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A 13kB game by Alberto Congiu for js13kgames 2013


Mirror Delivery is a competitive HTML5 game for 2 players. They use the same machine, but different controls (keyboard vs mouse on desktop or separate button groups on a touch enabled device)

Player 1 interprets Luke, a delivery boy who has to deliver some crates full of mirrors to an old lady (from now on called "Granny").

Player 2 plays the Crow, an animal that enjoys annoying the delivery boys that pass nearby. Unfortunately for him, Granny hates crows. Her shotgun is ready to knock down any bird whose feather color is darker than #1f261c.


  • Chrome 29 (Windows 7, Windows 8 on a Tablet PC, Mac OS X, Android 4)
  • Firefox 23
  • Opera 16
  • Safari 6 (Mac OS X, iOS 6)
  • IE 10



Breaking a mirror brings seven years of bad luck, and you have to deliver a crate full of them (forewarned is forearmed).

Luke can grab crates and carry them across the level. If he falls from too high, the crate breaks. Each crate have a number on it that indicates its weight. The heavier the crate, the slower Luke is when carrying it and the lower is the height from which it breaks if he falls. Crates break also if Luke is hit by animals. Luke can buy up to three candies from the dispensers, and use them to have a speed boost for five seconds. When he eats a candy, crumbs are left on the ground. Granny doesn't tolerate delays, so Luke has a limited time to deliver all the crates.


Crows are strong, but killing a bird is generally not advisable.

The Crow likes to shoot on the head of Luke to make his crate fall and break. It can ready up to three shots, by eating from the food stock in his nest(s). If he finds some delicious candy crumbs left on the ground, it can eat them and instantly have five shots. The Crow has to be careful because he is not the only hunter. The Granny hates him and her shotgun is a real danger. She is very slow at aiming, but doesn't miss a shot. To avoid to attract attention, the Crow can hide inside its nest. It also has to be careful not to fly over roofs or too near to Luke, as he can reach it too! When the Crow is hit, it loses all his shots, and it's stunned for five seconds, in which he can move but cannot eat or shoot.

Black Cat

Black cats. Do I need to say anything else?

If Luke breaks too many crates or the Crow is stunned too many times, a Black Cat will appear. It will start jumping around, and it will hit any of the players that touch it. Moreover, Granny gets scared by the Cat's presence, and she gets faster at aiming as the time passes.


Player 1 (Luke, the delivery boy)

Desktop Mobile Action
Arrows Arrows Move and jump, climb ladders
 Spacebar |     I     |  Grab/release crates, buy candies from dispensers
     E    |     E     |  Eat candy
    Esc   |     X     |  Quit level

Player 2 (The Crow)

Desktop Mobile Action
  Mouse   | Analog Pad |  Move and jump, climb ladders
 Left btn |     S     |  Shoot
Right btn |     A     |  Eat from the nest or the candy crumbs

Edit Mode

Desktop Mobile Action
  Mouse   | Analog Pad |  Move cursor
<- -> arrows| <- -> arrows|  Select element to draw
 Left btn |     S     |  Draw
          |     A     |  Toggle auto-draw when moving
     C    |     C     |  Change the number and value of the crates
     T    |     T     |  Change the time limit
     N    |     N     |  Change the name of the level
    Esc   |     X     |  Quit editing


Desktop Mobile Action
<- -> arrows| <- -> arrows|  Select the level
     E    |     E     |  Edit the level (or create a new one from base level)
     I    |     I     |  Imports a level by entering its JSON
     J    |     A     |  Export the current level in JSON format
     D    |     S     |  Delete current level


I decided to sacrifice cleanliness and OO structure to have instead more features on the game. There are no classes, but instead a lot of function definitions. Since the algorithm used by zip compression tends to optimize repetitive chunks of data, some of the functions are not refactored in order to gain some (preciousss) bytes. This has the disadvantage that the unpacked code is bigger, and the game slower to load. And, obviously, it's a lot more painful to read and understand (sorry).

On the final phases, I was going up and down the limit of 13312 bytes (in a range of ~10bytes!), and sometimes cutting away pieces of code had the result of having a bigger final package.


The only external library that I use is jsfx to dynamically create sounds. I have modified and optimized it for advanced minification.


To minify the code I use Closure Compiler

I use externs for jsfx, otherwise the Compiler would complain that it doesn't find some symbols.


I used TexturePacker to create the texture atlas, then I modified and imported the JSON map to include only the data that I need, plus adding information about animation frames.

To draw mirrored images, like Luke going left, I create during initialization a new canvas in which I draw the mirrored map, and then use this map with also mirrored coordinates.

The game is tile-based, but the map is drawn only once on level load on a dedicated canvas, to improve performance on mobile devices.


I use jsfx library to do all the audio in the game. The single sounds are generated at runtime, including the music notes.

Level Editor

Each level of the game can be edited and shared by exporting and importing their JSON. Cusotm Levels are persisted to the local storage.


I made a test with some server APIs to push your custom Levels on the cloud and share them by appending a hash to the URL, but storing data on files is problematic on some service providers, and using databases requires heavy libraries. I dropped this feature and now I just show the JSON inside a prompt dialog.


On touch enabled devices, I show an overlay with the buttons to control both Luke and the Crow. This works as long as the device has multitouch support.

Code sections

The code is divided into:

  • Constants
  • Helper functions (cross-browser issues, device detection)
  • Variables
  • Game mechanics functions
  • Game loop functions

Each section is organized into smaller parts, each relative to a specific component of the game (graphics, audio, input, etc...)

Game loop

The game loop uses requestAnimationFrame, and is divided in the three phases of input processing, state update and rendering. You can find it at the bottom of the file. The entry point to the entire code is the function start() that is called inside the onload callback of the image file.


To build the package, just run


Mirror Delivery - My entry for js13kgames 2013 competition





