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Layout Resources

Abhinav Uppal edited this page Dec 22, 2021 · 1 revision

Fingering a transistor

Shanthi Pavan: Noise in Cascodes, Layout Considerations and Multi-finger Transistors

Magic commands

Cheat sheet of commands used in Brad Minch's tutorial:

Command Description
left click lower left corner
right click upper right corner
b box dimensions macro, can also enter :box
:grid 0.05um 0.05um
:grid turns grid lines off)
:snap user user grid for snapping
:drc style drc(full) check all design rules
z zoom in
shift Z zoom out
ctrl z zoom to box
arrow keys panning
:paint poly
middle click on poly to copy poly onto the selected box area. Or middle-click on poly from the palette.
white dots indicate DRC violations
:drc why DRC violation for box selection
:erase poly also, just erase would erase through all layers
:paint ndiff n diffusion, note that the background (substrate) is p-type
ntran where poly crosses n diffusion
P-tap is just a p contact
:paint ndc n diffusion contact
:paint li local interconnect (on top of contact)
:paint psd p substrate diffusion
:paint psc p substrate contact
s select entire cell (make box coincident with entire cell)
:select area select all geometry inside box/cell
:copy n 30 arguments: compass direction (north) and distance (30 units of 0.5um grid = 1.5um from bottom edge of selected area)
:paint nwell over an n-channel transistor automatically flips the nfet to pfet, then extend the nwell
:move n 1 do a :select area first
. dot key to repeat the action (does this work?)
u undo
:paint pc poly contact
:paint m1 metal1
:paint mcon
s flashing a net / node, can be hit multiple times, can go inside cells (comes up later)
:label A w name, direction. Left and right click in one spot to get a zero height box. Small font size.
:port make yellow A -> blue A
:label VP w m1 also specify layer for the label (and thus the port to follow)
:save inverter
:port remove delete the port in selected box
:erase label delete the label in selected box
Cell > New
:getcell inverter note: must first select a box in the new buffer cell
x reveal contents of the cell (click mouse over the cell)
shift X hide cell contents
Use ports at the top level for simulating, but just labels are ok for LVS (else we get subcircuits)
:extract all extract nmos, pmos, diodes, capacitors, resistors. Could extract parasitics of interconnects etc
:ext2spice hierarchy on
:ext2spice scale off
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