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Health check

mchmielarz edited this page Jan 9, 2015 · 7 revisions


It's nice to know that your application is up and running, isn't it? We monitor our microservices via Zabbix that pings to our controllers. If you want to you can do the same by picking this module.

Annotation @EnableHealthCheck imports HealthCheckConfiguration , that are registering the following controllers:

  • PingController that if you send a GET request to /ping it will respond with OK if it's alive,
  • CollaboratorsConnectivityController sending back connection status with other services on every GET request sent to /collaborators
  • MicroserviceConfigurationController providing the content of microservice configuration file used by the service

Get current microservice configuration

User can fetch the current configuration of a microservice sending GET request to the MicroserviceConfigurationController endpoint. The name of the endpoint is set to microservice.json by default however it can be changed using configuration parameter.

Module configuration

If you want to use only this module just add a dependency:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'com.ofg:micro-infra-spring-base:0.6.0'

and enable this feature via annotation:

class MyWebAppConfiguration {
