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CoreTransport is a no-compromise cross-platform pure C library (with wrapper APIs in various languages) for establishing and consuming from persistent TCP socket client connections secured with TLS. CoreTransport aims to implement the following non-standard features for all supported platforms:

Motivating Feature Win32, Xbox OSX, iOS, tvOS FreeBSD
Structured concurrency to promote simultaneous asynchronous non-blocking socket connections from a single thread Coroutines,
IO Completion
IO Completion
IO Completion
Async non-blocking DNS resolve IPv4,  IPv6 IPv4,  IPv6 IPv4,  IPv6
Async non-blocking TLS negotiation via platform provided encryption with fallback to 3rd party embedded support SCHANNEL,       
Kernel TLS,      
Lock-Free, Wait-Free Tx/Rx scheduling & completion operation dequeuing with fewest system calls IOCP,
Cursor pipe
Cursor pipe
Memory management that supports in-place processing and optional response caching Memory Pools,
Mapped Files
Memory Pools,
Mapped Files
Memory Pools,
Mapped Files
Closures to delegate response buffers back to caller Clang Blocks,
C++ Lambdas
Clang Blocks,
C++ Lambdas
Clang Blocks,
C++ Lambdas
Conditional chaining of requests/queries from the same and other connections Completion
Streaming downloads for consumption by an accelerated graphics or real-time hardware pipeline Progress
Tunneling via proxy connections HTTP,  SOCKS5 HTTP,  SOCKS5 HTTP,  SOCKS5
Numa Siloing ❌ ❌ ❌

CoreTransport is the modular Network Transport Layer that operates in parallel with 3rdGen's Accelerated Graphics Layer, Core Render. Together, CoreTransport and CoreRender's C libraries embody the foundational layer of 3rdGen's proprietary simulation engine and cross-platform application framework, Cobalt Rhenium.


The general pattern for establishing and consuming from client connections using CTransport and its wrapper interface libraries is the same:

  1. Create a connection + cursor pool
  2. Create queues for async + non-blocking socket operations (CTKernelQueue)
  3. Create a pool of threads to dequeue socket operations (CTThread)
  4. Define your target (CTTarget)
  5. Create a socket connection + perform SSL Handshake (CTConnection)
  6. Make a network request and asynchronously receive the response (CTCursor)
  7. Clean up the connection

CTransport API

   #include <CoreTransport/CTransport.h>

Create Connection + Cursor Pool


Create Socket Queues

   CTKernelQueue cq = CTKernelQueueCreate();
   CTKernelQueue tq = CTKernelQueueCreate();
   CTKernelQueue rq = CTKernelQueueCreate();

Create Thread Pool

   CTThread cxThread = CTThreadCreate(&cq, CT_Dequeue_Connect);
   CTThread txThread = CTThreadCreate(&tq, CT_Dequeue_Encrypt_Send);
   CTThread rxThread = CTThreadCreate(&rq, CT_Dequeue_Recv_Decrypt);

Define your target

   CTTarget httpTarget =   {0}; =       "";
   httpTarget.port =       443; =     NULL;          //CTransport will look for the certificate in the platform CA trust store
   httpTarget.ssl.method = CTSSL_TLS_1_2; //Optionally specify if TLS encryption is desired and what version
   httpTarget.cq =  	   cq; //If no cx queue is specified [DNS + Connect + TLS Handshake] will occur on the current thread
   httpTarget.tq =  	   tq; //If no tx queue is specified CTransport internal queues will be assigned to the connection for send
   httpTarget.rq =  	   rq; //If no rx queue is specified CTransport internal queues will be assigned to the connection for recv 

Connect with Closure/Callback

   CTConnection _httpConn;
   CTConnectionClosure _httpConnectionClosure = ^int(CTError * err, CTConnection * conn)   
	//Parse error status
	assert(err->id == CTSuccess);

	//Copy CTConnection struct memory from coroutine stack to application memory 
	//(because connection will go out of scope when this funciton exits)
	_httpConn = *conn;
	return err->id;
   CTransport.connect(&httpTarget, _httpConnectionClosure);

Make a network Request using a Cursor (CTCursor)

