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Releases: 5T33Z0/Thinkpad-T490-Hackintosh-OpenCore

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 1.0.1 v4.0

25 Jun 17:51
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2024-06-25: Fixed Bluetooth in macOS 15.0 Beta 2 (24A5279h)

    • Updated BlueToolFixup → fixes Bluetooth in Sequoia
    • Deleted IntelBTPatcher→ no longer needed/handled by BTFirmware.kext


  • Reset NVRAM before booting!
  • Disable AirportItlwm, enable itlwm and set SecureBootModel to Disabled prior to updating to macOS 14.4 or newer! You can restore the settings afterwards.
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 1.0.1 v3.0

24 Jun 20:33
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2024-06-24: Tweaks for macOS 15.0 Beta 2 (24A5279h)

  • OpenCore
    • Updated OpenCore to 1.0.1 nightly
    • Updated Drivers
    • Kernel/Add
      • AirportItlwm_Sonoma: changed MaxKernel setting to 23.9.9 → loads AirportItlwm_Sonoma in macOS 14.x only
      • Itlwm: changed MinKernel setting to 24.0.0 → loads Itlwm in macOS Sequoia
      • Re-enabled RestrictEVents so system updates work
    • Kernel/Quirks
      • Enabled ThirdPartyDrives Quirk to enable Trim on my SATA M.2 disk. Open System Profiler; look for Trim in the SATA or NVMExpresssection to check the Trim status. If it's Yes already, you don't need this quirk. According to OC documentation, NVME disks don't need it by default.
    • Misc/Security
      • Disabled SecureBootModel, so system updates can be downloaded


  • Reset NVRAM before booting!
  • Disable AirportItlwm, enable itlwm and set SecureBootModel to Disabled prior to updating to macOS 14.4 or newer! You can restore the settings afterwards.
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus

Lenovo T490 Clover r5159

21 Jun 05:31
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2024-06-21: Added Sequoia Support

  • Clover Version: r5159
  • Created new config.plist from scratch
  • Updated Drivers and Kexts
  • Tested successfully with macOS 14.5 and 15.0 (24A5264n)


Lenovo T490 OpenCore 1.0.1 v2.0

16 Jun 05:16
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2024-06-16: macOS 15 Compatibility, new USBMap.kext

I've noticed that Bluetooth was no longer working in macOS 14.5 when using the USBMap.kext. Since BT works fine when injecting ports via ACPI, I recreated the USBMap.kext and also mapped the ports of the Docking Station I have (turns out it has hubs for USB 2 and 3).

Bluetooth doesn't work in macOS Sequia 15.0 Beta (24A5264n) yet but this is because the required kexts haven't been updated by the devs yet.

  • OpenCore
    • Updated OpenCore to 1.0.1 nightly
    • Updated VoodooInput.kext to latest nightly build so the trackpad works
    • Disabled AirportItlmw (incompatible with Sequoia)
    • Enabled Itlwm.kext (use Heliport App to connect to WiFi)
    • Added -lilubetaall boot-arg → required for now to boot macOS 15


  • Reset NVRAM before booting!
  • Disable AirportItlwm, enable itlwm and set SecureBootModel to Disabled prior to updating to macOS 14.4 or newer! You can restore the settings afterwards.
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 1.0.1 v1.0

25 May 05:14
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2024-05-25: macOS 14.5 Compatibility

  • Updated OpenCore to 1.0.1 nightly
  • Updated drivers and kexts
  • Tested successfully with macOS Sonoma 14.5 (23F79)
  • ACPI
    • Added SSDT-EXT3-LedReset-TP.aml to stop the Power LED from pulsing after exiting sleep (only required if YogaSMC is not used)
    • Reverted USB Port Mapping via ACPI due to reported issues
    • Removed AirportItlwm variants for Monterey, Ventura and Sononma ≤ 14.3 to declutter the EFI folder and its size
    • Re-Enabled USBMap.kext for handling USB ports
    • Added -rtsfbeta to load RealtekCardReaderFriend.kext on macOS 12+


