statement
Action Property it reads or changes (in methods)
Open amount, balance
Deposit amount, statement
Withdraw amount, statement
Print statement = date, balance, withdraw, deposit - amount

Running Jest

How to install: yarn add --dev jest How to run tests: yarn test or yarn watch for continuous testing on your terminal.


Bank Tech in JavaScript






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