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A standalone version of FuseJS's fuse.Fusebox()

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Extending JavaScript natives gives you the power to customize the language to fit your needs. You can add convenience methods like "hello world".capitalize() or implement missing functionality like [1,2,3].indexOf(2) in JScript. The problem is that frameworks / libraries / third-party scripts may overwrite native methods or each other's custom methods resulting in unpredictable outcomes. Fusebox, a limited1 version of the sandboxing component found in FuseJS, avoids these issues by creating sandboxed natives which can be extended without affecting the document natives.

For example:

  var fb = Fusebox();
  fb.Array.prototype.hai = function() {
    return fb.String("Oh hai, we have " + this.length + " items.");
  fb.Array(1, 2, 3).hai(); // "Oh hai, we have 3 items."
  typeof window.Array.prototype.hai; // undefined


Watch the following screencasts for additional information on the history of sandboxed natives and a full Fusebox code review.

  1. Sandboxed Natives 101: Screencast One
  2. How to create a sandbox: Screencast Two
  3. How to create a Fusebox: Screencast Three
  4. The Final Countdown: Screencast Four

Supported Fuseboxed natives


The new operator

  // with `new` operator
  var fb = new Fusebox();
  // or without
  fb = Fusebox();

Attach to a custom object

  var a = MyApp.Array(1, 2, 3);


  // returns ["a", "b", "c"] <- array & string values are Fuseboxed
  fb.String("c b a").split(" ").sort();

Working with arrays2

  // like the native Array constructor the Fuseboxed constructor will return [ , , ]
  var a = fb.Array(3);

  // converting a native array to a Fuseboxed array
  var c = fb.Array.fromArray([1, 2, 3]);

Working with object instances

  var a = fb.String("");
  var b = fb.Number(0);
  // not falsy like their primitive counterpart
  if (!a) { /* won't get here */ }
  if (!b) { /* won't get here */ }
  // a little utility method will smooth things out
  function falsy(value) {
    !value || value == "";
  if (falsy(a)) { /* will get here */ }
  if (falsy(b)) { /* will get here */ }
  // will loosely equate to like values
  fb.String("Oh hai") == "Oh hai"
  fb.String("1") == 1;
  fb.Number(1) == 1;
  // will *not* strictly equate to like values
  fb.String("Oh hai") !== "Oh hai";
  fb.Number(1) !== 1;
  // will *not* equate (loosely or strictly) to other object instances
  fb.String("Oh hai") != fb.String("Oh hai");
  fb.String("Oh hai") !== fb.String("Oh hai");

Converting Fuseboxed natives to document natives

  var a = fb.String("Oh hai");
  var b = fb.Number(1);
  var c = fb.Array(1, 2, 3);
  // results in a document native (primitive)
  "" + a;
  // results in a document native (primitive)
  // results in a document native (array object)
  [], 0);

The plugin alias of prototype = function(value) {
    return "" + this == "" + value;
  fb.String.plugin.equals = (function() {
    var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
    return function(value) {
      return === '[object String]' ? : false;
  fb.String("1").like(1);   // true
  fb.String("1").equals(1); // false
  fb.String("Oh hai").equals(fb.String("Oh hai")); // true


  • The __proto__ technique, used by Gecko\WebKit\KHTML, may be affected by modifications to the document native constructor's prototype. To avoid this issue simply create the Fusebox before modifying the document native constructor's prototype.

      // problem in Gecko\WebKit\KHTML
      Array.prototype.sort = function() { return "Oh noes!" };
      var fb = Fusebox();
      fb.Array(3, 2, 1).sort(); // ["O", "h", " ", "n", "o", "e", "s", "!"]
      // solution
      var fb = Fusebox();
      Array.prototype.sort = function() { return "Oh noes!" };
      fb.Array(3, 2, 1).sort(); // [1, 2, 3]
  • Fuseboxed natives created by the ActiveX / iframe techniques will inherit3 from the Fuseboxed Object object's prototype.

      fb.Object.prototype.nom = function() {
        return fb.String(this + " nom nom nom!");
      fb.String("Cheezburger").nom(); // "Cheezburger nom nom nom!"
  • Fuseboxed native instances created by the __proto__ technique will return true for instanceof operations against document native constructors. The instanceof operator should be avoided for object type detection4.

      // returns true Fuseboxed native constructors...
      fb.Number(1) instanceof fb.Number; // true
      fb.Array(1, 2, 3) instanceof fb.Array; // true
      fb.String("Oh hai") instanceof fb.String; // true
      // but also document native constructors in Gecko\WebKit\KHTML
      fb.Number(1) instanceof Number; // true
      fb.Array(1, 2, 3) instanceof Array; // true
      fb.String("Oh hai") instanceof String; // true


  1. FuseJS supports native generics likefb.Array.slice(array, 0) and fixes cross-browser \s RegExp character class inconsistencies.

  2. FuseJS supports additional Array helpers like fuse.Array.from() and fuse.Array.fromNodeList().

  3. The Object object inheritance inconsistency is resolved in FuseJS by assigning fuse.Object an object Object of a different Fusebox instance effectively removing Object object inheritance for the other natives on the fuse namespace.

  4. For more information on why instanceof should be avoided please read "instanceof considered harmful" by Juriy Zaytsev and "Working around the instanceof memory leak" by Gino Cochuyt.


A standalone version of FuseJS's fuse.Fusebox()






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