  • Disable AirportItlwm.kext, enable itlwm.kext and set SecureBootModel to Disabled prior to updating to macOS 14.4 or newer! You can revert kexts and settings after updating.
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus (for now)

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 0.9.9 v2.0

08 Mar 14:56
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2024-03-08: macOS 14.4 Compatibility

  • Updated OpenCore to 0.9.9 nightly
  • Updated drivers and kexts
  • Tested successfully with macOS Sonoma 14.4 (23E214)
    • Added AirportItlwm_14.4.kext → Required for WiFi to work in macOS 14.4


  • For deployment, follow the instructions on my repo
  • macOS 14.4 requires a clean install via USB on a new APFS volume! Updating from 14.3.1 to 14.4 via System Update crashes the installer early.
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus (for now)

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 0.9.8 v3.0

08 Jan 05:22
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2024-01-08: Fixed ACPI USB Port Map

  • Updated OpenCore to 0.9.8 nightly
  • Updated Drivers and kexts
  • Tested successfully with macOS Monterey to Sonoma 14.3 Beta (23D5043d)
  • ACPI
    • SSDT-PORTS: Corrected port type of SS01 (Thunderbold) to 0x09 (Type C with Switch) → Fixes Audio Device (Output) in Windows not being available some odd reason.
    • Kernel/Add: Disabled the following kexts, to let YogaSmC handle it:
      • CPU Friend + DataProvider
      • SMCProcessor + SMCSuperIO
    • Kernel/Patch:
      • Deleted "8 Apples Glitch fix" since it had no effect
      • Added "PCI bus enumeration fix (Sonoma)" → Fixes internal PCIe devices being displayed as express cards in the menu bar.


  • For deployment, follow the instructions on my repo
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus (for now)

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 0.9.8 v2.0

29 Dec 18:40
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2023-12-29: ACPI USB port mapping v1.0

  • Updated OpenCore to 0.9.8
  • Updated Drivers and kexts
  • Tested successfully with macOS Monterey to Sonoma 14.3 Beta (23D5033f)
  • ACPI
    • Added SSDT-PORTS.aml → Contains SMBIOS-indepndant USB Port Mapping.
    • ACPI/Add: Added SSDT-PORTS.aml → Adds acpi-based USB Port Mapping
    • ACPI/Delete: Added rule to drop OEM USB port mapping table
    • Kernel/Add: Deleted USBMap_MBP152.kext → no longer required


  • For deployment, follow the instructions on my repo
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus (for now)

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 0.9.8 v1.0

23 Dec 09:43
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2023-12-23: Happy Holidays!!!

  • Updated OpenCore to 0.9.8
  • Updated Drivers and kexts
  • Tested successfully with macOS Monterey to Sonoma 14.3 Beta (23D5033f)
    • DeviceProperties
      • Deleted left-over FB patch
      • Switched to Intel HD 630 FB
    • Misc/Security
      • Re-enabled SecureBOotModel (j132)
    • PlatformInfo
      • Disabled CustomMemory


  • For deployment, follow the instructions on my repo
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus (for now)

Lenovo T490 OpenCore 0.9.7 v4.0

09 Dec 19:45
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  • Updated OpenCore to 0.9.7 (commit 6a961f1)
  • Updated Drivers and Kexts
  • Tested successfully with macOS Monterey to Sonoma 14.2 (23C64)
    • DeviceProperties
      • Added EDID (Key AAPL00,override-no-connect) → Allows more resolutions
    • Kernel/Quirks
      • Disabled AppleXcpmCfgLock → Not required. The system boots without it.
    • Misc/Boot
      • Changed HibernateMode from Auto to NVRAM
      • Enabled HibernateSkipsPicker → Skips Boot Picker when exiting Hibernation for a more seamless wake.


  • For deployment, follow the instructions on my repo
  • Don't update the following Kexts:
    • AppleALC
    • itlwm
    • IntelBluetoothFirmware
    • VooodooSMBus (for now)