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Week 4 Notes

HanPark-Ethan edited this page Feb 3, 2022 · 20 revisions


Jaehyun Lewis

during the weekends, I had to study over last week's material, because I focused more on project 0. Good thing that I caught up with the lecture, so I'm so ready to go for project 1. Today, we will be having QC at 2 pm, so I will try to study one more time.

Michael Ludwig

Last weekend I tried to review as much material as I could and start brainstorming the project. I reviewed javascript and SQL to prepare for the QC this week.

Jeong Kim

I studied for the QC over the weekend. I had to catch up with HTML,CSS and Javascript. And I also practiced setting up the database for pj1. Today we are going to have QC, so hopefully I will be able to get the answers right.

Jeremiah Weaver

Han Gyul Park

I spent most of the weekend going over the project and studying for the QC. I couldn't focus on lecture after the project0, so I had a lot to catch up. Today, the 2nd QC will take place and learn about unit testing which is required for the project1.


Jaehyun Lewis

we have started build for project 1. got the database done. Today we will start work on the backends.

Michael Ludwig

I started writing the DAO implementation and some testing implementation for the P1. Interviewed with Tim yesterday and it went well so I am glad that meetings are done with for the week.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday, we had qc and I was exhausted after, so did not do much after the meeting. Today we are going to have 1 on 1 with Tim and continue working on the project. It's going to be my first time working as a pilot/navigator, so I am pretty excited.

Jeremiah Weaver

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday, the QC gave us the first hackerrank coding assessment. It was unexpected and the first time trying hackerrank, so it was a bit frustrating, but overall it was a good experience. Hackerrank seem to have good practice coding assessments, so I would be trying them on my free times outside of lecture. Jae and I started creating the base structure of Database. We plan to create some basic model classes tonight.


Jaehyun Lewis

Pair-programming partner(s): Ethan
Time spent as navigator: 2hours
Time spent as a pilot: 2hours
What did you work on: made frontend file, build a database, Java connection, basic Controller
What did you learn as a navigator: I learned that the code can be totally different when there are two people trying to type some code in.
What did you learn as a pilot: I liked it because there is always someone that can research for me when I'm a pilot so that I can focus more on writing code.
Do you believe that this session was useful for your project? Why or why not: this session was useful, it can build the code more clear, and we will not have any problem with understanding the code once we get back in.

Michael Ludwig

Time spent as navigator: 2.5 hours Time spent as pilot: 2.5 hours What did you work on: We worked on unit testing mainly and coming up with test cases for basic functionality of the program. What did you learn as a navigator: Navigating the code process is much harder than I thought. I would try to come up with test cases but they all seemed fairly simple. What did you learn as pilot: Being the pilot was the most enjoyable part as I like to write code more than come up with the ideas on what to actually test. Do you believe that this session was useful for your project? Why or why not: I believe it was more useful for learning how to work together and implement paired programming than it was for the overall success of the project.

Jeong Kim

Pair-programming partner(s): Jeremiah Time spent as navigator: 2.5 hours Time spent as pilot: 2.5 hours What did you work on: We worked on building models and DAOs for the database. And also tried to run some testings on DAO methods. What did you learn as a navigator: It was harder than I thought to tell what to write than actually writing the code. What did you learn as a pilot: It is easier to catch mistakes than when I work alone. I think navigator takes more responsibilities than pilot. Do you believe that this session was useful for your project? Why or why not: I think this session was very useful for working as a pair. Especially when implementing testings on some of our methods. It made much more easier for us to understand each other's code

Jeremiah Weaver

Han Gyul Park

Pair-programming partner(s): Jae Time spent as navigator: 2hours Time spent as a pilot: 2hours What did you work on: basic model classes and Employee and Manager DAO/DAOImpl classes What did you learn as a navigator: watching other programmer writing code is actually helpful finding where I'm weak and how to improve my skills. What did you learn as a pilot: navigator's support really speeds up most of the coding process since minor typos that can cause conflict can be picked up as writing the code. Do you believe that this session was useful for your project? Why or why not: I believe pair-programming is not just useful, but really important for the whole process. Each other is basically being an open-source resources, so it will help improving coding skill for both navigator and pilot.


Jaehyun Lewis

yesterday, we have had break day, and focused on researching for project 1. based on the research, we will try to set up the basic Java structure for project 1.

Michael Ludwig

Yesterday I met with my team and got a little more done with the implementation of the project. I was able to complete unit testing on the reimbursement DAO and write the basic structure of the tests for UserDAO.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday Jeremiah and I planned on our architecture of layers. We are planning to work on DAOs today. We should be able to implement some DAOs.

Jeremiah Weaver

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday, I created some service layer classes while Jae added functions to a DAO. Then, we decided to make plans before proceeding further. Today, I'm going to attempt to build one of the DAOImpl class on my own.


Jaehyun Lewis

yesterday, we have finished setting up the Java structure for pj1, today and during weekends, we will try to finish the whole backends, and getting ready for frontend.

Michael Ludwig

Since User and Reimbursement DAO have been implemented I was able to work on UserLogin Service yesterday and get that fully implemented with some basic testing functionality. In class we covered Docker container service and Jenkins which is a CI/CD service.

Jeong Kim

Yesterday we were not able to implement all the DAOs so we will be continuing working on building DAOs and hopefully we will be to get our validation done on the weekend.

Jeremiah Weaver

Han Gyul Park

Yesterday, I started adding a function to EmployeeDAOImpl, but then I realized I'm still weak on SQL, such as making a sql statement or retrieving data from SQL and implementing to Java. For this weekend, Jae and I plan to spend at least 6 hours a day to finish backend coding so we can test it on Postman. Also, my personal plan is to review the codes that will be written by Jae.