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Welcome to 2PI SDK

Javascript SDK for building with 2PI Protocol


Using yarn

yarn add @2pi-network/js-sdk

Using npm

npm i @2pi-network/js-sdk


Here is a quick look at using the SDK.

const { Wallet }         = require('ethers')
const { InfuraProvider } = require('@ethersproject/providers')
const { TwoPi }          = require('@2pi-network/js-sdk')

// This is only required when used inside node.
// Otherwise you can use a wallet via web3 as usual
const walletPrivateKey = process.env.POLYGON_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY

// We use Infura here, but any RCP provider should work
const projectId     = process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_ID
const projectSecret = process.env.INFURA_PROJECT_SECRET

const chainId  = 80001 // 80001 is Polygon testnet, best known as Mumbai
const provider = new InfuraProvider('maticmum', { projectId, projectSecret })
const wallet   = new Wallet(walletPrivateKey, provider)
const twoPi    = new TwoPi(chainId, provider, wallet)

twoPi.getVaults().forEach(async vault => {
  const apy = await vault.apy() || 0

  console.log(`${}\tAPY ${(apy * 100).toFixed(2)}%`)

TwoPi instance

This is the entry point of almost any interaction. You will be asked to provide 3 arguments:

  • The chain ID as an integer, for the time being the only supported values are 137 and 80001, which identifies Polygon Mainnet and Polygon Mumbai (test net).
  • The provider, can be any RCP that supports the selected network.
  • The wallet to be used for every operation that requires it.

Public attributes

On every twoPi instance you can access the following attributes:

  • chainId: the chain to be used.
  • provider: the RPC provided instance.
  • signer: the signer of any transaction that requires it (usually the user's wallet).

Public methods

  • constructor(chainId, provider, signer) refer to "Public attributes" to get a description of each argument.
  • getVaults() it returns an array of Vault instances, initialized with this instance for the selected network.

Vault instance

This class represents a unique vault and can be used to interact and query information.

Public attributes

On every vault instance you can access the following attributes:

  • twoPi: instance of the main TwoPi object being used.
  • id: string with the vault unique identifier (in the form of network-token-pool, for example polygon-dai-aave).
  • token: string identifying the token to be maximized.
  • earn: string identifying what you'll be receiving as a reward.
  • priceId: string identifying which price will be queried on Coingecko.
  • uses: string identifying the protocol being used (can be 'Aave' or 'Curve' at the time being).
  • pool: string identifying the pool being used (can be 'aave' or 'curve' at the time being).
  • symbol: string identifying the token symbol name.
  • chainId: number identifying the chain in which the vault it is deployed.
  • borrow?: optional object containing the borrow depth and percentage used by the vault.

Public methods

  • constructor(twoPi: TwoPi, data: {id, token, earn, priceId, uses, pool, symbol, chainId, borrow, twoPi}) refer to "Public attributes" to get a description of each argument and attribute.
  • signer() returns the current assigned signer.
  • canSign() whether the current signer is a read-only signer or not.
  • async shares() returns the shares of the current signer.
  • async allowance() returns the vault's allowance in wei for the current signer.
  • async balance() returns the token balance in wei for the current signer.
  • async decimals() returns the vault's decimals (not to be confused with the token decimals).
  • async tokenDecimals() returns the token decimal places (not to be confused with the vault decimals).
  • async pricePerFullShare() returns the vault's current price for every share.
  • async tvl() returns the vault's current overall balance.
  • async approve(amount) sets amount of tokens in wei as vault allowance over the signer's tokens.
  • async deposit(amount) deposits the amount of tokens in wei specified by the argument.
  • async depositAll() deposits all the tokens owned by the signer. In case of native tokens (like MATIC) a reserve is taken so the user can afford the transaction gas.
  • async withdraw(amount) withdraw and transfer to the signer wallet the amount of tokens in wei specified by the argument.
  • async withdrawAll() withdraw all the deposited tokens and transfers them to the signer wallet.
  • async apy() returns the vault current APY as a multiplier (for example, 10% it is represented as 0.1).

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