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Installation steps

  • Login using SSH client to your QIDI printer
  • Execute this command to access klipper_config path
cd ~/klipper_config/
  • Clone 3Dwork Klipper Bundle - QIDI Edition
git clone


Only needed first time on clean installation:

  • Execute this command to access bundle scripts folder
cd /home/mks/klipper_config/3dwork-klipper-qidi/scripts/
  • Launch installer
  • From your Klipper web UI add this line to the end of your moonraker.conf config file:
[include 3dwork-klipper-qidi/moonraker.conf]
  • From your Klipper web UI add the content at the end of your printer.cfg (before SAVE_CONFIG section at the end) : image
  • From the previous config enable (removing #) or disable (adding #) the configurations that meets your machine/requirements... should be interesting if you enable our regular and shell macros :) or config printer
    • 3Dwork Klipper QIDI bundle macros
      • PID Macros with parameters image image image
      • M600/Filament Management Macros with filament runout sensor management for QIDI printers image
      • Shell Macros for Input Shaper, for XY and Belt tension, create the graph on an accessible folder from UI for easy download image image image
    • 3Dwork Klipper QIDI bundle configs

Tasks List

  • Create Repository
  • Create base installer
  • Create QIDI X-Max 3 printer profile mods
  • CI - Update Gists
  • CI - Readme Automatic Translation
  • Added MCU temperature mod
  • Added manual bedleveling config
  • Added Klippain ShakeTune
  • Added Smart PID macros with temperature and fan speed selection and log/notification - PID_EXTRUDER / PID_BED / PID_ALL
  • Added Smart M600 macros with filament management support, variables for custom setup and user macros to integrate third party actions (like led management, buzzer, etc...) - M600 / PAUSE_MACRO / _DISABLE_FS / UNLOAD_FILAMENT / PURGE_FILAMENT / _ENABLE_FS


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