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39aldo39 committed Sep 22, 2017
1 parent 2dda953 commit 3da71c3
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Showing 7 changed files with 94 additions and 85 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion keyboard-layout-files-creator.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ executable klfc
megaparsec >= 6,
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions scripts/ActionToMd.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ module ActionToMd where
import Prelude.Unicode
import ToMarkdownList
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L (getContents)
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)

main IO ()
main = do
text L.getContents
text getContents
let list = haskellListToMdList <$> parse (haskellList Data "Action") "" text
let info = mdListToMd "The supported actions are:" <$> list
either (hPutStrLn stderr show) (mapM_ putStrLn) info
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions scripts/PosToMd.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,12 +6,11 @@ module PosToMd where
import Prelude.Unicode
import ToMarkdownList
import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as L (getContents)
import Text.Megaparsec (parse)

main IO ()
main = do
text L.getContents
text getContents
let list = haskellListToMdList <$> parse (haskellList List "posAndString") "" text
let info = mdListToMd "The supported positions are:" <$> list
either (hPutStrLn stderr show) (mapM_ putStrLn) info
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion scripts/ToMarkdownList.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,14 @@ import Data.Monoid.Unicode ((⊕))

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Char (isLetter)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Data.List (intercalate, groupBy)
import Data.Function (on)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Text.Lazy (Parser)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char

type Parser = Parsec Void String

type MdList = [Either Category PartOfMdList]
type Category = String
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57 changes: 30 additions & 27 deletions src/KlcParse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module KlcParse
( parseKlcLayout
Expand All @@ -17,17 +17,20 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT, writer, tell)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Data.Void (Void)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L (Text)
import Lens.Micro.Platform (ASetter, view, set, over, makeLenses, ix, _1)
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (Pos)
import Text.Megaparsec.Prim (MonadParsec)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char

import Layout.Key (Key(..))
import Layout.Layout (Layout(..))
import Layout.Types
import Lookup.Windows
import WithBar (WithBar(..))

type Parser = MonadParsec Void L.Text

data KlcParseLayout = KlcParseLayout
{ __parseInformation Information
, __parseShiftstates [Shiftstate]
Expand All @@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ instance Monoid KlcParseLayout where
KlcParseLayout a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 `mappend` KlcParseLayout b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 =
KlcParseLayout (a1 b1) (a2 b2) (a3 b3) (a4 b4) (a5 b5)

layout (Logger m, MonadParsec Dec s m, Token s ~ Char) m Layout
layout (Logger m, Parser m) m Layout
layout = do
KlcParseLayout info states keys ligs deads klcLayout
($ keys) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +74,7 @@ setLigatures' xs key = foldr setLigature key ligs
ligs = filter ((≡) (view _pos key) view _1) xs
setLigature (_, i, s) = set (_letters ix i) (Ligature Nothing s)

klcLayout (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m KlcParseLayout
klcLayout (Logger m, Parser m) m KlcParseLayout
klcLayout = many >$> mconcat $
set' _parseInformation <$> try kbdField
<|> set' _parseShiftstates <$> try shiftstates
Expand All @@ -92,27 +95,27 @@ klcLayout = many >$> mconcat $
field "VERSION" = pure set' _version Just
field f = const $ (∅) <$ tell ["unknown field ‘" f ""]

kbdField (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m Information
kbdField Parser m m Information
kbdField = do
["KBD", l1, l2] readLine
pure set _name l1 set _fullName l2 $ (∅)

shiftstates (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [Shiftstate]
shiftstates Parser m m [Shiftstate]
shiftstates = do
["SHIFTSTATE"] readLine
map shiftstateFromWinShiftstate <$> many (try shiftstate)

shiftstate (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m Int
shiftstate Parser m m Int
shiftstate = do
[i] readLine
maybe (fail $ "" show i "’ is not an integer") pure (readMaybe i)

klcKeys (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [Key]
klcKeys (Logger m, Parser m) m [Key]
klcKeys = do
try $ spacing *> string "LAYOUT" *> endLine *> pure ()
catMaybes <$> many (isHex *> klcKey)

klcKey (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m (Maybe Key)
klcKey (Logger m, Parser m) m (Maybe Key)
klcKey = runMaybeT $ do
sc:vk:caps:letters lift readLine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,12 +152,12 @@ parseLetter xs
Just c pure (Char c)
Nothing LNothing <$ tell ["unknown letter ‘" xs ""]

