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23Skidoo committed Apr 10, 2013
1 parent 3bd8f14 commit e16158a
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Showing 5 changed files with 112 additions and 68 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/CFG/Examples.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ sillyGrammar = CNF.compileGrammar . fromRight . readCNFGrammar $

sillyGrammar2 :: CompiledCNFGrammar
sillyGrammar2 = CNF.compileGrammar . fromRight . readCNFGrammar $
"S -> SS, S -> S1S1, S1 -> 1, S1 -> 0"
"S -> SS, S -> S1S2, S -> S2S1, S1 -> 1, S2 -> 0"
15 changes: 4 additions & 11 deletions src/CFG/Helpers/CFG.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-- | Helpers for working with general context-free grammars.
module CFG.Helpers.CFG (
-- * Basic helpers.
ruleName, ruleNumber, isNonTerminalRule, nonTerminalRuleProductions
isStartRule, nonTerminalRuleProductions
-- * Monad for fresh names.
,NameMonad, runNameMonad, freshName, rememberName
Expand All @@ -13,17 +13,10 @@ import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- Basic helpers
ruleName :: NamedCFGRule -> RuleName
ruleName (CFGTerminalRule name _) = name
ruleName (CFGNonTerminalRule name _) = name

ruleNumber :: NumberedCFGRule -> RuleNumber
ruleNumber (CFGTerminalRule num _) = num
ruleNumber (CFGNonTerminalRule num _) = num

isNonTerminalRule :: CFGRule a -> Bool
isNonTerminalRule (CFGNonTerminalRule _ _) = True
isNonTerminalRule _ = False
isStartRule :: (Eq a) => CFGrammar a -> CFGRule a -> Bool
isStartRule g r | (cfgStartRule g == ruleName r) = True
| otherwise = False

nonTerminalRuleProductions :: CFGRule a -> [[a]]
nonTerminalRuleProductions (CFGNonTerminalRule _ prods) = prods
Expand Down
31 changes: 3 additions & 28 deletions src/CFG/Helpers/CNF.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ module CFG.Helpers.CNF (

-- * Misc. helper functions.
,ruleName, ruleNumber
,isTerminalRule, isNonTerminalRule, isStartRule
,terminalRuleProduces, nonTerminalRuleProductions
,isStartRule, nonTerminalRuleProductions

Expand All @@ -32,32 +30,9 @@ compileGrammar (CNFGrammar rules start e) =
CNFNonTerminalRule (lookupName name)
[(lookupName a, lookupName b) | (a,b) <- prods]

-- Misc. helper functions.

ruleName :: NamedCNFRule -> RuleName
ruleName (CNFTerminalRule name _) = name
ruleName (CNFNonTerminalRule name _) = name

ruleNumber :: NumberedCNFRule -> RuleNumber
ruleNumber (CNFTerminalRule num _) = num
ruleNumber (CNFNonTerminalRule num _) = num

isTerminalRule :: CNFRule a -> Bool
isTerminalRule (CNFTerminalRule _ _) = True
isTerminalRule _ = False

isNonTerminalRule :: CNFRule a -> Bool
isNonTerminalRule (CNFNonTerminalRule _ _) = True
isNonTerminalRule _ = False

isStartRule :: (Eq a) => CNFGrammar a -> CNFRule a -> Bool
isStartRule g (CNFNonTerminalRule name _) | cnfStartRule g == name = True
| otherwise = False
isStartRule _ (CNFTerminalRule _ _) = False

terminalRuleProduces :: CNFRule a -> Symbol -> Bool
terminalRuleProduces (CNFTerminalRule _ s) s' = (s == s')
terminalRuleProduces _ _ = error "Terminal rule expected!"
isStartRule g r | (cnfStartRule g == ruleName r) = True
| otherwise = False

nonTerminalRuleProductions :: CNFRule a -> [(a, a)]
nonTerminalRuleProductions (CNFNonTerminalRule _ prods) = prods
Expand Down
78 changes: 50 additions & 28 deletions src/CFG/Read.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import Control.Applicative hiding (many, (<|>))
import Control.Monad (foldM, unless)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (find, groupBy, partition, sortBy)
import Data.List (find, groupBy, intercalate
,partition, sortBy)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,20 +65,13 @@ validateCFGrammar g = do
nontermRules = map (toNonTermRule allSymsMap) nonterms
allRules = termRules ++ nontermRules

