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Releases: 200Tigersbloxed/UnityMods

HRtoVRChat v1.4.4

20 Dec 21:06
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Small bug fix


  • minHR and maxHR only returning default config values.

HRtoVRChat v1.4.3

18 Dec 03:01
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Quick patch that fixes a small issue.


  • Fixed an issue where Fitbit (and possibly HypeRate) HRMs not returning the proper IsOpen() (always false)
  • Fixed an issue where Fitbit's socket would not properly detect the checkFitbitConnection message from the socket server.


  • Fitbit and HypeRate Managers will now return IsConnected based on if the Nullable<WebSocketClient>'s State is WebSocketState.Open, rather than being manually set once on start.
    • This should reduce errors that may delay the socket connecting and not updating IsConnected properly.
  • Parameter Values will now only update if the activeHRManager is running.

HRtoVRChat v1.4.2

17 Dec 21:17
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Finally! A release! This patch was a fix for both ParamLib and removal of unused merged managed libraries, which led to the removal of ILMerge. The HRtoVRChat binary should now look much neater in disassembler programs like dnSpy, ILSpy, dotPeek, etc.

We also added a new (int)HR parameter! This parameter just throws the raw HR info through an int. This can be used for animation speeds, or if you have a lot of dedication to making 255 animations, you can use it to save storage and replace onesHR, tensHR, and hundredsHR (this will not be supported officially).

For bug reports, use the issues page

For support, please use the discussions page, or my discord server


  • (int)HR parameter.
    • Inputs your raw HR data as an int parameter.
    • Minimum of 0, maximum of 255



  • Fixed Parameters not updating
  • Fixed harmless error when exiting if you disable your HRManager
  • Fixed Parameters clearing on HRManager Stop


  • Old dependencies we aren't using anymore
    • ILRepack.Lib.MSBuild.Task, HypeRate.NET, websocket-sharp, GenericHRLib, and Newtonsoft.Json.dll (Replaced with VRChat's Newtonsoft.Json)

HRtoVRChat - v1.4.1

23 Nov 06:52
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HRtoVRChat - v1.4.1

Small bug fixes.


  • Fixed HeartBeat failing a check
  • Fixed Unhook logging instead of debugging

HRtoVRChat - v1.4.0

21 Nov 23:09
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HRtoVRChat - v1.4.0

This release addresses issues with performance of HRManagers and various mod functionalities, and adds new features.


VRChatUtilityKit is no longer required for HRtoVRChat to function correctly. If you do not have any other mods that require it, you are safe to remove it.


  • HRPercent (float) parameter.
    • Creates a 0-1 float value based on where your HR is between the MinHR (float) and MaxHR (float) config values.
  • MinHR (float) and MaxHR (float) config values
  • EasyAvatarHook.cs
    • Handles detecting when a Player Joins/Leaves and when a Player changes this avatar
    • This removes the requirement of VRCUK.



  • Fixed PulsoidLoop Bug
  • Fixed Application Thread Hanging on Quit

LabratEyeTracking - v1.2.0

06 Nov 19:51
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LabratEyeTracking - v1.2.0

Backend rewrite, improvements, and fixes from pre-release!



  • Multithreading
    • Improves Eye Tracking SDK performance
  • UniversalEyeTracking
    • Handles Eye values for Left, Right, and Combined
    • Automatically makes CombinedEye from Left and Right eye data
      • (LeftEye.somedata + RightEye.somedata) / 2


  • Rewrote backend to use Interfaces for eye tracking
    • This makes adding a new SDK for developers much easier to do
    • In a later update, I'll hopefully remove the sdkType value altogether


  • Fixed PimaxEyeTracker
  • Fixed Multithreading

[Pre-Release] HRtoVRChat - v1.4.0

29 Oct 20:51
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[Pre-Release] HRtoVRChat - v1.4.0

Mainly meant for bug fixes, features that need to be tested, and bumping dependencies.