ligatures (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [(Pos, Int, String)]
ligatures (Logger m, Parser m) m [(Pos, Int, String)]
ligatures = do
["LIGATURE"] readLine
catMaybes <$> many (try ligature)

ligature (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m (Maybe (Pos, Int, String))
ligature (Logger m, Parser m) m (Maybe (Pos, Int, String))
ligature = runMaybeT $ do
sc:i:chars lift readLine
guard (not (null chars))
Expand All @@ -166,60 +169,60 @@ ligature = runMaybeT $ do
letterToChar (Char c) = Just c
letterToChar _ = Nothing

deadKey (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [(Char, StringMap)]
deadKey (Logger m, Parser m) m [(Char, StringMap)]
deadKey = do
["DEADKEY", s] readLine
let i = maybeToList (readMaybe ('0':'x':s))
c chr <$> i <$ when (null i) (tell ["unknown dead key ‘" s ""])
m many (isHex *> deadPair)
pure (zip c [m])

deadPair (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m (String, String)
deadPair Parser m m (String, String)
deadPair = do
[x, y] map (\s maybe '\0' chr (readMaybe ('0':'x':s))) <$> readLine
pure ([x], [y])

keyName (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [(String, String)]
keyName Parser m m [(String, String)]
keyName = do
['K':'E':'Y':'N':'A':'M':'E':_] readLine
many (try nameValue)

endKbd (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m ()
endKbd Parser m m ()
endKbd = do
["ENDKBD"] readLine
pure ()

nameValue (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m (String, String)
nameValue Parser m m (String, String)
nameValue = do
[name, value] readLine
pure (name, value)

readLine (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [String]
readLine Parser m m [String]
readLine = takeWhile (not isComment) <$> some (klcValue <* spacing) <* emptyOrCommentLines
isComment (';':_) = True
isComment ('/':'/':_) = True
isComment _ = False

klcValue (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
klcValue = try (char '"' *> manyTill anyChar (char '"')) <|> try (some (noneOf " \t\r\n")) <?> "klc value"
klcValue Parser m m String
klcValue = try (char '"' *> manyTill anyChar (char '"')) <|> try (some (noneOf [' ','\t','\r','\n'])) <?> "klc value"

isHex (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m Char
isHex Parser m m Char
isHex = (lookAhead try) (spacing *> satisfy ((∧) <$> isHexDigit <*> not isUpper))

spacing (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
spacing = many (oneOf " \t")
spacing Parser m m String
spacing = many (oneOf [' ','\t'])

comment (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
comment Parser m m String
comment = spacing *> (string ";" <|> string "//") *> manyTill anyChar (try eol)

endLine (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
endLine Parser m m String
endLine = manyTill anyChar (try eol) <* emptyOrCommentLines

emptyLine (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
emptyLine Parser m m String
emptyLine = spacing <* eol

emptyOrCommentLines (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [String]
emptyOrCommentLines Parser m m [String]
emptyOrCommentLines = many (try emptyLine <|> try comment)

parseKlcLayout Logger m String L.Text Either String (m Layout)
Expand Down
39 changes: 21 additions & 18 deletions src/PklParse.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax, NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module PklParse
( parsePklLayout
Expand All @@ -17,9 +17,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))
import Control.Monad.Writer (runWriterT, writer, tell)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Lens.Micro.Platform (set, (<&>))
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (Pos)
import Text.Megaparsec.Prim (MonadParsec)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char

import Layout.Key (Key(Key))
import Layout.Layout (Layout(Layout))
Expand All @@ -28,7 +29,9 @@ import Layout.Types
import Lookup.Windows
import WithBar (WithBar(..))

