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A little MySQL database to manage users.

Build status GitHub release for GitHub Go Report Card

Getting Started


You need Docker or MySQL installed and check that mytap is a submodule and it is in the project folder. Also you need Go installed with the following dependencies:


If you are using Docker go to the project folder and execute:

~/path_to_the_project$ ./

In this file you can find the configuration of the MySQL server, feel free to modify it. Then execute:

~/path_to_the_project$ ./

This file just sets up the database by default in the Docker machine. If you changed the configuration previously you must change it in this file or specify in the second parameter:

~/path_to_the_project$ ./ '' mysql.ip

Installing dependencies:

~/path_to_the_project$ ./

Once the database is set up and the dependecies installed, build and run the server.go file.

~/path_to_the_project$ go build server.go
~/path_to_the_project$ ./server

Running the tests

To run the tests just execute de initsql script with the -t flag:

~/path_to_the_project$ ./ -t

Like the previous step this tries to execute the tests in the Docker machine. You can change the ip by parameter:

~/path_to_the_project$ ./ -t mysql.ip

To test the server integrated with the database run the tests with -databaseflag:

~/path_to_the_project$ go test ./... -v -database


Once the system is installed you can start it by executing the following commands:

~/path_to_the_project$ go build server.go
~/path_to_the_project$ ./server

API referece

You can find the API reference in the wiki.

Built With

  • MySQL - The database engine.
  • mytap - The test framework.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details