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Davide Giuseppe Farella edited this page Mar 13, 2019 · 1 revision

Inherit from

Custom attributes:

  • app:leftCornerRadius

    size in dp
  • app:rightCornerRadius

    size in dp
  • app:leftCornerStyle

    cut or round
  • app:rightCornerStyle

    cut or round
  • app:hideOnScroll

    boolean ( ref to hideBarOnScroll var )
  • app:hideFabOnScroll

    boolean ( ref to hideFabOnScroll var )


  • hideBarOnScroll

    A Boolean for keep track whether the MaterialBottomAppBar need to be hidden when a View is scrolled
  • hideFabOnScroll

    A Boolean for keep track whether the MaterialBottomAppBar.fab need to be hidden when a View is scrolled


  • hide

    Hide the BottomAppBar and the relative FloatingActionButton if withFab is true


    • withFab

      a Boolean representing whether the FloatingActionButton needs to be hidden

      Default is false

      see MaterialBottomAppBar.fab

    • doOnAnimationEnd

      a lambda that will be executed when the animation ends

      Default is empty lambda

      see MaterialBottomAppBar.Behavior.currentAnimator

      see ViewPropertyAnimator.withEndAction

  • show

    Show the BottomAppBar and the relative FloatingActionButton


    • doOnAnimationEnd

      a lambda that will be executed when the animation ends

      Default is empty lambda

      see MaterialBottomAppBar.Behavior.currentAnimator

      see ViewPropertyAnimator.withEndAction

  • hideAndShow

    Call sequentially MaterialBottomAppBar.hide and


    • withFab

      a Boolean representing whether the FloatingActionButton needs to be hidden

      Default is false

      see MaterialBottomAppBar.fab

    • delay

      a Long representing the milliseconds to wait after the hide animation, before start the show animation

      Default is 150

    • doAfterHide

      a lambda that will be executed when the hide animation ends

      Default is empty lambda

      see MaterialBottomAppBar.Behavior.currentAnimator

      see ViewPropertyAnimator.withEndAction

    • doAfterShow

      a lambda that will be executed when the show animation ends

      Default is empty lambda

      see MaterialBottomAppBar.Behavior.currentAnimator

      see ViewPropertyAnimator.withEndAction