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Exercise 01 - Family tree.

Turn-in directory : ex01
Files to turn in :
Forbidden functions : None
Remarks : n/a

You will have to make a class and its children.

Create a GotCharacter class and initialize it with the following attributes:

  • first_name
  • is_alive (by default is True)

Pick up a GoT House (e.g., Stark, Lannister...). Create a child class that inherits from GotCharacter and define the following attributes:

  • family_name (by default should be the same as the Class)
  • house_words (e.g., the House words for the Stark House is: "Winter is Coming")


class Stark(GotCharacter):
    def __init__(self, first_name=None, is_alive=True):
        super().__init__(first_name=first_name, is_alive=is_alive)
        self.family_name = "Stark"
        self.house_words = "Winter is Coming"

Add two methods to your child class:

  • print_house_words: prints to screen the House words
  • die: changes the value of is_alive to False

Running commands in the Python console, an example of what you should get:

> python
>>> from game import GotCharacter, Stark
>>> arya = Stark("Arya")
>>> print(arya.__dict__)
{'first_name': 'Arya', 'is_alive': True, 'family_name': 'Stark', 'house_words': 'Winter is Coming'}
>>> arya.print_house_words()
Winter is Coming
>>> print(arya.is_alive)
>>> arya.die()
>>> print(arya.is_alive)

You can add any attribute or method you need to your class and format the docstring the way you want to.
Feel free to create other children of GotCharacter.

>>> print(arya.__doc__)
A class representing the Stark family. Or when bad things happen to good people.