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Profil Software Internship Task

Using free API to generate random user data from
Created by Samuel Jędrzejewski


The goal is to write an application that will communicate with this API and have the following functionalities:

  1. Display a button that should generate a new user.
  2. Generated user should be displayed on the page. Present: first name, last name, picture, register date, nationality, and location address.
  3. Clicking the button again should replace the previous user with the new one.
  4. Add checkbox "Hide address". If the field is checked, you shouldn't fetch or display an address for this user.
  5. Only fetch the data you need.
  6. Create a separate page to display a table with the last 10 generated users. Display first name, last name, country, and registration date.
  7. Allow sorting table by last name and registration date.
  8. Data in the table should be saved after leaving the page (you can use e.g. localStorage) and set on init.


In this section I will present my solution to the given assesments. Notice: all the code in the blocks below are minified and are used only to show the purpose.

Header preview

1. Display a button that should generate a new user.

Button preview

Simple styled button.

I used querySelector() to find the button, added onclick functionality and created function that allows calling another data fetching function.

const generateUserButton = document.querySelector(".container-button");
generateUserButton.onclick = generateUserFromUrl;
function generateUserFromUrl( e ) {
    let url =;
    fetchData( url );

2. Generated user should be displayed on the page.

Data preview

Flex styled data.

I created html placeholders for all the data and load it after fetching API response by inserting innerText or style.backgroundImage.

document.querySelector(".container-user__name-full").innerText = `${} ${}`;
document.querySelector(".container-user__created").innerText = `Created: ${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString()}`;
document.querySelector(".container-user__picture").style.backgroundImage = `url("${imageSrc}")`;
document.querySelector(".container-user__name-nationality").style.backgroundImage = `url("${imageSrc}")`;

3. Clicking the button again should replace the previous user with the new one.

Loading preview

Simple loading animation.

Button click allows to regenerate data by fetching another request. I added simple loading animation to prevent images showing blank space instead of actual image.

function loadImage( src ) {
    return new Promise( ( resolve, reject ) => {
        const image = new Image();
        image.addEventListener('load', resolve);
        image.addEventListener('error', reject);
        image.src = src;
loadImage( imageSrc )
    .then( () => {
        document.querySelector(".container-user__picture").style.backgroundImage = `url("${imageSrc}")`;

4. Add checkbox "Hide address".

Checkbox preview

Checkbox with own style.

I styled my own checkbox by setting display: none; on the checkbox and creating new mark by ::before and ::after pseudoelements.

.container-address__label-check::before {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    inset: 0;
    background-color: var(--accent-clr);
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 100ms ease-in-out;
.container-address__label-check::after {
    content: '';
    position: absolute;
    inset: 0;
    background-color: var(--secondary-clr);
    clip-path: polygon(37% 79%, 44% 87%, 53% 87%, 88% 49%, 87% 44%, 83% 40%, 77% 40%, 49% 72%, 33% 54%, 25% 56%, 21% 61%, 26% 67%);
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 100ms ease-in-out;

5. Only fetch the data you need.

Address preview

Hidden address field.

As I found in the RandomUser API documentation, it is easy to fetch all the data except not needed. I added unnecessary fields to the ?exc= endpoint as well as adding another not to fetch locaton data when checkbox is ckecked.

<a class="container-button" data-url=",dob,email,gender,id,login,phone">Generate User</a>
let url =;
if( adddressCheckbox.checked ) url += ",location";

6. Create a separate page to display a table with the last 10 generated users

Table preview

Table preview on mobile

Responsive table with last 10 users.

I created two table views: one for the mobile users, one for desktop ones. Users are stored in the localStorage and after window.onload event is called, I append one by one to the original table.

data.forEach( element => {
    row.append( firstName, lastName, country, registrationDate );
    containerTable.appendChild( row );

Data in the localStorage is stringified so I can easily parse it to the JSON and handle it within JavaScript.

const data = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("random-data") );
    0: {
        "name": { "title": "Mr", "first": "Miguel", "last": "Rodriquez" },
        "location": {
            "street": { "number": 6738, "name": "Photinia Ave" },
            "city": "Sacramento",
            "state": "Virginia",
            "country": "United States",
            "postcode": 48481,
            "coordinates": { "latitude": "88.2381", "longitude": "-64.7263" },
            "timezone": { "offset": "-7:00", "description": "Mountain Time (US & Canada)" }
        "registered": {"date": "2008-07-07T05:05:13.387Z", "age": 14 },
        "picture": { "large": "", "medium": "", "thumbnail": "" },

7. Allow sorting table by last name and registration date.

Sorting preview

Sorting preview on mobile

Table sorting.

