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ftw.subsite provides a Subsite content type for embedding another website within a Plone site. It does this by defining it as navigation root.


For ftw.subsite >= 2.6.0, ImageMagick is required.

Additional functionality provided by ftw.subsite

  • It is possible to define a language on a subsite content, which overrides the default behavior of how Plone deals with languages (PloneLanguageTool). If you define a language on a subsite all content on and in the subsite will be delivered in the chosen language. This functionality is not related to the product LinguaPlone.

    Make sure you have all languages activated you want, for example:

    environment-vars =
        PTS_LANGUAGES de en fr
        zope_i18n_allowed_languages de en fr
  • ftw.subsite has its own language switch viewlet which is based on the Subsite configuration. You can connect two or more subsites with different languages together by referencing each other with the custom reference field on the Subsite.

  • The global language attribute is set according to the subsite language. This overrides the plone negotiator. So if you set a language on a document in a susbite and enable content language negotiator, it will have no effect at all. A document in a plone site will still work as expected.

  • Custom CSS for a Subsite

  • Custom Logo for a Subsite. The logo is registered with a different name subsite.logo. The setup of ftw.subsite hides the default plone logo. You can change this afterwards if you like.


ftw.subsite is compatible with Plone 5.1 and 4.3.

Support for Plone 4.2 has been dropped with the release of ftw.subsite 2.0.0.

Plone 4.1 support has been dropped due to Plonebugs which interfere with our test setup which were fixed in Plone 4.2. The last Version of ftw.subsite to support Plone 4.1 is 1.3.0.

Plone 4.3

Plone 4.3 Dexterity Migration

With ftw.subsite 2.x only the AT based Subsite content is replaced with a Dexterity based Subsite content + ftw.simplelayout default page. Thus the Subsite portlet column, column renderer and the teaser portlet are no longer used and will be removed with ftw.subsite 2.1.0. The ftw.subsite release 2.0.x will provide a inplace migration. Be aware only static text portlets and subsite teaser portlets will be migrated. You need to provide your own migration for other portlets. The subsite_view will be available in ftw.subsite 2.0.x and removed in 2.1.x.

The Archetypes to Dexterity migration has been rewritten in 2.1.1 and uses the inplace migrator introduced in ftw.upgrade 2.0.0. The existing upgrade step has been rewritten in order to run only when not yet migrated. The migrator is configured to not migrate fields which we had on AT but no longer on DX. Instead, those values are backed up in the annotations of the new subsite. For projects which add behaviors to the subsite for those old fields, the values can be gotten from the annotations and re-set after applying the behavior. This is the responsibility of the integration project.

Note about dependency versions on Plone 4.3:

Please make sure you are using suitable versions of and

Currently it's recommend to use:

  • 1.1b5: This is the latest 1.x release. 1.2.x is for Plone 5 and does not work.
  • 1.1.x supports Plone 4.3. Newer releases will require, which also tries to install Plone 5.


  • Add ftw.subsite to your buildout configuration:
eggs +=
  • Install the generic import profile.



This package is copyright by 4teamwork.

ftw.subsite is licensed under GNU General Public License, version 2.