-- Merge all non-terminal productions with the same name. TODO: remove
-- duplication.
sorted = sortBy (comparing CFG.ruleName) allRules
grouped = groupBy
(\r0 r1 ->
CFG.isNonTerminalRule r0
&& CFG.isNonTerminalRule r1
&& CFG.ruleName r0 == CFG.ruleName r1) sorted
-- Group productions of all nonterminals together.
let grouped = groupRules allRules
merged = foldr mergeProductions [] grouped

-- Check that the grammar contains the start rule.
unless (S.member "S" allNames) $ (Left "No start rule found!")

validateCommon merged
return (CFGrammar merged "S")

isTerm :: (RuleName, [SymOrName]) -> Bool
isTerm (_,[Left _]) = True
Expand All @@ -87,8 +81,8 @@ validateCFGrammar g = do
extractSyms (_, l) = fst . partitionEithers $ l

bindSym :: SymbolMap -> Symbol -> CFG.NameMonad SymbolMap
bindSym m sym = do n <- CFG.freshName
return $ M.insert sym n m
bindSym m sym = do n <- CFG.freshName
return $ M.insert sym n m

toTermRule :: (RuleName, Symbol) -> NamedCFGRule
toTermRule (nam, sym) = CFGTerminalRule nam sym
Expand All @@ -101,11 +95,12 @@ validateCFGrammar g = do
toName (Left sym) = fromJust . M.lookup sym $ symMap
toName (Right n) = n

-- TODO: it'd would be nice to remove duplication here.
mergeProductions :: [NamedCFGRule] -> [NamedCFGRule] -> [NamedCFGRule]
mergeProductions [] rest = rest
mergeProductions [rule] rest = rule:rest
mergeProductions rules rest =
let name = CFG.ruleName . head $ rules
let name = ruleName . head $ rules
prods = concatMap CFG.nonTerminalRuleProductions rules
in (CFGNonTerminalRule name prods) : rest

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,27 +142,54 @@ terminalP = charToSymbol <$>
-- | Given a bunch of CNF rules, perform various checks on them.
validateCNFGrammar :: [NamedCNFRule] -> Either String NamedCNFGrammar
validateCNFGrammar g = do
-- Group productions of non-terminals together (not actually necessary).
let sorted = sortBy (comparing CNF.ruleName) g
grouped = groupBy (\r0 r1 -> CNF.isNonTerminalRule r0
&& CNF.isNonTerminalRule r1
&& CNF.ruleName r0 == CNF.ruleName r1) sorted
-- Group productions of non-terminals together.
let grouped = groupRules g
merged = foldr mergeProductions [] grouped

-- Check that the start rule exists.
unless (isJust $ find (\r -> CNF.ruleName r == "S") merged) $
(Left "No start rule found!")
-- A parsed grammar in CNF never produces an empty string, this can happen
-- only when converting a general CFG to CNF.
let producesEmpty = False

-- TODO: Add more validity checks. Check whether the grammar produces an empty
-- string.
-- Check that terminal rules are unique and don't intersect with nonterminals.
return (CNFGrammar merged "S" False)
validateCommon merged
return (CNFGrammar merged "S" producesEmpty)

mergeProductions :: [NamedCNFRule] -> [NamedCNFRule] -> [NamedCNFRule]
mergeProductions [] rest = rest
mergeProductions [rule] rest = rule:rest
mergeProductions rules rest =
let name = CNF.ruleName . head $ rules
let name = ruleName . head $ rules
prods = concatMap CNF.nonTerminalRuleProductions rules
in (CNFNonTerminalRule name prods) : rest