Sorting the table by String.prototype.sort() method. Removing loaded data and appending sorted rows instead. On mobile there is a button added to select right sort option. On desktop it is easy to sort by specific column by clicking on it.

function sortData( data, column, parameter ) {
    switch( column ) {
        case "lastName":
            data.sort( ( item1, item2 ) => {
                return parameter == "asc" ? ) : );
        case "registrationDate":
            data.sort( ( item1, item2 ) => {
                return parameter == "asc" ? new Date( ) - new Date( ) : new Date( ) - new Date( );
    return data;

8. Data in the table should be saved after leaving the page and set on init.

Local storage preview

Data stored in local storage.

Generated users data is stored in localStorage as well as information about sorting. Initially data is sorted by generating order but after interacting with any sort type it will be displayed in that order after reloading page.

loadData( sortData( data, sortedBy.column, sortedBy.parameter ) );
function loadData( data ) {
    const itemClassName = "container-table__item";
    if( data === null ) return containerTable.append("No data to show.");
    data.forEach( async element => {
        const date = new Date( );
        let countries;
        await await fetch("").then( response => response.json() ).then( json => countries = json );
        let row = document.createElement("div");
        let firstName = document.createElement("div");
        let lastName = document.createElement("div");
        let registrationDate = document.createElement("div");
        let country = document.createElement("div");
        row.className = "container-table__item table-row";
        firstName.classList.add( itemClassName, "table-firstName" );
        firstName.dataset.label = "First Name";
        lastName.classList.add( itemClassName, "table-lastName" );
        lastName.dataset.label = "Last Name";
        country.classList.add( itemClassName, "table-country" );
        country.dataset.label = "Country";
        registrationDate.classList.add( itemClassName, "table-registrationDate" );
        registrationDate.dataset.label = "Registration Date";
        firstName.innerText =;
        lastName.innerText =;
        country.innerText = countries.reduce( ( final, next ) => { return element.nat == next['alpha-2'] ? : final } );
        registrationDate.innerText = `${date.toLocaleDateString()} ${date.toLocaleTimeString()}`;
        row.append( firstName, lastName, country, registrationDate );
        containerTable.appendChild( row );

Hosting website application

There is a way to host a website locally.


Website can be hosted by Node.js. NPM modules should be downloaded fisrt.

npm install

I used following dependencies to host a web application:

"dependencies": {
    "express": "^4.17.3",
    "nodejs": "0.0.0",
    "open": "^8.4.0",
    "path": "^0.12.7"


In package there is start command defined so it is easy to execute it by npm.

npm start
npm run start
node index.js

Console preview

Default host and port are stored in constants.

const host = "localhost";
const port = 3000;


Application is run by expressjs and it is using static webpage. open package starts browser on specific address.

app.use( express.static( path.join( __dirname, "public" ) ) );
app.listen( port, host, () => {
    console.log(`App running on ${host}:${port}/`);


I used cypress framework to handle integration tests.


Building application should also include testing library. Another dependencies has been added:

"dependencies": {
    "cypress": "^9.5.1",
    "cypress-localstorage-commands": "^1.7.0"


Test run by Cypress are easy to execute by in-build programme. To reach the GUI use npm.

npm test
npx cypress open

Console preview

The programme will show up and tests should be loaded. To execute them, just click Run 1 integration spec or click right on the test file.

Cypress preview

Selected browser will appear and tests will run.


I seperated tests by device so there are two different ways to test. Features being tested:

  1. First time on page
  2. Generating 5 users
  3. Sorting results
  4. Generate users with showed and hidden address


Desktop tests preview


Mobile tests preview