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File metadata and controls

134 lines (98 loc) · 3.43 KB


Manage some default behaviours for the web server to manage HTTP request.

  • Apple UniversalLinks: /.well-known/apple-app-site-association path
  • Session activation

On Web Connection


Case of
	: ($handler.handle($1; $2; $3; $4; $5; $6))
		// Managed by default mobile code

		// your web code

End case

Page opening in mobile app

If the page is displayed from mobile app we want to know some context information about it


On this context we could get for instance the entity that open the page


More in WebContext

Apple UniversalLinks

To support Universal Links you could create a apple-app-site-association file inside the database folder WebFolder/.well-known/ but to be compliant with iOS SDK for the moment you must let the web handler do the job by browsing the app inside /MobileApps and produce a default response.


Example of auto generated response to .well-known/apple-app-site-association request.

  "applinks": {
    "apps": [ ],
    "details": [
        "appID": "",
        "paths": [
        "appID": "",
        "paths": [

If only one app

  "applinks": {
    "apps": [ ],
    "details": [
        "appID": "",
        "paths": [

How it work?

manifest.json of each apps are read to find any associatedDomain key (the url of server).

And for each app with this key, we add an entry in the response.

Manage link on desktop or phone without the app

When the client use a browser on a device without the app you must provide some web page instead or it will receive a 404 error with a url of type /mobileapp/*

You could register method using formula do so.


You could produce a page in MyHandleUniversalLinks or use WEB SEND HTTP REDIRECT to redirect to an existing one.

According to the link, environnement and your need you could provide a link to download the mobile app or show an existing web page about your dataclass and/or entity.


Example of code to redirect

  • If there is an entity redirect to a web page that display the entity (ie. the customer, the bug, etc...)
  • Else if there is a dataclass only we redirect to a page that display all the entities of this dataclass
$universalLinks:=$1 // of type MobileAppServer.UniversalLink


Case of
  : ($entity#Null)
		WEB SEND HTTP REDIRECT("https://mywebsite/"+Lowercase($dataClass.getInfo().name)+"/"+Lowercase($dataClass.getInfo().name))
	  $0:=True // Managed by this code, return false if you do not want
	: ($dataClass#Null)
		WEB SEND HTTP REDIRECT("https://mywebsite/"+Lowercase($dataClass.getInfo().name)+"-"+String($entity.ID)+".html")
		$0:=True // Managed by this code, return false if you do not want
    $0:=False // here redirect to download page
End case