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FlashML from [24] A library for automated model training on Apache Spark


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This is a project from Data Science Engineering team at [24] for creating an internal framework for training all machine learning models deployed by the Data Science Group. This is built on top of Apache Spark.


  1. JDK 8. OpenJDK 8 can be used without any issues.
  2. Hadoop (>2.9.x) and Hive (>2.3.x)
  3. Scala: Version 2.12.10
    • The binaries should be in the path
  4. Apache Spark: Version 2.4.x
    • The binaries should be in the path
  5. Maven: Version 3.6.x or above
    • The binaries should be in the path
  6. [Optional, for development] IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
  7. [Optional, for log search] ELK Stack (see section Logging below)

Important !

  • If you are starting off in a new VM, you can use install-scripts/ to install the following components: OpenJDK 8, mysql, Scala, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, IntelliJ IDEA, Maven.
  • The code HAS to be complied against scala version 2.12.x with Java 8 for now.

Running with docker

Developer Notes: If you are using Windows 10 with WSL 1 for development, running with docker will not work - as docker doesn't work on WSL 1. Please use the method described in the section "Running directly on your system, without docker" below.

Installing docker

Following are the links for docker installation.

  1. Ubuntu/Debian
  2. CentOS
  3. Windows

Building and packaging

The pom file contains two profiles, one for testing and one for release. We need to use the test profile for testing.

mvn clean compile package -DskipTests -Ptest

Running FlashML tests

  1. cd ../docker

  2. To run the complete test suite:

    ./ "test"

    To run a single test:

    ./ "test" "systemTests.MultiIntentSVMTest"

For a complete list of test classes, navigate to src/test/scala/com/tfs/flashml

Using docker shell with FlashML

The following commands would drop you into a docker bash shell with all FlashML dependencies ready. There you can run spark-submit and other usual commands. We also load the FlashML jar in docker HDFS, please follow the notes on screen.

  1. cd ../docker
  2. ./

It is also possible to mount a host folder with your data into the docker container, and use those files and folders to run a Spark job. For example, to load /home/samik/project/yelp from host to docker, use the following command:

 ./ -m /home/samik/project/yelp

Once you are inside the container, this folder will be available at /FlashML/project inside the container. Again, please follow the notes on screen to lauch a Spark job in the container.

Running Spark history server on docker

If you want to run spark history server, run the following command while your are inside docker:


The UI would be available at port 18080, and can be accessed at http://localhost:18080, or at the corresponding URL for a specific machine.

To stop the history server:


Running directly on your system, without docker

Setting up environment

  1. Start hadoop and yarn processes as root:

  2. Start mysql/mariadb service if not already running, and if we are using that as the backend for hive, as root:

    /etc/init.d/mysql start

  3. Start hive metastore to be used by the FlashML process, using user login:

    hive --service metastore &

  4. Build latest FlashML at the project root folder: The pom file contains two profiles, one for testing and one for release. We need to use the test profile for testing.

    mvn clean compile package -DskipTests -Ptest

Running a test from command line

  1. Load data into hive: From the project root folder, using user login (root login not required) run the following:

    hive -f scripts/<scriptname.sql>

    Developer Notes: If you are developing FlashML, and want to test out some or all the unit tests, load the following scripts: titanic-survival-data.sql and web_journey_data_load.sql. The yelp datasets, when used for testing, is loaded directly from HDFS (but can be loaded using yelp_1k.sql or yelp_10k.sql if you need them.)