   //the purpose of this callback is to return the end of the header to CTransport so it can continue processing
   char * httpHeaderLengthCallback(struct CTCursor * cursor, char * buffer, unsigned long length )
	char* endOfHeader = strstr(buffer, "\r\n\r\n");
	if (!endOfHeader) 
	   pCursor->headerLength = 0;
	   pCursor->contentLength = 0;
	   return NULL;
	//set ptr to end of http header
	endOfHeader += sizeof("\r\n\r\n") - 1;

	//The client *must* set the cursor's contentLength property to aid CoreTransport 
	//in knowing when to stop reading from the socket (CTransport layer is protocol agnostic) 
	cursor->contentLength = ...

	//The cursor headerLength is calculated as follows after this function returns
	//cursor->headerLength = endOfHeader - buffer;
	return endOfHeader;

   CTCursorCompletionClosure httpResponseClosure = ^void(CTError * err, CTCursor* cursor)
	printf("httpResponseCallback header:  \n\n%.*s\n\n", cursor->headerLength, cursor->requestBuffer);
	printf("httpResponseCallback body:    \n\n%.*s\n\n", cursor->file.size, cursor->file.buffer);
	//Close the cursor's file buffer mapping if one was opened
	CTCursorCloseMappingWithSize(cursor, cursor->contentLength); //overlappedResponse->buf - cursor->file.buffer);

   //Define a cursor which handles the buffers for sending a request and receiving an associated response
   //Each cursor request gets sent with a unique query token id
   CTCursor _httpCursor;
   //Optionally use a memory mapped file for cursor response caching if desired
   CTCursorCreateResponseBuffers(&_httpCursor, filepath);

   //define callbacks for client to process header and receive response
   _httpCursor.headerLengthCallback = httpHeaderLengthCallback;
   _httpCursor.responseCallback = httpResponseClosure;

   //define an HTTP GET request
   char * queryBuffer;
   unsigned long queryStrLength;
   char GET_REQUEST[1024] = "GET /img/textures/wood.png HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: CoreTransport\r\nAccept: 	*/*\r\n\r\n\0";
   queryStrLength = strlen(GET_REQUEST);
   queryBuffer = cursor->requestBuffer;//cursor->file.buffer;
   memcpy(queryBuffer, GET_REQUEST, queryStrLength);
   queryBuffer[queryStrLength] = '\0';  //It is critical for SSL encryption that the emessage be capped with null terminator
   //put the connection on the cursor before sending it off to CT land
   _httpCursor.conn = &_httpConn; 

   //send the cursor's request buffer using CTransport API
   CTCursorSendRequestOnQueue( &_httpCursor, _httpConn.queryCount++);	

Clean up the connection


CXTransport API

   #include <CoreTransport/CXURL.h>
   using namespace CoreTransport;

Create Connection + Cursor Pool (same as CTransport)


Create Socket Queues (same as CTransport)

   CTKernelQueue cq = CTKernelQueueCreate();
   CTKernelQueue tq = CTKernelQueueCreate();
   CTKernelQueue rq = CTKernelQueueCreate();

Create Thread Pool

   CTThread cxThread = CTThreadCreate(&cq, CX_Dequeue_Connect);
   CTThread txThread = CTThreadCreate(&tq, CX_Dequeue_Encrypt_Send);
   CTThread rxThread = CTThreadCreate(&rq, CX_Dequeue_Recv_Decrypt);

Define your target (same as CTransport)

   CTTarget httpTarget =   {0}; =       "";
   httpTarget.port =       443; =     NULL;          //CTransport will look for the certificate in the platform CA trust store
   httpTarget.ssl.method = CTSSL_TLS_1_2; //Optionally specify if TLS encryption is desired and what version
   httpTarget.cq =  	   cq; //If no cx queue is specified [DNS + Connect + TLS Handshake] will occur on the current thread
   httpTarget.tq =  	   tq; //If no tx queue is specified CTransport internal queues will be assigned to the connection for send
   httpTarget.rq =  	   rq; //If no rx queue is specified CTransport internal queues will be assigned to the connection for recv