  • win-blegatt HRManager (Beta Feature!)
    • Uses GenericHRLib to read connected BLE/GATT Bluetooth devices to your PC
      • Made with Reflection to avoid all clients having to install the Windows SDK
    • Avoids using Pulsoid to get HeartRate data from the device. (Woo no more sending data to random servers!)
  • HRPercent (float) Parameter
    • Adds the minHR (float) and maxHR (float) to the Config
    • Estimates a float value from 0 - 1 based on where your HR is in-between the minHR and maxHR.
      • Example: HR = 100, minHR = 0, maxHR = 200, the float would return 0.5f
  • ILRepack
    • Automatically merges all required managed assemblies AfterBuild


  • Bumped HypeRate.NET to v1.2.0
  • Changes to FitbitManager to improve performance


  • Fixed Pulsoid Loop where messages would send with no wait-time.
  • Fixed Thread Hanging OnApplicationQuit()

This release will not be updated on VRCMelonAssistant

HRtoVRChat - v1.3.0

12 Oct 00:41
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HRtoVRChat - v1.3.0

Huge update! This update adds numerous methods for getting heart rate data through multiple providers! On top of this, I've introduced better optimizations through multithreading.


This mod requires VRChatUtilityKit to function! Please make sure you have this installed before continuing! You can also use VRCMelonAssistant to install HRtoVRChat and VRChatUtilityKit.


For bug reports, please use the issues page.

For support, please use the discussions page, or my discord server


  • Added:

    • Added PulsoidManager.cs
      • Downloads HTTP Data from an API URL, then parsed into JSON, and extracts the hr object, and parses to Int32
      • While this is designed for Pulsoid, it will work on other API services if their API returns json such as {"hr": 100}
    • Added TextFileManager.cs
      • Parses to Int32 from a text file located on the local PC.
      • This adds compatibility for numerous services including, but not limited to:
      • For the best results, it is recommended to store the text file on an SSD with fast data transfer, as the file is ready every 500ms/0.5s
    • Added multithreading for all HRManagers
      • This will increase performance on all HRManagers by a lot, and reduce stuttering.
      • This is not toggle-able as FitbitManager requires it to run without stutters.
    • Added isHRConnected Parameter
      • Driven by the selected HRManager's IsOpen() bool
    • Added isHRBeat Parameter
      • Estimated heart beats based off of your BPM
        • 1 / (x / 60) where x is the BPM
      • True when your heart is beating, false when it's not
      • Example use case: Heart Rate icon grows bigger when true
  • Changes:

    • Added config values and changed string defaults to String.Empty in ConfigHelper.cs
      • Added pulsoidfeed
        • The API URL to GET
        • See PulsoidManager in Added
      • Added textfilelocation
        • The file location to read the HR
        • See TextFileManager in Added
    • Added bool IsActive() in HRManager.cs
      • bool IsActive() will return whether or not the mod has made a connection to the target server.
      • For comparison, bool IsOpen() will get the active connection and the HRM's connection (if supported by the data manager)
    • Fixed support for v1.5.0 of FitbitHRtoWS in FitbitManager.cs
    • IsOpen() for FitbitManager.cs now returns true is isConnected and FitbitIsConnected is true.
    • Added Action<bool> OnHeartBeatUpdate to MainMod.cs
      • Invokes when heart is estimated to beat. (See isHRBeat parameter)
    • Added IENumerator HeartBeat() MelonCoroutine in MainMod.cs
      • Handles WaitForSeconds and Action<bool> OnHeartBeatUpdate() invoktion.
    • Added BoolParameter to ParamsManager.cs
    • Added HRParameter interface to ParamsManager.cs
      • Handles classification of Parameters
    • Bumped version to v1.3.0 in AssemblyInfo.cs
  • Fixes:

    • Fixed the RestartHR button's texture in the ActionMenu to show the refresh texture.
  • Extra Note:

    • The isHRBeat parameter is not perfect, and it will be addressed in a later update

HRtoVRChat - v1.2.0

19 Sep 20:52
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HRtoVRChat - v1.2.0

This update addresses numerous optimizations and new additions/support for mods to make management of the mod a thousand times easier!


