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Bodelschwinger Hof

(Developer: Ana Runje)

Mockup image

Live webpage

Table of Content

  1. Project Goals
    1. User Goals
    2. Site Owner Goals
  2. User Experience
    1. Target Audience
    2. User Requrements and Expectations
    3. User Stories
  3. Design
    1. Design Choices
    2. Colour
    3. Fonts
    4. Structure
    5. Wireframes
  4. Technologies Used
    1. Languages
    2. Frameworks & Tools
  5. Features
  6. Testing
    1. HTML Validation
    2. CSS Validation
    3. Accessibility
    4. Performance
    5. Device testing
    6. Browser compatibility
    7. Testing user stories
  7. Bugs
  8. Deployment
  9. Credits
  10. Acknowledgements

Project Goals

User Goals

  • Finding a restaurant that offers a nice atmosphere and good food.
  • See a full menu with clear pricing.
  • Find information about the restaurant.
  • Find the location of the restaurant

Site Owner Goals

  • Increase in the number of customers.
  • Promote the bussines.
  • Provide a way for new and existing customers to contact the buissnes.
  • Provide essential information about the bussines to customers.

User Experience

Target Audience

  • People looking for a place to dine at
  • People looking to order take away
  • Groups of people looking for a place to carter a event
  • Small to medium wedding parties

User Requrements and Expectations

  • A simple and intuitive navigation system
  • Quickly and easily find relevant information
  • Links and functions that work as expected
  • Good presentation and a visually appealing design regardless of screen size
  • An easy way to contact the bussines
  • Simple content that the user can skim read
  • Accessibility

User Stories

First-time User

  1. As a first time user, I want to know where the restaurant is lokated
  2. As a first time user, I want to know the price range
  3. As a first time user, I want to know more about the restaurant
  4. As a first time user, I want to get a feel of what to expect at the restaurant

Returning User

  1. As a returning user, I want to see the Sunday meal offer
  2. As a returnign user, I want to know the opening times
  3. As a returning user, I want to find a phone number to call for reservation
  4. As a returning user, I want to see the menu
  5. As a returning user, I want to leave some comment, suggestion or message to the staff
  6. As a returning user, I want to find the restaurant on social media
  7. As a returning user, I want to know who is preparing the food
  8. As a returning user, I want to get directions to the restaurant

Site Owner

  1. As the site owner, I want users to find news about upcoming events or changes in opening times
  2. As the site owner, I want users to get to know the restaurant
  3. As the site owner, I want the users to be able to contact us


Design Choices

The webpage was designed with the feeling a customer might get while dining at the restaurant. It is calm, warm and inviting. Some of the imagery on the page has a round shape with a border to resemble food served on a plate.


For the colour sheme warm brown tones were chosen to match the images on the page and also the colour theme of the actual restaurant. To narrow down the colours I used Adobe Color. After deciding on the colour I tested them on WebAIM to make sure the contrast between them was right.

Colour scheme


Pinyon script with cursive as fallback was used for the logo to match the sign outside the restaurant.
Montserrat was used for the body and Roboto for headings. Both fonts are considered dyslexia friendly.


The page is structured in a well know, recognizable, user friendly, and easy to learn way. Upon arriving to the website the user sees a familiar type of navigation bar with the restaurant logo on the left side and the navigation links to the right. The website consists of five separate pages:

  • A homepage with a sections for News and Sunday Meal Offers
  • An about page with the About Us and Meet the Chef
  • A menu page
  • A image gallery with images and video showcasing the general feel of the restaurant
  • A contact page with a contact form, a map and information about the bussines section



Technologies Used


  • HTML
  • CSS

Frameworks & Tools

  • Bootstrap v5.0
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Gitpod
  • Tinypng
  • Paint.NET
  • Balsamiq
  • Google Fonts
  • Adobe Color
  • Font Awsome


The page consists of five pages and fourteen features

Logo and Navigation Bar

  • Featured on all five pages
  • The navbar is fully responsive and changes to a toggler (hamburger menu) on smaller screens and includes links to the Homepage, About page, Menu page, Gallery and Contact us page
  • It allows users to easily navigate the page
  • The link for the page the user is currently on is highlighted

Logo and navbar


  • Introduces the user to the restaurant with a small three picture slide show
  • Options for the user to navigate the slide show via back and forward arrows or indicators at the bottom



  • Allowes the user to see upcoming events or any news about the restaurant
  • User stories covered: 13



  • Allowes users to see what meal-deal is available for the upcoming Sunday
  • User stories covered: 5



  • Featured on all five pages
  • Consists of three seperate sections: contact information, opening times, and social media links
  • User stories covered: 1, 6, 7, 10, 15


About Us

  • Gives a description of the restaurant and its facilities with a image of the front of the building on the right side
  • User stories covered: 3, 14

About Us

Customer reviews

  • Features a few reviews left by the restaurants customers on social media
  • User stories covered: 3


Meet the Chef

  • Features a short bio of the chef with an image of the chef on the left side
  • User stories covered: 11

Meet the Chef


  • Gives an overview of the menu in five sections: starters, main meals, kids meals, dessers, and wine.
  • Each section of the menu is accompanied with an image of one of the items form the menu
  • Features pricing
  • User stories covered: 2, 8


Image Gallery

  • Imagery of the restaurant arranged in a grid
  • User stories covered: 4


Promo Video

  • A YouTube video to promote the restaurant
  • User stories covered: 4


Contact Form

  • A way for user to provide feedback
  • User stories covered: 9, 15

Contact Form


  • Shows the restaurant location on an embeded Google Map
  • User stories covered: 1, 12


Info Box

  • Provides the user with information about the restaurant including addres, phone number, email, and the name of the owner
  • User stories covered: 7, 15

Info Box


HTML Validation

The W3C Markup Validation Service was used to validate the HTML of the website. All pages pass with no errors no warnings to show.


