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a bit of creep history:

Creeps were mostly made by freakstritch in 2012 and not updated over minecraft 1.2.5 for quite a while. Since then a reboot was started by Astromojang he made it open source but quit working on it year later. Now the mod has gotten picked up by RickWeek84 and seems to be updated to the latest version.

But these weirdo creeps should be everywhere thats why they are coming to Blender.

Big baby

when turned small using shrinkray can be put into a babyjar and placed into a nice home where he turns into a schlump giving various rewards.


grows bigger after eating tree leaves; the bigger the Blorp, the more BlorpCola is yielded upon death. Blorps will teminate other Blorps, BubbleScums and Rocket Giraffes nearby


The player can right-click on the BubbleScum to make it sit on the player's head; this is a way of transporting a BubbleScum to another location.


Camels are tameable mobs that can be tamed with cookies. They are used for transportation if a Camel Jockey mounts on the Camel, the Camel will become hostile to the player.

Castle critter

Castle guard

Castle king

only spawns in the Battle Castle. The Castle King is the mob to defeat to earn the mighty GemSword. You have to fight him with all five Castle Gems in your inventory. They can be found throughout the castle.


is first spawned frozzen inside ice which needs to be broken with pickaxe. When free it either becomes friendly, rewards you, starts building igloos and fishing or turns evil and starts attacking you.


is first spawned frozzen inside ice which needs to be broken with pickaxe. When free it either becomes friendly, rewards you, starts building igloos and fishing or turns evil and starts attacking you.

Desert lizard

aggressive mobs that roam around around desert biomes. They spit fireballs if they see the player from more then 10-30 blocks (metres) away. They usually spawn in groups of 1-4. They come in a variety of 5 colours; red, blue, green, yellow and brown.


is a neutral mob that digs holes into the terrain in search for an innocent BubbleScum to fall in. A curious side effect of digested BubbleScum meat to DigBug is an exploding fountain of delicious cookies! DigBugs can mine minerals such as Coal and Iron ore. However, the player has to smelt the mineral.


is a dirty little thieve. When you hear disco music, you better watch your ores, because these little thieves will steal them.


Floobships are mobs that have the special ability to spawn floobs. It is quite large in size and is radioactive, it is recommended to avoid getting close to these mobs since they cause damage to the player. FloobShips have 70 HP. Once a FloobShip spawns, it will ascend to elevation 150 (which is above the map) at top speed. Once it reaches that height, the FloobShip will slowly descend down towards the surface. Once it lands, it will begin to spit out Floobs that will attempt to vaporize the player. They most of the time remain still unless the player or a Floob accidentally hits it. A FloobShip will explode once it is terminated, which will kill the player instantly if he or she is too close.


is an aggressive mob that drops RayGuns and is closely related to the mob known as the FloobShip. They are rather popular due to their mysterious yet amusing behaviour. They have 12 HP and are difficult to kill most of the time.


G (also known as Letter G) is an aggressive mob that drops items that start with the letter G. He is rather big in size and speaks in an enigmatic manner. He is quite widely known due to his appearence.


The Goo Goat is a neutral mob that consists of goo and looks somewhat similar to the Slime mob. They act in a similar manner to Blorps since Goo Goats consume grass to grow while Blorps consume Leaves to grow. Goo Goats drop 0-6 Goo Donuts upon death depending on their size.


is aggressive mob that zaps everything he seas with his growray making everything bigger. Everytime gregg enlarges a mob that mob becomes stronger so kill gregg first.


will follow you around on your adventures if you feed them enough red apples or wheat. Red apples are much more effective than wheat. Golden apples automatically tame them. If you tame them, they will fight (and die) for you. Each guinea pig has its own name and unique personality, and will tell you when it is wounded. Feeding it more apples or wheat will heal your pigs. If your guinea pig dies, it will spawn a tombstone that tells you a bit about them. If you buy a [[Life Gem]] from [[Sneaky Sal]], you can use this to bring them back to life!


is mostly seen in water, especially in Ocean and Swamp biomes. They act like the passive in-game mobs.


is a flying controllable mob. It can be found naturally or by using a HorseHead Gem found in a Battle Castle or bought from Sneaky Sal. It can be used to fly around.



he Hunchback will wander around the terrain, desperate for somebody to hand him some Cake. If the Hunchback is provoked, it will charge at the player furiously. It is very hard to outrun a Hunchback due to their insane speed. The best way to escape him is by heading towards water since Hunchbacks will still follow you but they will slow down, making it easy for the player to swim away. The Hunchback can be tamed with Cake. Once he is tamed, he will fight off enemies for the player and follow the player wherever he goes. He cannot teleport to the player which can be a problem. If the player gives thier tamed Hunchback a Bone then it will summon five Hunchback Skeletons. These Skeletons will then fight for you by shooting their Bow and Arrows at the opponent. Hunchback Skeletons will disintergrate after about one minute.


is a neutral mob that wanders around the land looking for trouble. Once provoked, the player will receive a fine from the Lawyer. Once that fine exceeds the maximum of $2500 dollars, the lawyer will decide to take you to jail. Once the player has been imprisoned, the fine will reset.


is a neutral mob that is in search of the Kid. He supplies many treats if the player does manage to reunite the kid with the Lolliman. Once the Kid is reunited with the Lolliman, he will take off into the atmosphere, never to be seen again. However, sometimes the Lolliman may explode instead, so beware.


is a neutral mob that can be tamed to become the player's pet. They have a special ability to follow a Frisbee that has been thrown by the player. ManDogs are fast mobs that are hard to outrun if provoked.


