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0. Migration Guide from streamlit‐analytics to streamlit‐analytics2

444B edited this page Mar 1, 2024 · 1 revision

This guide is intended for users of streamlit-analytics who wish to migrate to streamlit-analytics2, the enhanced fork that offers additional features and improvements.

Step 1: Installation

First, ensure that streamlit-analytics2 is installed in your environment:

pip install streamlit-analytics2

Optionally, you may want to uninstall the original streamlit-analytics package to avoid confusion, although this is not strictly necessary if you follow the aliasing approach described below:

pip uninstall streamlit-analytics

Step 2: Updating Import Statements

To migrate your code with minimal changes, you can use an alias in your import statement. This allows you to use streamlit-analytics2 as if it were streamlit-analytics:

import streamlit_analytics2 as streamlit_analytics

Replace all instances of import streamlit_analytics with the above line in your codebase.

Step 3: Reviewing Advanced Configurations

If you were using any advanced configurations or features from streamlit-analytics, review the documentation for streamlit-analytics2 to understand any changes or enhancements that may affect your setup.

Step 4: Testing

After making the changes, thoroughly test your Streamlit application to ensure all analytics functionalities work as expected with streamlit-analytics2.

Step 5: Deployment

Once you're satisfied with the testing, deploy your updated application. Monitor the analytics closely for the first few days to catch any issues.

Additional Tips

  • Backward Compatibility: streamlit-analytics2 aims to be backward compatible with streamlit-analytics through aliases. However, new features and improvements are best utilized by referring to the updated documentation.
  • Community Support: If you encounter any issues during the migration, reach out for support on the project's GitHub issues page or streamlit community forums or the projects Discussions page.

Thank you for migrating to streamlit-analytics2! We're excited for you to experience the improvements and new features.