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Wordpress Subpath Auditor is a home made tool one can use in order to quickly detect common sources and sinks within a choosen subpath (plugin, theme, etc). It works by patching php code (functions epilogue) in order to leak the code and parameters that a pré/post auth user can access.




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Wordpress Subpath Auditor

Wordpress Subpath Auditor is a home made tool one can use in order to quickly detect common sources and sinks within a choosen subpath (plugin, theme, etc).
It works by patching php code (functions epilogue) in order to leak the code and parameters that a pré/post auth user can access.


# Add lokal as your localhost hostname
# Some browser doesn't like catching localhost traffic..
sudo echo " lokal" >> /etc/hosts

# Install docker and docker-compose
sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] disco stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli
sudo curl -L "" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install virtualenv git python3

# First time setup
virtualenv -p python3 .py3
source .py3/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Use WoSuAu

# Start the wordpress docker with our files
sudo rm -rf html
git clone html
cp docker-compose.yml html
sudo chmod -R 777 html
sudo docker-compose -f html/docker-compose.yml up

# Fix the files
cat >> html/wp-config.php << EOF
define('FS_METHOD', 'direct');

# Prepare for backups!
# Visit http://lokal:8000/ and setup root:root
# Install your plugins and activate them
pushd html && git add . && git commit -m "WoSuAu_init" && popd

# Or restore files if the plugin_auditor crashed
pushd html && git checkout . && popd

# Run WoSuAu (assuming docker-compose is up)
source .py3/bin/activate
python -u http://lokal:8000/ -s html/wp-content/plugins

Use Direct Code Access

Find out if a file contains direct executable php code.

source .py3/bin/activate
python -s html/wp-content/plugins

HTTP logger (initial POC)

The initial POC was using dirty bash and exec/curl in order to leah the logs via HTTP requests

# Simple netcat listener, this wa missing requests as it's single threaded
while true; do nc -q 0 -lvp 8888 2>&1 <<< "ok" | grep --color=never GET | cut -d" " -f 2 | cut -c 3- | base64 -d && echo ; done

# Simple listener server, multi threaded but limited as it's NOT the intended purpose of http.server
python3 -m http.server 8888  | grep GET
// Php HTTP exfiltrator uning exec and curl
exec("curl http://listener:8888/?" . base64_encode("get=" . json_encode($_GET)));


  • Move "contains" to regex, like for backticks or "fct_name"(fct_params))
  • Improve speed (limitation with logs.txt LOCK)


The crawler is GET-only

Yup, I don't want to code one from scratch in this tool, use Burp, Archni, ...
Tips : Burp in authentified crawl + audit mode, plus extension logger++ makes it easy to replay requests for a given url

How can I proxy WoSuAu in burp ?

HTTP_PROXY= python -u http://lokal:8000/ -s html

There is no output format in the options

Yeah, just go for python URL | tee output.txt and you'll be fine.

I want to replay the request that reached a specific path

BurpSuite -> Extender -> logger++ -> search by URL -> SendToRepeater


Wordpress Subpath Auditor is a home made tool one can use in order to quickly detect common sources and sinks within a choosen subpath (plugin, theme, etc). It works by patching php code (functions epilogue) in order to leak the code and parameters that a pré/post auth user can access.







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  • Python 100.0%