layout (Logger m, MonadParsec Dec s m, Token s ~ Char) m Layout
type Parser = MonadParsec Void L.Text

layout (Logger m, Parser m) m Layout
layout = do
PklParseLayout info states keys specialKeys deads pklLayout
($ keys) $
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,11 +61,11 @@ instance Monoid PklParseLayout where
PklParseLayout a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 `mappend` PklParseLayout b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 =
PklParseLayout (a1 b1) (a2 b2) (a3 b3) (a4 b4) (a5 b5)

pklLayout (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m PklParseLayout
pklLayout (Logger m, Parser m) m PklParseLayout
pklLayout = mconcat <$> many ((sectionName >>= section) <* many nonSectionLine)
sectionName = char '[' *> manyTill anyChar (char ']') <* endLine
section (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) String m PklParseLayout
section (Logger m, Parser m) String m PklParseLayout
section "informations" = (\l (∅) { parseInformation = l }) <$> informationsSection
section "global" = globalSection
section "layout" = (\ks (∅) { parseKeys = ks }) <$> layoutSection
Expand All @@ -74,7 +77,7 @@ pklLayout = mconcat <$> many ((sectionName >>= section) <* many nonSectionLine)
where num = readMaybe (drop 7 xs) Maybe Int
nonSectionLine = lookAhead (noneOf "[") *> many (noneOf "\r\n") *> eol

informationsSection (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m Information
informationsSection (Logger m, Parser m) m Information
informationsSection = mconcat <$> (many nameValue >>= traverse (uncurry field))
field Logger m String String m Information
Expand All @@ -90,12 +93,12 @@ informationsSection = mconcat <$> (many nameValue >>= traverse (uncurry field))
field "modified_after_generate" = pure const (∅)
field name = const $ (∅) <$ tell ["unknown information ‘" name ""]

nameValue (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m (String, String)
nameValue Parser m m (String, String)
nameValue = liftA2 (,)
(lookAhead (noneOf "[") *> some (noneOf "= \t"))
(spacing *> char '=' *> spacing *> endLine)

globalSection (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m PklParseLayout
globalSection Parser m m PklParseLayout
globalSection = mconcat map (uncurry field) <$> many nameValue
field String String PklParseLayout
Expand All @@ -110,12 +113,12 @@ shiftstates xs =
(s, []) [s]
(s, _:ss) s : shiftstates ss

layoutSection (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [Key]
layoutSection (Logger m, Parser m) m [Key]
layoutSection = catMaybes <$> many (try key <|> Nothing <$ unknownLine)
unknownLine = lookAhead (noneOf "[") *> eol

key (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m (Maybe Key)
key (Logger m, Parser m) m (Maybe Key)
key = runMaybeT $ do
pos parseScancode =<< lift (oneOf "sS" *> oneOf "cC" *> some hexDigitChar)
void lift $ spacing *> char '=' *> spacing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,14 +174,14 @@ parseLetter s' = maybe (LNothing <$ tell ["unknown letter ‘" ⊕ s' ⊕ "’"]
parseDead _ = Nothing
parseAction = fmap Action asum map (`lookupR` actionAndPklAction) ap [Simple] pure

deadkeySection (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m DeadKey
deadkeySection Parser m m DeadKey
deadkeySection = do
deadkeyMap many deadkeyValue
let name = maybe "" snd (listToMaybe deadkeyMap)
let c = listToMaybe name
pure (DeadKey name c deadkeyMap)

deadkeyValue (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m (String, String)
deadkeyValue Parser m m (String, String)
deadkeyValue = do
from readMaybe <$> many digitChar
void $ spacing >> char '=' >> spacing
Expand All @@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ deadkeyValue = do
maybe (fail "could not parse deadkey") pure $
(,) <$> fmap (pure chr) from <*> fmap (pure chr) to

extendSection (Logger m, MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m PklParseLayout
extendSection (Logger m, Parser m) m PklParseLayout
extendSection = many nameValue >>= traverse (uncurry field) <&> (\ks (∅)
{ parseShiftstates = [WP.singleton M.Extend]
, parseKeys = catMaybes ks
Expand All @@ -203,19 +206,19 @@ extendSection = many nameValue >>= traverse (uncurry field) <&> (\ks → (∅)
<*> pure Nothing
field _ xs = Nothing <$ tell ["unknown letter ‘" xs ""]

spacing (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
spacing Parser m m String
spacing = many (oneOf " \t")

endLine (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
endLine Parser m m String
endLine = manyTill anyChar (try eol) <* emptyOrCommentLines

comment (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
comment Parser m m String
comment = spacing *> char ';' *> manyTill anyChar (try eol)

emptyLine (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m String
emptyLine Parser m m String
emptyLine = spacing <* eol

emptyOrCommentLines (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) m [String]
emptyOrCommentLines Parser m m [String]
emptyOrCommentLines = many (try emptyLine <|> comment)

parsePklLayout Logger m String L.Text Either String (m Layout)
Expand Down

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