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Releases: 222ryan/Discord-Levels-Bot


27 May 21:48
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[+] More bug fixes

2.0.3 - Release

27 May 20:43
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[+] Bug Fixes

2.0.2 - RELEASE!

01 May 13:01
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A new version has released with some quality of life adjustments and bug fixes!

[+] Added a new config option to pick if the bot should add users to the database when the bot starts, or if it should be handled via the on_message event. This is to improve performance with those with bots in larger servers.
[+] Added a new file called with a function called userField that lets you insert a user into the database

[+] The guild's name is now displayed on the global leaderboard
[+] The Blur command now has a set cap of 10 as anything higher starts looking bad (it eventually turns black after going too high)

[+] Fixed a bug that caused the bot to break if a channel set as a talk channel was deleted
[+] Fixed a bug that caused the bot to break if a channel set as the main channel was deleted
[+] Fixed a bug that caused removing talk channels to not work while using the MongoDB option
[+] Fixed a bug that caused the leaderboard to break if the last page had less than 10 users

2.0.2 BETA 2

16 Apr 06:35
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[+] Fixed version being incorrect


16 Apr 06:15
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[+] ROLE CREATOR - Easily create up to 50 Level roles using the new Role Creator. Set an amount up 50, with a role prefix (e.g Level:) and wait for the bot to 1. Create these roles for you, saving you creating them manually 2. Adds them to the Database for you saving you typing out the command
[+] GLOBAL LEADERBOARDS - Global Leaderboards return with the new and updated Paginated Leaderboard

[+] Added missing commands to the Help Command

Bug Fixes:
[+] Fixed the Roles command to view all unlockable roles to display double commas


13 Apr 19:30
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[+] Added support for 'Status' addon
[+] Added Talk Channels - Limit the channels where you can earn xp -- Note: Currently, the 'Local' database can only support 1 channel temporarily
[+] Added XP Chance - Config option to enable, disable and tweak the value - Allows to you add a chance that the message will grant the user xp (Useful for preventing spam)

[+] Removed auto-updater and replaced it with an update-notifier temporarily while I fix some major bugs
[+] Changed update message loop timer from 30 Minutes to 24 Hours
[+] You can now change your Card Colour without including the '#' sign for the hex code

[+] Fixed a bug where if a channel was not defined when using the mainchannel command, and the mainchannel was not none, an error message would not be sent
[+] Fixed a bug where if using the 'Local' database, it would eventually be locked due to functions not closing the connection
[+] Fixed the leaderboard displaying users incorrectly if using 'MongoDB' as the database type

2.0.1 BETA

02 Apr 17:08
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[+] Support for new addon 'Status'


01 Apr 17:03
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[+] Database Options! - Modern Levels now supports SQlite! This means you can have the bot setup and running with no effort. Note: You can still use MongoDB, however I HEAVILY recommend resetting your previous database before using 2.0.
[+] No More Missing Users! - In 1.0, users who joined a Guild while the bot was offline would not be added to the Database, requiring the bot to be re-invited or the users to be manually added. However in 2.0, you will no longer need to do this as the bot will do this for you automatically!
[+] Rank Card Galore! - This update has added 2 NEW Rank Card generators. Text will send the user their rank card in an embed form with a progress bar made with emoticons. The custom rank card is similar to the vacefron generator, but no longer will you be rate limited or be stuck waiting if vacefron goes down and has more customisation options! Note: Vacefron is still available as an option
[+] Blur It! - If you decide to use the new Custom Rank Card, you now have access to the new blur command, that allows you to blur you rank cards background (based off of integers).
[+] Fancy Level Up! - The next time you level up, you will see it has had a overhaul, now being sent as an image rather than an embed (Don't worry - this isn't just a config option pointing to a url to retrieve a generic level up message!)
[+] Pagination - Leaderboards have received a long and highly overdue upgrade, with now they are able to be paginated, displaying everyone in the guild!
[+] Help Me! - The help command has also been upgraded, instead of typing a command every time, you can now just react to the embed!
[+] Function Overload - This update has made it so that there is a function for basically everything. Want to receive data from the database? Easy! Want to update a field in the database? Even Easier!
[+] XP Methods - There are now 3 XP Methods added to the config! Words = The amount of words used in the message, RanRange = Random XP between a min and max value, Normal = Static XP per message
[+] Config - There are now a plethora of config options to choose from in this update!
[+] Translate It! - There is now a new config for translating messages with placeholders to customise the messages!
[+] Profile Border! - If the bot is using the custom rank card, users can set their profile picture border to an image of their choosing
[+] Addon Manager - Before, it was quite easy to install an addon, but now, it has gotten a whole lot easier. You can now automatically install an addon through a command.
[+] Auto-Updater - No more having to manually install the bot when a new version is released. When an update is released, you will recieve a DM to either accept or deny the update (Note: This will timeout after 1 Hour). The bot will automatically shut down, but you are required to start it again, so if it's not possible to start the bot when you get the update, you will most likely have to do a manual update.)
[+] Error Handling Returns - For now, only 2 instances of errors have been raised (RoleNotFound, CommandNotFound) to make things clean, overtime this will grow to raise clogging errors in the console.