  2. Load data on HDFS: From the project root folder, using user login (root login not required) run the following:

    hadoop fs -mkdir /data
    hadoop fs -put data/* /data/
  3. Test if the tables show up properly in hive:

    • Run hive: hive
    • Use the flashml schema: use flashml;
    • Check tables: show tables;
    • Count rows in one of the table just loaded
  4. Run a particular test using the command below from the repo root folder.

    scala -J-Xmx2g -cp "docker/scalatest_2.12-3.1.0.jar:docker/scalactic_2.12-3.1.0.jar:target/FlashML-<version>-SNAPSHOT.jar" -o -R target/FlashML-<version>-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar -s com.tfs.flashml.systemTests.MultiIntentSVMTest

  5. To run all tests, it is recommended to use the script scripts/ as shown below from the repo root folder.

    scripts/ /path/to/main/FlashML/jar /path/to/test/FlashML/jar

Running FlashML code from comamand line

  1. Set up a folder with the data, support files (if required), a SQL script to load the data to hive (or, load the data in HDFS), and the config file.

  2. To run on your local dev box (e.g., your VM):

    spark-submit --driver-memory 2g --executor-memory 2g --class com.tfs.flashml.FlashML /path/to/flashml-<version>.jar <config file> or simply spark-submit --class com.tfs.flashml.FlashML /path/to/flashml-<version>.jar <config file>

  3. To run on a cluster:

    • Copy the compiled flashml-<version>.jar to a location in HDFS, using hadoop fs -put. This is not necessary but makes things easy.
    • spark-submit --num-executors 2 --driver-memory 2g --executor-memory 2g --executor-cores 2 --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --files <comma separated list of file paths> --class com.tfs.flashml.FlashML <hdfs:///path/to/flashml-<version>.jar> <config file>


  • The <config file> at the end of the command can be omitted if the config file with the name "config.json" is available at the folder from where the spark job is to be launched.

  • We can attach the IntelliJ debugger even if we are using the spark-submit command from shell, by using the technique of remote debugging in JVM.

    • Use the following command for spark-submit:

    spark-submit --conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 --class com.tfs.flashml.FlashML /path/to/flashml-<version>.jar <config file>

    • Now launch the debug process from IntelliJ, e.g., as described in this link.

Running FlashML from IDE

Running FlashML: Follow the steps below to run FlashML using your favorite IDE.

  • Modify config.json as required

  • Right click on com.tfs.flashml.FlashML.scala and select Run FlashML

    Developer Notes: The file config.json is included in the .gitignore file at the root level, and is expected to be checked in only when there is an update to the configurations (e.g., adding/removal/update of keys).

Running FlashML Tests: We recommend running tests from IDE. Right-click on the test class name in the IDE Project Explorer and choose Run <XXXTest>

Running FlashML with a specific config parameter: In this case, the <FlashML Root>/config.json should contain all the correct configurations. Right-click on com.tfs.flashml.FlashML.scala and select Run FlashML


  1. The compiled classes gets packaged to a jar using the same maven command mentioned above (it also does packaging and shading for the main jar - flashml-.jar). The artifact version will be changed for every release of FlashML.
  • Developer Notes: Change VersionNumber in both root pom.xml and docker/ parameter
  1. To build a thin jar, add <scope>provided</scope> in the pom.xml to all the Spark dependencies.

  2. The artifact will be generated in the docker folder inside the project with flashml-<version>.jar name.

Upgrading Dependencies

Any dependency change will require change in two places:

  • Root pom.xml : for changes to application dependencies
  • docker test infra : Change in docker images for Test Infra

Developer Notes: The instructions for changing DockerHub Infra are in docker/dockerhub/

For example, to Upgrade Spark/Hadoop/Hive version, change version in pom.xml and then change dockerhub image to use new version.

Logging with ELK Stack

  1. Create a copy of the FlashML jar. Lets call it flashmlLog.jar. For more details why we need to do this:

    Else we get the error: "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:"

  2. To forward the FlashML logs to ELK stack, add:

    --files,flashmlLog.jar --conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions='' --conf spark.driver.extraClassPath='file:flashmlLog.jar' --conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions='' --conf spark.executor.extraClassPath='file:flashmlLog.jar'

    to the spark submit command.

  3. Remaining details related to the socket server receiving the logs are available in the in FlashML Log Server repo.

Release Notes

Release notes for all versions of FlashML are at Release Notes.


FlashML from [24] A library for automated model training on Apache Spark







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Contributors 4

