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Service Connection

samithiwat edited this page Feb 27, 2023 · 7 revisions

About Service Connection

Service connection is the function use for initialize the connection to database or others service

Supported Service Connection

Current support total 4 services

name description
PostgreSQL The opensource SQL database
Redis The very useful key-value database
RabbitMQ The message broker
Opensearch The database that very efficient for search
Jaeger The distributed tracing service

Getting Start



return *gorm.DB when successfully

db, err := gosdk.InitDatabase(PostgresDatabaseConfig, Debug)
if err != nil {
    // handle error


name description
Postgres Database Config Postgres config
Debug Enable debug mode


type PostgresDatabaseConfig struct {
    Host     string `mapstructure:"host"`
    Port     int    `mapstructure:"port"`
    User     string `mapstructure:"username"`
    Password string `mapstructure:"password"`
    Name     string `mapstructure:"name"`
    SSL      string `mapstructure:"ssl"`
name description example
Host Hostname of the postgres localhost
Port Port of database 5432
User Postgres username postgres
Password Postgres password root
Name The database name postgres
SSL SSL mode disable


return *redis.Client when successfully

 cache, err := gosdk.InitRedisConnect(RedisConfig)
 if err != nil {
    // handle error


name description
Redis Config Redis config


type RedisConfig struct {
	Host     string `mapstructure:"host"`
	Password string `mapstructure:"password"`
	DB       int    `mapstructure:"db"`
name description example
Host The host of the redis in format hostname:port localhost:6379
Password Redis password password
DB The database number 0


return *amqp.Connection when successfully

rabbitMQConn, err := gosdk.InitRabbitMQConnection(RabbitMQConfig)
if err != nil {
    // handle error


name description
RabbitMQ Config RabbitMQ config


type RabbitMQConfig struct {
   Host  string `mapstructure:"host"`
   VHost string `mapstructure:"vhost"`
name description example
Host The host of the rabbitmq in format amqp://username:password@hostname:port/ amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/
VHost The virtual host name (default is /) cufreelance


return *opensearch.Client when successfully

openserachClient, err := gosdk.InitOpenSearhClient(OpensearchConfig, Debug)
if err != nil {
    // handle error


name description
Opensearch Config Opensearch config
Debug Enable debug mode


type OpensearchConfig struct {
   Host               string `mapstructure:"host"`
   Username           string `mapstructure:"username"`
   Password           string `mapstructure:"password"`
   InsecureSkipVerify bool   `mapstructure:"skip-ssl"`
name description example
Host The host of the Opensearch in format http://hostname:port https://localhost:9200
Username Username of Opensearch admin
Password Password of Opensearch admin
InsecureSkipVerify Skip verify SSL true


return *tracesdk.TracerProvider when successfully

traceProvider, err := gosdk.InitJaegerTracerProvider(JaegerConfig)
if err != nil {
    // handle error


name description
Jaeger Config Jaeger config


type JaegerConfig struct {
    Host        string `mapstructure:"host"`
    Environment string `mapstructure:"env"`
    ServiceName string `mapstructure:"service-name"`
name description example
Host The host of the Jaeger in format http://hostname:port http://localhost:14268
Environment Environment of current service local
ServiceName The name of service gateway