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An automated setup for the C64 Dreams project on Linux.


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An automated setup for the C64 Dreams project on Linux.

Table of Contents


C64 Dreams is a curated collection of Commodore 64 games 🕹️ (and other related stuff).
(Check "YouTube - C64 Dreams - Project Overview" for a more indepth explanation.)

However, C64 Dreams aims to be run on Windows systems; utilizing the LaunchBox GUI as frontend/launcher.
To date, no official Linux build is available. ☹️

What it does

This project will use feh as viewer/frontend/launcher; so the huge C64 Dreams collection can be enjoyed natively on Linux 🐧.

Basic functionality like ...

  • viewing game artwork (covers, screenshots, etc.)
  • sending the game binary to the VICE emulator
  • directly viewing game manuals (with a native application)

... should work.

What it does NOT

  • look as fancy as LaunchBox
  • provide all the features of LaunchBox (scrollable gallery, sorting, filtering, etc.)
  • re-implement all the extra features that come with the customized Windows tools of C64 Dreams
  • work for everyone 🙃

How it works

The Ansible script will automatically ...

  • install all necessary packages on your system (p7zip, feh, vice, ...)
  • download and unpack the original C64 Dreams archive (including hotfixes)
  • call scripts to ...
    • scan the archive and create a metadata file (containing the location of game binaries, manuals, artwork images, etc.)
    • create the actual feh filelist
  • create a run-script that lets you start feh with all necessary parameters
  • create a (GNOME) desktop launcher


  • a Linux distribution with a decent package manager/repository
  • sudo rights on your machine
  • a working Ansible installation
  • (Python3; which should be a dependency of Ansible anyway)


Clone repo

git clone

Execute playbook

cd ansible-c64dreams

(You'll be prompted to enter your sudo-password here; which is necessary to install feh, vice, etc. via your system's package manager. -> BECOME password:)


Start feh

Now change to the just created output directory and finally start feh:

cd output

Keyboard shortcuts

While viewing the game images in feh you can use these keyboard shortcuts to trigger certain "actions":

Key Action Description
ENTER RUN sends the associated game binary to VICE; if there are multiple binaries (e.g. disk images) the first one gets chosen automatically
0 RUN same as ENTER
1 MANUAL opens existing manual files (PDF, CBZ, etc.) using the system's registered viewer application
2 FOLDER opens the game's folder with the native file browser
3 WIKIPEDIA runs a Wikipedia search for this game using the system's web browser

All actions are handled by this Python script:


Contributions (preferably via Pull-Request) are welcome!


Please read the LICENSE file.