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The Dining Philosopher Problem

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. License

About The Project

Subject PDF

This project is about the Dining Philosophers problem, which is a classic synchronization and concurrency problem that illustrates challenges in avoiding deadlock and ensuring the proper use of resources among multiple threads/processes. The challenge is to design a solution that avoids deadlock and ensures that philosophers can make progress without conflicts. There were several restrictions by the subject. The program must not have any data races, only a few standard library functions were allowed and the project must follow the 42 Norm. For more informations check out the Subject PDF.

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Getting Started


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone && cd philosophers
  2. Compile (philo for threads & mutexes/philo_bonus for processes & semaphores)
    cd philo && make
  3. Run
    ./philosophers <number_of_philosophers> <time_to_die> <time_to_eat> <time_to_sleep>

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To run the program a few variables are needed:

  1. number_of_philosophers: The amount of philosophers and also the number of forks.
  2. time_to_die: In milliseconds, If a philosopher doesn’t start eating ’time_to_die’ milliseconds after starting their last meal or the beginning of the simulation, he dies.
  3. time_to_eat: In milliseconds, The time it takes for a philosopher to eat. During that time they will need to keep their forks.
  4. time_to_sleep: In milliseconds, The time the philosopher will spend sleeping.
  5. number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat: If all philosophers eat at least ’number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat’ the simulation will stop. If not specified, the simulation will stop only at the death of a philosopher.

Each action of a philosopher will result in his state being printed with a timestamp and his number.
A philosopher can:
  • grab a fork
  • eat
  • sleep
  • think
  • die

Here is a basic example of a running simulation.

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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