Connect with Closure

   CXConnection * _httpConn;
   //Define Lambda for the connection callback
   auto _cxURLconnectionClosure = [&](CTError* err, CXConnection* conn)
	if (err->id == CTSuccess && conn) { _httpConn = conn; }
	else {} //process errors	
	return err->id;

   //Use CXTransport CXURL C++ API to connect to our HTTP(S) service
   CXURL.connect(&httpTarget, _cxURLconnectionClosure);

Make a network Request using a Cursor (CXCursor)

   //Create a CXTransport API C++ CXURLRequest
   std::shared_ptr<CXURLRequest> getRequest = CXURL.GET("/img/textures/wood.png");
   //Add some HTTP headers to the CXURLRequest
   getRequest->setValueForHTTPHeaderField("Accept:", "*/*");
   //Define the response callback to return response buffers using CXTransport CXCursor object returned via a Lambda Closure
   auto requestCallback = [&] (CTError * error, std::shared_ptr<CXCursor> &cxCursor)
	printf("Lambda callback response header:  %.*s\n", cxCursor->_cursor.headerLength, cxCursor->_cursor.requestBuffer);  

   //Pass the CXConnection and the lambda to populate the request buffer and asynchronously send it on the CXConnection
   //The lambda will be executed so the code calling the request can interact with the asynchronous response buffers
   getRequest->send(_httpConn, requestCallback);

Clean up the connection

   delete _httpConn;

NSTransport API

   #include <CoreTransport/NSTURL.h>

Create Connection + Cursor Pool (same as CTransport)


Create Socket Queues (same as CTransport)

   CTKernelQueue cq = CTKernelQueueCreate();
   CTKernelQueue tq = CTKernelQueueCreate();
   CTKernelQueue rq = CTKernelQueueCreate();

Create Thread Pool

   CTThread cxThread = CTThreadCreate(&cq, NST_Dequeue_Connect);
   CTThread txThread = CTThreadCreate(&tq, NST_Dequeue_Encrypt_Send);
   CTThread rxThread = CTThreadCreate(&rq, NST_Dequeue_Recv_Decrypt);

Define your target (same as CTransport)

   CTTarget httpTarget =   {0}; =       "";
   httpTarget.port =       443; =     NULL;          //CTransport will look for the certificate in the platform CA trust store
   httpTarget.ssl.method = CTSSL_TLS_1_2; //Optionally specify if TLS encryption is desired and what version
   httpTarget.cq =  	   cq; //If no cx queue is specified [DNS + Connect + TLS Handshake] will occur on the current thread
   httpTarget.tq =  	   tq; //If no tx queue is specified CTransport internal queues will be assigned to the connection for send
   httpTarget.rq =  	   rq; //If no rx queue is specified CTransport internal queues will be assigned to the connection for recv

Connect with Closure

   NSTConnection * _httpConn;
   //Define clang block for the connection callback
   NSTConnectionClosure _nstURLConnectionClosure = ^int(CTError * err, NSTConnection * conn) {
	if (err->id == CTSuccess && conn) { _httpConn = conn; }
	else {} //process errors	
	return err->id;

   //Use NSTransport NSTURL Obj-C API to connect to our HTTP(S) service
   NSTURL.connect(&httpTarget, _nstURLConnectionClosure);

Make a network Request using a Cursor (NSTCursor)

   //Create a NSTransport API Obj-C NSTURLRequest
   NSTURLRequest* getRequest = NSTURL.GET("/img/textures/wood.png");
   //Add some HTTP headers to the NSTURLRequest
   [getRequest setValue:@"*/*" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Accept"];
   //Define the response callback to return response buffers using NSTransport NSTCursor object returned via a Clang Block Closure
   NSTRequestClosure requestCallback = ^void(CTError* error, NSTCursor* nstCursor)
	printf("Block closure response header:  %.*s\n", nstCursor.cursor.headerLength, nstCursor.cursor.requestBuffer);  

   //Pass the NSTConnection and the block to populate the request buffer and asynchronously send it on the CTConnection
   //The block  will be executed so the code calling the request can interact with the asynchronous response buffers
   [getRequest sendOnConnection:_httpConn withCallback:requestCallback];

Clean up the connection

   _httpConn = NULL;


Network Library for Low-Latency Applications






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