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23Volts modules for VCV Rack

This is a free collection of modules for the VCVRack open source modular synthetizer.

23volts 23volts


Cells is a "cellular automata" sequencer based on the Conway's game of life. It generates deterministic sequences using the base algorithm and some variations of it.

  • TICK : advances to the next generation. When a cable is patched on the grid and has 1 of its 4 neighbours cells alive, it produces a short pulse of the same length of the input clock. When it has 2 or more cells alive, it produces a gate that stays open until the next tick.

  • ALGO : Select the current algorithm with a (0-10v) CV signal, otherwise set through the context menu.

  • SPAWN : generate a new random shape on the grid.

  • CLEAR : clear the grid and initial state.

  • RESET : set the grid to the same state it had when the last spawn was triggered. As the algorithm is deterministic, this will result in a loop.

  • DENSITY : outputs a 0-10v CV value which represents how many cells are "alive" on the grid.

  • EOL : A gate which opens when a "End Of Life" situation happens, which can be either a stale state or an infinite loop.

  • OR : outputs a gate when any of the patched cable is active.

  • NOT : outputs a gate when none of the patched cables are active.


Morph combines 8 offset generators with a XY Pad which allows to smoothly interpolate between four different "snapshots" of the offset knob's positions. This is a powerful tool for soundesign and live performances. The offset can output from -10 to +10 volts.

  • X : allows CV control of the X axis.

  • Y : allows CV Control of the Y axis

Alternatively, clicking the ASSIGN allows for direct mapping of any parameters of other VCV rack modules.


ClockM8 is a simple yet versatile polyphonic clock modulator. It takes 1 to 16 clocks in its polyphonic input, and outputs up to 16 divided/multiplicated versions of them.

The ratio is set by the main knob, which can be (polyphonicaly) modulated with the mod CV input. The module is designed to stay in sync even if receiving extreme modulation; furthermore, the allowed ratios can be quantized to the following values for more musical results :

  • Binary : all strictly binary values
  • Triplets : all multiples of 3
  • Dotted : dotted binary values
  • Odd : all other ratios not present in the other like 5,7,9...

RESET : The module uses a downbeat approch, which means that regardless of the division/multiplication ratio, the 1st modulated pulse will always generated on the 1st clock tick received after a reset. Also, when a TRIG is received from the CLOCK IN when the module was not running, a RESET signal is internally generated.

About polyphony: The number of clocks channels of the polyphonic output is defined by the biggest number of channels from the 3 polyphonic inputs (Clock, Mod, Reset). For example, having 2 different resets with a single clock input it will output 2 clocks with a different reset, the first clock input being copied to the 2nd ClockM8 channel.

Setting up output mode :

By accessing the context menu with a right click you can choose what kind of pulses ClockM8. Trigger will produce a really short pulse, and Gate will produce a pulse half the lenght of the current ratio.


Mem is a Sample & Hold with an internal memory & noise generator that allows for repetable randomness. The size of the memory can be set from 1 to 16K samples, by accessing the context menu. When the end of the memory is reached, Mem will switch to its noise generator.

Merge8 + Split8

Merge8 and Split8 are respectively a 8 channels polyphonic merger and a 8 channels splitter, only taking 3HP each.

Merge4 + Split4

Merge4 and Split4 are respectively a 2x4 channels polyphonic merger and a 2x4 channels splitter, only taking 3HP each.


SwitchN1 is a polyphonic sequential switch. It takes up to 16 channels as an input which are routed to a mono output.

The number of step is defined by the number of channels from the input.

  • RESET : Switch to channel 0.

  • UP : Switch to the next channel.

  • DOWN : Switch to the previous channel

  • RND : Switch to a random channel.

  • CV : Offset the current step with a -5/+5volts signal


MIDI-PC is a simple utility module aimed at sending and receiving MIDI Program Change message from and to VCV rack.


Multimap is a MIDI mapping tool with feedback which can use the same MIDI-CC or notes and assign them to up to 128 banks of different assignments inside VCV.

It comes in 2 versions; one version has 16 knobs and one version has 16 switches.


Mono poly takes a mono input and copy the signal to N polyphonic channels. The number of channels can be set by CV.

Polymerge & Polysplit

Polymerge & Polysplit are channel-variable merger & splitter. Right click on the module allows for selecting the number of channels of the inputs / outputs.


If you found a bug or would like to suggest a new feature, please open a github issue. In the case you don't have a github account nor want to create one, feel free to send an email at


If you use these modules and enjoy them, and would like to support their development, you can make a donation through PayPal