This mod now requires VRCUtilityKit to function! Please make sure you have this installed before continuing! You can also use VRCMelonAssistant to install it automatically.


For bug reports, use the issues page

For support, please use the discussions page, or my discord server


  • Added:
    • Added Support for UIExpansionKit
      • Adds a button in your quick menu to Restart the HRListener
        • This is meant for situations where your WebSocket/Connection drops, and you need to restart the connection, meaning you will no longer have to restart the game!
      • Loaded with Toggle (See Config Changes)
      • Can also be found on VRCMelonAssistant
    • Added Support for ActionMenuApi
      • Adds a submenu with three buttons in your action menu
        • RestartHRListener
          • For when you need to restart your WebSocket/Connection
        • Start HRListener
          • If the HRListener didn't start, you can start it manually.
        • Stop HRListener
          • If you want to stop your HRListener, you can stop it manually.
      • Loaded with Toggle (See Config Changes)
      • Can also be found on VRCMelonAssistant
    • hrtovrchat AssetBundle
      • Loaded from Memory Internally
      • Contains textures for AMAPI Support
    • AssetManager.cs
      • Manages loading of the AssetBundle and Asset Extraction
    • Dependency VRCUtilityKit
      • This is for Parameter Optimizations
  • Changes:
    • Bumped ParamLib
    • Added more Config Values to ConfigHelper.cs
      • (bool) ShowDebug : Shows Debug Logs
      • (bool) AMAPISupport : Enables support for ActionMenuApi
      • (bool) UIXSupport : Enables support for UIExpansionKit
    • Added method to interface HRManager.cs
      • Added bool IsOpen() : Returns a bool for whether the interface is connected or not
    • Small Change to LogHelper.cs
      • void Debug(string, object) : Now only logs debug if ShowDebug in the ConfigHelper.cs is set to true
    • Changes to MainMod.cs
      • Config is now Loaded OnApplicationLateStart() and OnPreferencesSaved()
      • Added handling for initializing AssetManager and ModSupport
      • Added void LogSupportedMod(string, int) : Logs whether or not a ModSupport class was initialized properly.
      • void RestartHRListener() now uses Task.Factory.StartNew() to delay tasks
        • This is in order to prevent spamming of the function, which in turn causes breaking of the HRManager
        • As a bonus, this also does not freeze the game's main thread while waiting to connect to the target host.
    • Optimizations to ParamsManager.cs
      • Params are now derivative of IntBaseParam
      • Params will refresh on a local user's avatar being instantiated, rather than every frame.
        • This adds a huge performance boost and less latency for updating parameters
        • This is also the part that makes VRCUtilityKit a dependency, because I didn't want to write my own hook for it.
    • Set LangVersion to preview in HRtoVRChat.csproj
    • Updated AssemblyInfo.cs
      • Bumped version to v1.2.0
      • Added MelonOptionalDependencies()
        • Used to make sure that the Mod's supported are loaded BEFORE this mod
          • This is very important, since the backend of the mod support is all reflection. One thing goes wrong and it all breaks.
        • The assembly names should be right, but I'm not positive.
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed issue with HypeRate IsOpen() throwing a null exception when Restarted.
    • Fixed issue with activeHRManager not being reset on Preference Saved.
    • Fixed issue with AMAPI Support throwing an error if you didn't have the mod installed.
  • Known Bugs:
    • Starting or Stopping the HRListener via. Start() or Stop() will freeze the main game's thread until completed.

HRtoVRChat - v1.1.0

04 Sep 17:46
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Back with a new release for HRtoVRChat! I got some behind the scenes improvements and fixes for yall' today!

  • Added:

    • Added HRManager Interface.
      • All HRMs are now derivative of the HRManager interface.
      • This allows for adding HRMs a much easier process for Developers.
  • Fixes:

    • Fixed HypeRate not returning the proper HR
      • This was because I forgot to set isSUbscribed to true, but I didn't need that and it's now in HypeRate.NET 1.1.0.
  • Changes:

    • Bumped HypeRate.NET to v1.1.0
    • Bumped .NET to net48