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The 2° Investing Initiative (2DII) is an independent, non-profit think tank that coordinates some of the world’s largest research projects on sustainable finance. Our research retail projects included data collection through surveys, focus groups, campaigns, among others. This package contains the raw data captured in those projects.


To install the package, first it is neccesary to install the package from Github: remotes::install_github("2DegreesInvesting/Data.2DII")

Then charge the library: library(Data.2DII)


Once you installed the package, you can upload the raw data calling it, as follow :

Name Data information N of participants Countries Year
EEI_2022 This survey aimed to assess the retail investor demand and market potential for green/sustainable financial solutions in six EU countries. It is structured in 9 parts:A Interest in sustainable finance products, B Believes abouts sustainable finance products, C Sustainability objectives in relation to financial objectives, D Interst and preferences about voting , E+F Investments in and preferences for green financial products, G Interest in innovative green financial products (e.g. PE or infrastructure funds) , H Interest in green borrowing (e.g. green loans or energy performance contracts), I Sociodemographic profile ~6000 Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and Sweden. 2022
EEI_wealthgermany_2022 The survey assess the private investor demand and market potential for green/sustainable financial solutions with a focus on wealthier people in Germany (with more than 250k euros in savings). It is structured in 9 parts: A Interest in sustainable finance products, B Believes abouts sustainable finance products, C Sustainability objectives in relation to financial objectives, D Interst and preferences about voting, E+F Investments in and preferences for green financial products, G Interest in innovative green financial products (e.g. PE or infrastructure funds) , H Interest in green borrowing (e.g. green loans or energy performance contracts), I Sociodemographic profile ~400 Germany 2022
ESG_france_2021 The survey aimed to retail investor sustainability preferences and their understanding of marketing claims. The survey is structured in 9 parts : A Sociodemographic information, B Financial information, C Sustainability profile, D Impact goals, E Evidence preferences, F Exclusion topics and scope, G Willigness for tradeoffs, H Misleading claims, I Believes about EEI/SEI products ~1500 France 2021
Exclusion_Germany_2021 The survey aimed to assess retail investor preferences about exclusion topics, i.e. most relevant exclusions, scope of exclusions (value chain and revenue thresholds) (results in German) ~1000 Germany 2021
Mystery_2022 The focus of the this mystery shopping campaign was to assess the compliance with the new MiFID II regulation and broader sustainability motivations. We allocated 4 hypothetical investor profiles to the mystery shoppers including e.g. an impact-oriented green investor profile or a pure value-oriented investor profile. We assessed the following topics (please note that for duty of confidentiality we removed personal information of mystery shoppers and the bank name and recommended products): - Explanation of sustainability preferences - Advisor knowledge and expertise - Identification of sustainability preferences - Financial product presentation/recommendation - Final conclusion of the meeting ~250 Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Ireland and Romania 2022 - 2023
Mystery_ESIP_2021 The focus of the this mystery shopping campaign was to assess the compliance with the new MiFID II regulation and broader sustainability motivations. We allocated 6 hypothetical investor profiles to the mystery shoppers including e.g. Risk - averse, balanced and risk taker, and 2 groups per profile: want to invest green and agnostic. We assessed the following topics (please note that for duty of confidentiality we removed personal information of mystery shoppers and the bank name and recommended products): - Explanation of sustainability preferences - Advisor knowledge and expertise - Identification of sustainability preferences - Financial product presentation/recommendation - Final conclusion of the meeting ~199 Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Germany, Greece and Romania. 2021
Mystery_france_2021 The aim of this mystery shopping campaign was to find out how sustainability preferences are questioned by bank advisors and how they are handled once identified before the new MiFID II directive comes into force(please note that for duty of confidentiality we removed personal information of mystery shoppers and the bank name and recommended products)):- Sustainability assestment - Advisor knowledge and expertise - Identification of sustainability preferences - Conclusions. (Results in French) ~100 France 2021
Survey_ESIP_2021 The survey assets to retail investors green consumer preferences. It containes: A. sociodemographic information, B. Believes, C. Sustainability objectives, D. Personal causes, E. Trade-offs, F. Green energy transition, G. Sustainability techniques, H. Applied sustainability techniques. ~ 4000 Germany, Greece, Estonia, Ireland, Romania and Denmark. 2021
Mystery_EEI_2023 The focus of the this mystery shopping campaign was to assess the compliance with the new MiFID II regulation and broader sustainability motivations. We allocated 2 hypothetical investor profiles to the mystery shoppers including. We assessed the following topics (please note that for duty of confidentiality we removed personal information of mystery shoppers and the bank name and recommended products): - Explanation of sustainability preferences - Advisor knowledge and expertise - Identification of sustainability preferences - Financial product presentation/recommendation - Final conclusion of the meeting 98 Italy, Spain and The Netherlands + 8 visits for Sweden 2023
Survey_sustainability_2023 The survey assets to understand the retail investors demand for sustainable finance products. It has 5 parts : A. Interest, B. Sustainable investing – General, C. Sustainability goals, D. Sustainability Preferences, E: Sociodemographic profile ~2100 Germany, Italy and The Netherlands. 2023
Mystery_france_2023 The focus of the this mystery shopping campaign was to assess the compliance with the new MiFID II regulation and broader sustainability motivations in France. (Results in French) 64 France 2023
Survey_sustainability_france_2024 The survey assets to understand the retail investors demand for sustainable finance products. It has 5 parts : A. Interest, B. Sustainable investing – General, C. Sustainability goals, D. Sustainability Preferences, E: Sociodemographic profile 1000 France 2024

** Open questions on Mystery shopping campaigns were deleted. They will be available upon request on:


The documentation of each dataset contains the metadata, with the description, usage, format, name variables and variables' description. To access the information on R, write "?Name_of_the_dataset". Additionally, on the folder of Excel and documentation, there are more information about the variables (names on Documentation and datamap on raw data) in each dataset.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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