is a neutral mob that grows older by playing the slotmachine. In time she will turn into a skeleton.


ameable by giving the pony girl a cell phone and paying her 50 dollars. Once you have done those things, the Ponycloud will deliver your pony. They start off really small, the size of an ant, and grow when fed wheat, sweets (e.g. cake, cookies, lollipop, etc) and water. A pony is very needy and if you do not watch it, your pony may get sick and die (Unless you give it medicine). You may also give your pony armor (diamond boots are recommended), ride your pony off into the sunset, enjoy the day adventuring, or have it help you fight your dangerous mobs


is a mob that gives you ponies when you give her a Mobile Phone. When spawned, she will walk around asking for her mobile phone until you give her one. When you give her the mobile phone she will be able to sell you ponies. She is spotted with blonde hair and wearing a pony top. You will need 50 dollars once she is given the phone to buy a pony. The pony gets delivered to you on a PonyCloud as soon as you give her the money.


is a passive mob that only attacks when you provoke him. When he attacks he lauches you into sky.


is an aggressive mob that won't spawn naturally throughout the game. They only spawn if the player attempts to rip-off Sneaky Sal.

Robot Ted

is an aggressive mob that is the arch enemy of Robot Todd. Unlike other mobs, Ted can fly at any elevation Robot Ted flies around the terrain bragging about how uncool and lame Robot Todd is, he will kill either the player or Robot Todd if they are spotted by Ted. If Ted spies Todd, they will fight each other until one of them is destroyed permanently.

Robot Tod

tries to kill Robot Ted. Robot Todd runs around making fun of how uncool and dumb Robot Ted is. He drops Batteries (which can be used to make atomic packets) when terminated. The Kid mob wears a shirt with Todd on it. If Robot Todd sees the player or Robot Ted, it will attack them.

Rocket girafe

is a fast giraffe that spawns anywhere. Rocket Giraffes are about 4 blocks tall and 2 blocks wide. They take 6-7 cookies to tame. They change colour when tamed. Right-clicking them will let you mount them, and while mounted, clicking again will dismount you. Right-clicking them when mounted will allow you to shoot rockets out of their mouths.

Rock monster

is an agressive mobs that will launch you into the sky when he attacks you.

Sneaky Sal

is a Mob who will sell random items to the player. If you try to rip off or attack him, he will send rats after you.


is a hostile mob that can be tamed by throwing snowballs at close range.


Zebras can be tamed using cookies. Once tamed, the zebra can be ridden.


is an aggresive mob that lurk in unlit areas, caves and pyramids.


neutral mobs that supply all kinds of goodies if the player gives them something precious. They are dressed in torn-up clothes and underwear in their normal form while dressed somewhat similar to the player's defualt skin once they have been given a valuable. Bums will urinate once in a while (on average every 3 minutes). If the player gives either a flower, a bucket or a Lava Bucket to a Bum while it is urinating, the player will earn achievements. There is a chance that a Bum may give back Obsidian or an empty bucket if the player gives the Bum a Lava Bucket to urinate in.

Evil Scientist

is a passive mob. After a while, a tower will spawn and scientist will climb to the top to conduct SCIENCE. He unleashes his mutations during the process; they are: Evil Chicken Evil Creature Evil Pig Evil Snowman After a while, the tower will vanish and scientist will become pure SCIENCE and will seek out the player and SCIENCE him or her.

Invisible man

The Invisible Man makes barely any noise in his invisible form and will wander around the land minding him own business. Once provoked, the Invisible Man will unleash his true identity and will seek revenge. After a while, he will go back to his invisible form and will return to his neutral self (until the player provokes him again).

Camel jockey

The Camel Jockey will wander around the land in search for a Camel to mount. He will attack the player if spotted. The Camel Jockey can turn wild Camels bad once this happens. The Camel Jockey will command the Camel to spit at the player causing 0.5 HP damage.


The Kid will wander around the land in search for the Lolliman. You can pick up the Kid and place him on your head to transport the Kid to his Lolliman by standing close to the Kid and RIGHT-clicking with the mouse. The player can also put the Kid down by performing the same actions required to get him up on your head.



The Non Swimmer is rather clumsy if he makes contact with water, his legs will disappear and will perform a drowning animation. He can be rescued by punching him towards the land (this is why he is invunerable to punching). Once he makes it out of the water; he can be seen sitting on a Towel relaxing in the sun. Non-Swimmers will also occasionally be attacked by Robot Ted if they are nearby.


is able to levitate other mobs includig player. The Preacher will remain passive until provoked. Whatever attacks him, he will levitate that mob towards the sky whether it is the player or just another ordinary mob. Being levitated can deal an unknown amount of damage to the player; this is why you should never harm a Preacher. If you shoot the Preacher with a Raygun, instead of making you levitate the Preacher himself will levitate.


can only be found in jails. If you rescue them, they might reward you with some items, such as lollipops, cake, and money. When killed, they do not drop anything.


is a neutral mob that can be turned into your loyal sergeant as they will fight for you until they are dead, losing body pieces in the process like Limbs, legs and body parts. They supply Limbs that can be used to make the Armsword. They come in two colours: Red uniform with white hair and khaki uniform with blond hair They lose body peices during battle; here is the order they lose their peices:

Helmet Right arm Left leg Right leg Gun Left arm Body Head


will chase you and steal one or more of an item that you are carrying. He drops what he stole and nothing else. He will usually steal an item that is in the player's hotbar.


Models for More creeps and weirdoes







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