[+] Setting your background to an invalid image (incorrect link) will now output an error message instead of letting it go through
[+] Struggling to find what hex code to use when customising your xp colour? You can now instead of typing a hex code, you can now input 'random' to receive a randomly generated hex code!
[+] The bot will now reply to the users message rather than just posting the message (With some exceptions)

Bug Fixes:
[+] This version should have eliminated most if not all bugs the previous version had! Noticeable ones being the issue with the bot being offline, roles not being added / removed properly and levelling up without having to send a message (Unless done through database))

[+] Vocal Addon - Vocal Addon has been updated to support the new code
[+] Extras - Extras Addon has been updated to support the new code

[+] Due to an issue, talk channels have been temporarily disabled this update, and they will return next update. Additionally, I apologise for any bugs that may pop up, I expect the auto-updater to break first but I will try my best to get them fixed as soon as possible. P.S If the addon manager breaks at all for you, It is possible install them manually by going to their respected Branch on the GitHub page. I hope you understand all of this and I hope you enjoy <3

RELEASE 4.4-4.7.1

20 Sep 13:23
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MAIN 4.7.1

Hey! It's been a another long time since this part of the repository was updated. For future updates I recommend just cloning either the Main or Beta branch! If you require any assistance, or just need support; Join the support server here:

[+] Added a 10,000 cap per command when adding xp to a user to prevent abuse from users which would result in the bot lagging
Experimental: This value will possibly be tampered with
[+] Added Holidays! Holidays is a way of interacting with the people who use your bot! Holidays, such as Easter, Summer, Halloween and Christmas! are added! Running the start command for any of the events, will enable it bot wide! Note: Every server will receive a message saying when is starts/ends!
[+] Added holiday config
[+] Added holidaysys
[+] When fixing users, it will now show the percent it's at
[+] Private channel and one time message will now be created and sent when the bot joins a guild
[+] Added fix servers which will fix every server
[+] Updated Help command to make it A) Quicker B) Look better
[+] Added Clans! Clans allow for groups of users to all earn XP at the same time. How? Create a role, or a few. Then make sure you include @ clan in the roles name. Example @ clan | Member. Alternatively, you can just rename a role.
[+] Added Addons Profile+ & Extras+. Addons can be installed through the GitHub page. Easily drag and drop them into the Addons folder.
[+] Bot_Owner_Id is now in config.yml as intended
[+] Changed to the Member object rather than using the older implemented way
[+] Leaderboard now uses the Guild Icon rather than a set url
[+] Added Global Leaderboard. - !leaderboard guild
[+] Added Functions for retrieving user and server data and also setting data. Documentation can be found in documentation.
[+] Rank Card embed colour will now match the users xp colour
[+] Rank Card's pfp and name searching now uses the Member object rather than the database fields.

Bug Fixes:
[+] Certain commands can no longer be sent through private messages
[+] Fixed a bug which caused users to not earn xp since event field wasn't being added properly
[+] Fixed a bug which caused the boost icon to appear on other rank cards if the user who sent the command had boosted the server.
[+] Fixed a bug which caused Admins to only have Config & Admin shown when doing !help
[+] Fixed the leaderboard stating everyone is rank #1
[+] Fixed a bug which caused the Rank Card not to send
[+] Fixed a bug that caused Roles to no longer be able to be removed after restarting the bot.
[+] Fixed in cases where commands would only function if the user used the same capitalisation.
[+] Fixed a bug that caused the Global Leaderboard to not work as intended. It should now show users from ALL server
[+] Fixed a bug that caused the Rank Card to not send if the users pfp link was invalid


23 May 13:35
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Hey! It's been a long time since this part of the repository was updated. For future updates I recommend just cloning either the Main or Beta branch! This part will now be updated with each updated (Betas included) to prevent any confusion. If you require any assistance, or just need support; Join the support server here:

[+] Added !addxp - PER-SERVER
[+] Added !removexp - PER-SERVER
[+] Changed how loading extensions work
[+] Added an option to ping users when they level up in config.yml
[+] If a user goes below 0 xp, they will now get xp added automatically
[+] logs.txt will now clear after restart
[+] AntiSpam has been added so that it can now load (was disabled due to non per server support)
[+] Updated fix command : (e.g - !fix <users|server>)
[+] Updated database fields for users and server - NOTE: Use the fix command!
[+] Warnings are now handled through the database
[+] Anti-Spam disabled / enabled through commands
[+] Anti-Spam will now remove xp if muted for spam
[+] Username + PFP to be updated before using rank command, rather than on_message
[+] Changed Antispam command to !antispamstats
[+] The AntiSpam stats page will now show if it's enabled or disabled
[+] AntiSpam stats page will now require the admin permission to prevent users finding bypasses around it
[+] Anti-Spam configuration through commands
[+] Updated Fix Command to support Kingdoms
[+] Updated Fix Section for Help Command to show the updated command.
[+] Updated fix command to try and fix users with a ! in their tag field.

Bug Fixes:
[+] Fixed some syncing issues with certain commands
[+] Fixed a bug where in some occasions users from other servers were appearing on the leaderboard
[+] Warning Messages + Mutes will now happen at the exact amount, rather than the number after
[+] Fixed a bug that caused the console to throw an error if a user is missing permissions
[+] Fixed a bug which prevented the private channel from being created
[+] Fixed a bug which prevented the one time only message from sending
[+] Fixed a bug which caused the rank command to show the incorrect value for the users placement