-- | Group nonterminal rules by name (in preparation for merging).
groupRules :: (Rule r) => [r RuleName] -> [[r RuleName]]
groupRules rs = groupBy (\r0 r1 -> isNonTerminalRule r0 && isNonTerminalRule r1
&& ruleName r0 == ruleName r1) sorted
sorted = sortBy (comparing ruleName) rs

-- | Common checks.
validateCommon :: Rule r => [r RuleName] -> Either String ()
validateCommon rules = do
-- Check that the start rule exists.
unless (isJust $ find (\r -> ruleName r == "S") rules) $
(Left "No start rule found!")

-- Check that terminal rule names are unique.
let termNames = map ruleName . filter isTerminalRule $ rules
termNamesSet = S.fromList termNames
nonUnique = intercalate ", " . map head
. filter ((>1) . length) . groupBy (==) $ termNames
unless (S.size termNamesSet == length termNames) $
(Left $ "Some terminal rule names are not unique: " ++ nonUnique)

-- Check that terminal rule names don't intersect with nonterminals.
let nontermNames = map ruleName . filter isNonTerminalRule $ rules
nontermNamesSet = S.fromList nontermNames
intersection = intercalate ", " . S.toList $
nontermNamesSet `S.intersection` termNamesSet

unless (null intersection) $
(Left $ "Some non-terminal rule names clash with non-terminals: "
++ intersection)
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions src/CFG/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module CFG.Types (
,NamedCNFGrammar, CompiledCNFGrammar

-- * Misc. helper functions.
,charToSymbol, stringToSymbols, symbolsToString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +58,59 @@ data CNFGrammar a = CNFGrammar { cnfRules :: [CNFRule a]
type NamedCNFGrammar = CNFGrammar RuleName
type CompiledCNFGrammar = CNFGrammar RuleNumber

-- Basic helpers.

class Rule r where

ruleName :: r a -> a
ruleName = ruleNumber

ruleNumber :: r a -> a
ruleNumber = ruleName

isTerminalRule :: r a -> Bool
isNonTerminalRule :: r a -> Bool

terminalRuleProduces :: r a -> Symbol -> Bool

instance Rule CFGRule where

-- ruleName :: CFGRule a -> a
ruleName (CFGTerminalRule name _) = name
ruleName (CFGNonTerminalRule name _) = name

-- isTerminalRule :: CFGRule a -> Bool
isTerminalRule (CFGTerminalRule _ _) = True
isTerminalRule _ = False

-- isNonTerminalRule :: CFGRule a -> Bool
isNonTerminalRule (CFGNonTerminalRule _ _) = True
isNonTerminalRule _ = False

-- terminalRuleProduces :: CFGRule a -> Symbol -> Bool
terminalRuleProduces (CFGTerminalRule _ s) s' = (s == s')
terminalRuleProduces _ _ = error "Terminal rule expected!"

instance Rule CNFRule where

-- ruleName :: CNFRule a -> a
ruleName (CNFTerminalRule name _) = name
ruleName (CNFNonTerminalRule name _) = name

-- isTerminalRule :: CNFRule a -> Bool
isTerminalRule (CNFTerminalRule _ _) = True
isTerminalRule _ = False

-- isNonTerminalRule :: CFGRule a -> Bool
isNonTerminalRule (CNFNonTerminalRule _ _) = True
isNonTerminalRule _ = False

-- terminalRuleProduces :: CNFRule a -> Symbol -> Bool
terminalRuleProduces (CNFTerminalRule _ s) s' = (s == s')
terminalRuleProduces _ _ = error "Terminal rule expected!"

-- Helpers for working with the 'Symbol' type.
charToSymbol :: Char -> Symbol
charToSymbol = SymChar
Expand Down

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