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Infinite Trivia

The trivia that keeps on giving!

How To Build:

System Requirements

Infinite Trivia can be built and run on Linux, OSX, and Windows Systems. The following Operating Systems are confirmed to support Infinite Trivia:

  1. Ubuntu 19
  2. Windows 10
  3. MacOS Catalina 10.15

Program Requirements

The following programs are required to build Infinite Trivia:

  • Python 3.7.x (link)
  • Pip python package manager, should come built in with python 3.7
  • Sqlite3 (install tutorial)

Package Installation

To install the required python packages for Infinite Trivia, navigate to the top-level folder of the project and run the following command: python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt. This will install every package depencency, so it may take a while.

Installing Spacy Language Models

After successfully installing the pre-requisite packages, run the following two commands to download the spacy english language models:

  • python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
  • python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

How To Run

Starting Infinite Trivia

From the top level of the project, navigate to the web_app folder, then run the script with the following command: python3 Note that for pathing to work properly, you must run the infinite_trivia script from within the web_app folder, not from the top level directory or elsewhere.

Playing Infinite Trivia

If Infinite Trivia has successfully launched, you will get a message on the terminal window which displays the IP and port number which it is being hosted on (default: Navigate to the displayed webpage on your browser and start playing!

Currently, Infinite Trivia only supports local hosting. This means that the host browser and the player browsers must be on the same machine. They will all navigate to the IP and port number displayed on the terminal window.

Software Information

Implemented Features

Infinite Trivia currently support local play only. It supports four different game modes. They are:

  • Random (Not for the faint of heart)
  • Category (Pick categorical trivia!)
  • Location (Trivia near your zip code)
  • Fibbage (Players try to make up convincing lies, and get points for fooling their friends!)

Infinite Trivia supports multiple simultaneous games

Known Bugs

  • Using enter to submit an answer sends the player back to the home page and the user be removed from the game
  • Fibbage mode will not notify a user if they got it correct
  • Fibbage mode allows players to select their own lie
  • There is no validation on category and location
  • Category and location are not exhaustive as the trivia is pulled from a database that is not complete
  • Server will hang on certain articles
  • Front end is not consistent
  • Questions still come from quotations


cscapstoneproject-infinitetrivia created by GitHub Classroom







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