CSS Validation

The W3C Jigsaw CSS Validation Service was used to validate the CSS of the website. When validating the page as a whole, the validator shows some errors linked to Bootstrap v5.0. When validating just my own custom CSS it passes with no errors found and some warnings associated to using root variables.

whole page


The WAVE WebAIM web accessibility evaluation tool was used to ensure the website met high accessibility standards. All pages pass with 0 errors.



Google Lighthouse in Google Chrome Developer Tools was used to test the performance of the website.


Performing tests on various devices

The website was tested on the following devices:

  • Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro (both in pc and tablet mode)
  • Honor 20 pro
  • Xiaomi Redmi Note 7

In addition, the website was tested using Google Chrome Developer Tools Device Toggeling option for all available device options.

Browser compatability

The website was tested on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Egde

Testing user stories

  1. As a first time user, I want to know where the restaurant is lokated
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Map Navigate to the Contact Us page, locate the Google Map Locating a map showing the location of the restaurant Works as expected
Footer - contact information section On any page scroll down to the footer Find the address of the restaurant Works as expected
  1. As a first time user, I want to know the price range
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Menu Navigate to the Menu page See prices on menu page Works as expected
  1. As a first time user, I want to know more about the restaurant
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
About Us Navigate to the About page and locate the About Us section Find description of the restaurant Works as expected
Customer reviews Navigate to the About page, scroll down to What our guests say section Read customer reviews Works as expected
  1. As a first time user, I want to get a feel of what to expect at the restaurant
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Gallery Navigate to the Gallery page Find pictures of the restaurant and food served there Works as expected
Promo video Navigate to the GAlelry page and scroll to the promo video Watch promo video Works as expected
  1. As a returning user, I want to see the Sunday meal offer
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Meal-deal On home page scroll down to the Sunday meal deal section Find the meal-deal for the upcomming Sunday Works as expected
  1. As a returnign user, I want to know the opening times
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Footer - opening times section On any page scroll to the footer See opening times Works as expected
  1. As a returning user, I want to find a phone number to call for reservation
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Footer - contact information section On any page scroll to the footer See phone number Works as expected
Info Box Navigate to Contact Us page and locate the How to find us section See phone number Works as expected
  1. As a returning user, I want to see the menu
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Menu Navigate to the menu page Read the menu Works as expected
  1. As a returning user, I want to leave some comment, suggestion or message to the staff
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Contact Form Navigate to the Contact Us Page and locate the contact form, fill out and submit contact form Data submited via contact form Works as expectd
  1. As a returning user, I want to find the restaurant on social media
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Footer - social media section On any page scroll to the bottom Click on social media links Works as expected
  1. As a returning user, I want to know who is preparing the food
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Meet the Chef Navigate to the About page and scroll down to Meet the Chef section Find brief bio of the Chef Works as expected
  1. As a returning user, I want to get directions to the restaurant
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Map Navigate to the Contact Us page, locate the map and click on directions link See directions to the restaurant on Goole Maps Works as expected
  1. As the site owner, I want users to find news about upcoming events or changes in opening times
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
News Scroll down on home page and locate news section Find latest news Works as expected
  1. As the site owner, I want users to get to know the restaurant
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
About Us Navigate to About page and locate About Us section See relevant information about the restaurant Works as expected
  1. As the site owner, I want the users to be able to contact us
Feature Action Expected Result Actual Result
Contact Form Navigate to the Contact Us Page and locate the contact form, fill out and submit contact form Data submited via contact form Works as expectd
Info Box Navigate to Contact Us page and locate the How to find us section Find the phone number Works as expected
Footer - contact information section On any page scroll down to the footer Find the phone number Works as expected


Bug Fix
Home page link stays highlighted when visiting another page Change active atribute to the correct page
The user can submit a contact form input without a message Add required attribute to message input field
Navbar divides into two rows on xs screen size Add a media query to remove the right margin of the logo in the navbar on xs screen
Email overflows on xs screen size Add a media query that makes the divs spread to 100% width on xs sreens to froce the content onto a seperate line
When viewed on tablets, the contact page has whitespace after the footer Set min-height for body to 100vh


The website was deployed using GitHub Pages by following these steps:

  1. In the GitHub repository navigate to the Settings tab
  2. On the left hand menu select Pages
  3. For the source select Branch: master
  4. After the webpage refreshes automaticaly you will se a ribbon on the top saying: "Your site is published at"

You can for fork the repository by following these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Click on Fork button in upper right hand corner

You can clone the repository by following these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Locate the Code button above the list of files and click it
  3. Select if you prefere to clone using HTTPS, SSH, or Github CLI and click the copy button to copy the URL to your clipboard
  4. Open Git Bash
  5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
  6. Type git clone and paste the URL from the clipboard ($ git clone 7.Press Enter to create your local clone.


Images not referenced below are owned by the developer.


In order of apearance:


In order of apearance:

  • The HTML for the responsive Navbar with toggler was taken from the Bootstrap v5.0 documentation code snippet and combined with their Navbar with Pills
  • Carousel on index page was taken from Bootrap v5.0 documentation code snippet
  • CSS code to avoid whitespace below footer was taken from a forum post on FreeCodeCamp
  • 404 page was build using description on GitHub Docs


I would like to take the opportunity to thank:

  • My mentor Mo Shami for his feedback, advice, guidance and support.
  • My husband Jure Runje for his support, advice, help with testing, and for giving me some kids free time to work on my project.
  • To the lovely people on the Code Institute Slack for providing peer code reviews.
  • My parents who own the restaurant that inspired this website


MS1 project - Restaurant landing page






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